Rawk Hawk said:Forward looking to the future, isn't attacking John McCain's age going effectively hurt other nominee's chances for the Dem's later on?
What if Obama and Biden go back to back, can Biden run for Pres after? Can any Dem over 72 now every run for Pres?
72 is old, but lots of people live long lives, healthy or unhealthy at times.
I think I just find it can of rude and down right mean to talk as if McCain has basically 4 mroe days to live. A lot fo the feed back on Palin seems to start with something like "So when John McCain dies..." It's made out to be a given that in 4 years McCain is a goner, think about it 76? Does anyone even live that long anymore? I have 4 great aunts in the 90's and all my grandparents in their 80's (from 83-88), but I think they call skipped their 70's so that's how they tricked old father time.
And just before I get quoted with comments on Cancer, I (and you) know lots of people who have beaten cancer, although some close to me I know haven't, regardless of health issues I think John McCain has a more than 50% (I'd argue more like 80-90%) chance of making it to 76.
All of that may be true, but as they say, the only cure for political ambition is embalming fluid. I don't think McCain would quit after one term, although one could argue 4 years as being VP has made Palin more ready to lead should something happen.
And the fact remains, even at 80%, that's a 1 in 5 chance something does happen to him and she becomes president. I'd say the chance of the average candidate living through his term is close to 95-98%. So he's probably below the bell curve on this one.