The Librarian
:lol Jesus Christ.omg rite said:McCain's taped video, talking about the hurricane, made me cringe.
"Take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats."
:lol Jesus Christ.omg rite said:McCain's taped video, talking about the hurricane, made me cringe.
"Take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats."
The Palin pick took everyone by surprise, but Democrats in general and the Obama camp in particular have a real advantage this cycle: A massive, distributed opposition research network composed of thousands of supporters around the country and in Alaska.
Reporters were immediately deluged with e-mail on everything from the doubts about Palin's opposition to the "Bridge to Nowhere" to the sort of stuff that, unproven, doesn't belong in print.
The upside of this is that the elements of Palin's record that are available online have been scoured with a speed that would otherwise have been unthinkable. And the Obama campaign can legitimately deny that it's the source of much of the oppo.
But there's potential for backlash. The McCain campaign which has been searching, in vain, for months for opportunities to claim a victimhood equivalent to that imposed on Obama by viral e-mails now has its own smear campaign to protest, and to beat back.
Indeed, the similarities between one set of attacks on Palin and on Obama are striking: They're demanding to see a birth certificate, and basing theories on arguments about what's available online, rather than supplementing that with offline research and interviews.
It's striking and no doubt comp lit papers will be written on this in the future the similarities between the theories that go viral, and the degree to which they seem to be thrown primarily to black and female candidates. Contrast the sheer volume of online conspiracy theorizing about Obama, Clinton, and (already) Palin to the relative absence of such theories about McCain and John Edwards, whose scandal was left to the old print tabloids to unearth.
Reuters: "The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.
Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.
Bristol Palin made the decision on her own to keep the baby, McCain aides said. 'We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us,' the Palins' statement said. 'Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support,' the Palins said."
omg rite said:McCain's taped video, talking about the hurricane, made me cringe.
"Take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats."
omg rite said:McCain's taped video, talking about the hurricane, made me cringe.
"Take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats."
Stoney Mason said:Is it simply a women having a job or a good job or a political job?
syllogism said:
syllogism said:
Mother nature is going to give McCain a bigger bump than the convention probably would have. :\omg rite said:McCain's taped video, talking about the hurricane, made me cringe.
"Take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats."
Stoney Mason said:you gotta be fucking me. The family values party.
lessee just off the top of my head:JayDubya said:Explain?
GhaleonEB said:
Didn't see it mentioned. Howard Wolfson is an Obama convert. It's a surprisingly honest piece.
Oh shit!syllogism said:
Gaborn said:It's her mother's fault that she got pregnant. Wait... what?
Hitokage said:Well, there goes being pro-contraception...
Yeah... and it won't cost em votes either.Stoney Mason said:you gotta be fucking me. The family values party.
Stoney Mason said:That never stopped that party from demon-izing the dumbest shit in the world whether it be Murphy Brown or the whole abstinence only education.
beermonkey@tehbias said:Your kids getting knocked up is what happens when you are an absentee mom who chooses career over staying at home to raise the family.
Gaborn said:How so? Being in favor of contraception doesn't mean you always use it, or that if you use it you use it correctly (aren't like 20% of condoms used incorrectly even though when used correctly they're like 97% effective?)
Stoney - That's true but it doesn't excuse other sensible people from stooping to the same level as the crazies on the right (or left)
A woman raises a daughter with "family values" said daughter gets pregnant and everyone's like "Don't judge! You can't judge!"Gaborn said:It's her mother's fault that she got pregnant. Wait... what?
Yeah, that statement assumes a lot, but usually in a household where contraception is promoted instead of merely abstinence you'd see less of this.Gaborn said:How so? Being in favor of contraception doesn't mean you always use it, or that if you use it you use it correctly (aren't like 20% of condoms used incorrectly even though when used correctly they're like 97% effective?)
Uh, no.beermonkey@tehbias said:Your kids getting knocked up is what happens when you are an absentee mom who chooses career over staying at home to raise the family.
Gaborn said:I think Obama should run on this platform. I'm sure it'd go over wonderfully.
Hitokage said:Uh, no.
:O :O :Osyllogism said:
was just going to say thisFrank the Great said:Since when does being a woman make you a feminist?
Hitokage said:Yeah, that statement assumes a lot, but usually in a household where contraception is promoted instead of merely abstinence you'd see less of this.
ok, this is kinda bullshit reasoning and more than a little sexistbeermonkey@tehbias said:Your kids getting knocked up is what happens when you are an absentee mom who chooses career over staying at home to raise the family.
Sorry, I don't see you post much and what you said is exactly what others would be entirely serious in saying.beermonkey@tehbias said:Dude, I was being sarcastic.
Absolutely not. There were people in this thread promoting unsubstantiated smears and they deserve to stay banned for their original term.Link648099 said:looks like some unbannings, if GAF even does that, will need to occur since she actually is pregnant :lol
FoneBone said:ok, this is kinda bullshit reasoning and more than a little sexist
ratcliffja said:I... I can't believe that the FAKE rumors ended up being nearly true for entirely different reasons. That's just insane.
beermonkey@tehbias said:Your kids getting knocked up is what happens when you are an absentee mom who chooses career over staying at home to raise the family.
Muslim got his own daughter pregnant. Film at eleven!beermonkey@tehbias said:Now, what do you think the republicans would be saying if Barack had a female VP with a 17-year old pregnant daughter?
beermonkey@tehbias said:For fucks sake I was being sarcastic/ironic.
beermonkey@tehbias said:Your kids getting knocked up is what happens when you are an absentee mom who chooses career over staying at home to raise the family.
:lol holy shitsyllogism said:
CharlieDigital said:Or you don't encourage comprehensive sex-ed, including education on the proper usage of contraceptives.
Abstinence only is the see no evil, hear no evil, and hope-that-they-do-no-evil approach to preventing teen pregnancies...
So ironic.
Jenga said::lol :lol
Palin is the best VP choice ever