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So will the GOP get a huge bounce with the people's focus on the hurricane?
thekad said:"Really!?" - Scheiffer
bishoptl said:oh I'll hold you to that![]()
mckmas8808 said:So will the GOP get a huge bounce with the people's focus on the hurricane?
oh I'll hold you to that tooKing_Slender said:What I'm saying is, you won't hear it from Palin like you did from Hillary.
King_Slender said:What I'm saying is, you won't hear it from Palin like you did from Hillary.
King_Slender said:How is the fact that McCain was a POW playing up the victim card? Nobody is attacking him for being a POW :lol
King_Slender said:What I'm saying is, you won't hear it from Palin like you did from Hillary.
bishoptl said:oh I'll hold you to that too
You done moving the goalposts, or are you ready to take a stand?
VanMardigan said:You shouldn't even have to explain. The Obamites make plenty of bold statements and I don't see ban threats like you just got and branduil got. What the hell?
Why not put a tag on Mcmass or whatever his name is stating that if Biden doesn't "destroy" Palin, then call bishop?
King_Slender said:Palin doesn't cry and I get mod powers? Put up or move along.
maximum360 said:Vice in Go-Go boots:
Its easy to see where this movie is going. It begins, of course, with a cute, cool unknown from Alaska who has never even been on Meet the Press triumphing over a cute, cool unknowable from Hawaii who has been on Meet the Press a lot.
Instead, they embrace 72-year-old John McCain and 44-year-old Sarah Palin, whose average age is 58, a mere two years older than the average age of the Obama-Biden ticket. Enthusiastic Republicans dont see the choice of Palin as affirmative action, despite her thin résumé and gaping absence of foreign policy knowledge, because they expect Republicans to put an underqualified babe, as Rush Limbaugh calls her, on the ticket.
t,The legacy of Geraldine Ferraro was supposed to be that no one would ever go on a blind date with history again. But that crazy maverick and gambler McCain does i
(Why do men only pick women as running mates when they need a Hail Mary pass? Its a little insulting.)
Sarah is a zealot, but shes a fun zealot. She has a beehive and sexy shoes, and the day shes named she goes shopping with McCain in Ohio for a cheerleader outfit for her daughter.
bishoptl said:Who's threatening to ban him? I just said I'd hold him to his statement. Nothing he's said warrants a ban - wry chuckles, outright laughter at times, but certainly not a ban.
The historical data make's McCain's pre-convention spin that much funnier.ryutaro's mama said::lol :lol :lol @ 10-13% pulled outta my ass percentages.
We believe Obama will see a significant bump, and believe it is reasonable to expect nearly a 15-point bounce out of a convention in this political environment.
See? Like that.King_Slender said:Palin doesn't cry and I get mod powers? Put up or move along.
VanMardigan said:What's your currency bish? Wry chuckles? Yeah, I'm sure that's what we all were thinking. And like I said, ami threatened someone before on something just as stupid, and he certainly meant ban, so it's frustrating.
Tamanon said:VanMardigan
has calmed down a bit.
UltimaKilo said:Hey do you guys remember a poster who had an avatar with Bush pointing into the distance, but the photograph was from a low angle so the illusion was that he was pointing at a ball of light (the sun)? The caption read "you make me smile, so I'll kill you last tinkerbell", I'm trying to find that avatar everywhere but can't!![]()
bishoptl said:I usually just smack people with the stick and move on.
See? Like that.
Tamanon said:
I found it through this strange google search for Bush Tinkerbell![]()
VanMardigan said:Would there be any political benefit to the RNC happening a week or two later? I noticed that the dems (and I think the Republicans?) pushed their conventions back, but I don't know if it's because it's better to have it later. And if so, how long before we have conventions the week of the elections? /sarcasmbutnotreally
For the purposes of getting McCain's name and Palin's name on the ballot, the convention must take place this week; lots of ballot deadlines hit very soon.
VanMardigan said:Would there be any political benefit to the RNC happening a week or two later? I noticed that the dems (and I think the Republicans?) pushed their conventions back, but I don't know if it's because it's better to have it later. And if so, how long before we have conventions the week of the elections? /sarcasmbutnotreally
VanMardigan said:All right, could they put the names on the ballot and then make the RNC just a formality/celebratory thing (which I thought it was anyway)?
looks more like chin.UltimaKilo said:Holy shit, Obama has kissed her twice on the lips! I tried to find the picture that they showed on Bill Maher but found this one instead:
Deus Ex Machina said:Obama on Biden and Palin -- 60 Minutes
He makes great points about what is needed in a VP and doesn't come out and slam Palin, but the implication is clear. How is Palin going to advise and be of help to McCain in that position? From what I've seen, she has expressed no opinion on most of the important issues of the day, and the ones she has voiced are to the right of McCain. What advice does she have to offer?
Republicans come with judgment and experience built-in though.mckmas8808 said:And compare that to Obama who articulated his thoughts and beliefs on Iraq in 2002.
He explains why he was against us going to war before we even went. Does Palin have this level of knowledge that Obama had 6 years ago?
Not really it would give Obama that much more of a head start.
Does Palin have this level of knowledge that Obama had 6 years ago?
Deus Ex Machina said:Obama on Biden and Palin -- 60 Minutes
He makes great points about what is needed in a VP and doesn't come out and slam Palin, but the implication is clear. How is Palin going to advise and be of help to McCain in that position? From what I've seen, she has expressed no opinion on most of the important issues of the day, and the ones she has voiced are to the right of McCain. What advice does she have to offer?
VanMardigan said:Well, what I was thinking is get the delegate votes out the way this week, do some sort of Gustav-related gathering (like that telethon thing reilo's link talked about), and then do the festivities part (with all the speakers and confetti etc.) a week or two from now.
Tamanon said:The whole way Obama has framed the vice presidential choice has made Palin less palatable, even before she was picked. Basically he's framed it that Biden is his partner in government, not an underling, not somebody who has no input or impact on government.
I can't remember who it was, but someone here said Obama picked someone to help him govern, while McCain picked someone to help him get elected. I thought that really nailed the essence of their respective decision making processes.AniHawk said:Agreed. Someone here said that Obama/Biden is more like a team. And it really feels like that (more than Clinton/Gore). So McCain/Palin looks like a really bad team.
At this point, I think it's more of karma that the GOP has accumulated all this time.Ignatz Mouse said:The Gustav thing really is unfair to the GOP. Katrina was a failing of the Bush government's organization, not its policies, and there's no reason to think McCain would have the same problem.
I'm firmly anti-McCain, but I really hope this isn't somehting used against him, if only because I like truth and reason more than the "anything to win" mode this election has been in.
GhaleonEB said:I can't remember who it was, but someone here said Obama picked someone to help him govern, while McCain picked someone to help him get elected. I thought that really nailed the essence of their respective decision making processes.
Agent Icebeezy said:Obama picked someone that would make him a better president
McCain picked someone that would make him a better candidate
Ignatz Mouse said:The Gustav thing really is unfair to the GOP. Katrina was a failing of the Bush government's organization, not its policies, and there's no reason to think McCain would have the same problem.
UltimaKilo said:I know this may sound cynical and a long shot, but what if President Bush (now that he is making one final push to get Bin-Laden) has a press conference on October 20th and announces: "Osama Bin Laden has been captured/killed"?