PantherLotus said:and they all apply
And are all less apt than cognitive dissonance. The desire to dumb down GAF continues.
PantherLotus said:and they all apply
Pretty fucking shameless..King_Slender said:Has anyone posted this up:
The DNC Chairman making light of Gustav interrupting the RNC Convention - classy.
good point so they are fucked if they do and they are fucked if they don't is the way I am seeing itlaserbeam said:They would be eaten alive if they did business as usual . The Democrats would be like see they are out of touch etc etc. While the nations damaged areas try to recover they are partying etc
Door2Dawn said:Pretty fucking shameless..
Door2Dawn said:There is no way in hell McCain would skip out on his own convention.
Smiles and Cries said:good point so they are fucked if they do and they are fucked if they don't is the way I am seeing it
such a bad timing for a major hurricane
laserbeam said:As Gustav finally hits land and starts to diminish then Hannah will be closing in on Florida more than likely. Its just a rough next week and a half or so for the gulf region
McCain was scheduled to deliver his acceptance speech Thursday but now may do so from the devastation zone if the storm hits the U.S. coast with the ferocity feared by forecasters.
v1cious said:
screw the experience argument, this is how they need to go after Palin. she's a far right religious extremist that hates gays.
"Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information....Healthy debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides."
sp0rsk said:That's EX-DNC chairman.
King_Slender said:To boot, they will see how a Republican governor in Jindal handles his shit, unlike the joke which was the Blanco and Nagin show.
sp0rsk said:That's EX-DNC chairman.
King_Slender said:LOL - as if Ken Melman had said something similar the Dems wouldn't be all over it.
UltimaKilo said:Yep, but you know... If it was Karl Rove that said something like this, people would be asking for his head.
UltimaKilo said:Yep, but you know... If it was Karl Rove that said something like this, people would be asking for his head.
Doubt it, because the public doesn't know who the fuck either of them is.King_Slender said:LOL - as if Ken Melman had said something similar the Dems wouldn't be all over it.
maximum360 said:
Tamanon said:Well, Karl Rove is a bit more of a public figure than the chairman of the DNC from over 10 years ago. Besides, most people want Karl Rove's head for legit crimes, not an asinine comment![]()
UltimaKilo said:Here is a question:
Is this Jindal's time to show he is the future of the Republican party?
UltimaKilo said:Here is a question:
Is this Jindal's time to show he is the future of the Republican party?
Jak140 said:Doubt it, because the public doesn't know who the fuck either of them is.
UltimaKilo said:Oh I'm sure the dems would have made sure to make them known...
Ask for his head then.UltimaKilo said:Fine, let's say it was ex RNC chairman Ed Gillespie or any other Republican. They would be asking for his head.
Born in Baton RougeDoor2Dawn said:Is Bobby Jindal even able to run for president?
Low profile politicians rarely get attention for offensive, but relatively small gaffes like this. Regardless, you can be sure that both sides would make a big deal if an opponent made one while running for office. Kind of ridiculous to single out one side for this.UltimaKilo said:Oh I'm sure the dems would have made sure to make them known...
UltimaKilo said:Here is a question:
Is this Jindal's time to show he is the future of the Republican party?
King_Slender said:The day after the announcement, Zogby has it:
McCain/Palin: 47%
Obama/Biden: 45%
King_Slender said:The day after the announcement, Zogby has it:
McCain/Palin: 47%
Obama/Biden: 45%
snapTamanon said:Woo! Obama gained some ground! Awesome!
Zogby had Obama down 5 last week
King_Slender said:The day after the announcement, Zogby has it:
McCain/Palin: 47%
Obama/Biden: 45%
Tamanon said:I think this is actually one of the things that has the possibility of vaulting him up for a 2012 run, but it also has the possibility of killing his future too.
Kilo: Again, people would be going, "who?" Fowler's just a random schmo now, coasting on his riches and remaining minor influence.
King_Slender said:The day after the announcement, Zogby has it:
McCain/Palin: 47%
Obama/Biden: 45%
Jindal's age certainly played a part in his remaining low key. He is only 37quadriplegicjon said:no way. he should stay relatively obscured at this time.. just in case mccain crash and burns.. pop up later.
UltimaKilo said:I mean, how good of a Presidential candidate would he make? He seems too nice and soft spoken to compete on a national stage, I could be wrong.
On Fowler, yeah he is not very well known and I personally don't think it's a big deal. But I still feel like the public would tear Gillespie a new ass if he said something like this. For instance: when that story on McCain came out on his alleged affair, people on GAF were raging, the NYT later reported for lack of sources and bad reporting. But when the story broke on Edwards, and I posted on it, all I got was a "lol c'mon, nobody believed that." The nation was very much the same and the outrage was very small.
The reason I posted it is because I'm an ex Edwards supporter who was really disappointed.
Karma Kramer said:Just answer me this... has today been a good day or bad day for Obama?
Thunder Monkey said:Ask for his head then.
Damn. You don't see anyone arguing with you about this. Low and sick statement. Given this administrations history with contractors, a lot of people could die if Gustav doesn't break.
To make light of it is low. The man's no friend of mine.
sp0rsk said:That's EX-DNC chairman.