As much as a loathe ha I cant deny that Gaga is a good album away to become a Legend.
You're actuallyat #11 behind nasser. You can just click on the replies on the OT page to see how many each have.I was banned for a month, fucking VITA gaf. Even so I bet I'm no where near the top 10.
page 400 sisWhen can we get to the next OT already~
You're actuallyat #11 behind nasser. You can just click on the replies on the OT page to see how many each have.
A thread that saw the release of Adele, Rihanna and BEYONCE.
whew, just like Kiss It Better I am not in the t10
The relief.
Tinashe was supposed to deliver her album around this time but she got label issues =(
Every time I think about the state of her career it makes me sad. I think she should scrap everything from the album and start fresh tbh.
lol noLets be honest we heard the album of the year for the Grammys this coming year in this OT.
The Lemonade project was announced around 1 week before the drop. It was announced as an HBO special thingy.
Turned out to be her new visual album. The album dropped during the special.
Honeymoon is amazing
- Fifth Harmony getting their redemption from "Whew" status and making an impacT in music.
For a perfectionist who controls her image meticulously, Beyoncé is obsessed with the notion of realness. Thats the biggest selling point of an album like Lemonade, but theres a quality to it that also invites skepticism: That desire to basically art-direct your own sobbing self-portrait to make sure your mascara smears in the most perfectly disheveled way. But who cares what's "real" when the music delivers a truth you can use.
I think Love Drought is the tipping point that puts Lemonade above Self-Titled for me.
Every time I listen to that track, something new and unexpected shakes my senses. Transcendent.
This album to all our faves:
I wish the album had the same spoken-word and music-box interludes as the visual album.