Aguilera + Gaga love!
Is there any "uncensored" version around? This song isn't on iTunes, right? =[
So amazing!
Aguilera + Gaga love!
Is there any "uncensored" version around? This song isn't on iTunes, right? =[
So amazing!
I burned through this album really quickly on release and put it down for a bit, but now I'm finding myself returning to it daily. Dem hooks are in my mind.
Any one else finding it in heavy rotation still?
Wow, Christina is looking fit. When did that happen?
I burned through this album really quickly on release and put it down for a bit, but now I'm finding myself returning to it daily. Dem hooks are in my mind.
Any one else finding it in heavy rotation still?
Where the effing eff is the music video for Do What U Want? Is she really not making one? Making me mad here....
Where the effing eff is the music video for Do What U Want? Is she really not making one? Making me mad here....
you cannot critic her unless you yourself make music videos
crazy how we never got a video from Do What U Want. I guess it got shelved permanently.
Australian Tour Dates:
August 20 Perth Arena, Perth
August 23 Rod Laver Arena, Melbroune
August 26 Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Brisbane
August 30 Allphones arena, Sydney
The SXSW stuff was a big turn off for me. I've been a fan of hers since the beginning, and I've listened to ArtPop nearly every day since release (I really like it), but her attention-whoring crossed a line.
She's very talented, but as of now I want to see her fall, flounder for a bit, and learn to take a different route with her performances.
The SXSW stuff was a big turn off for me. I've been a fan of hers since the beginning, and I've listened to ArtPop nearly every day since release (I really like it), but her attention-whoring crossed a line.
She's very talented, but as of now I want to see her fall, flounder for a bit, and learn to take a different route with her performances.
Went from queen to flop in no time
She's basically said she would rather fail than be unhappy doing something she doesn't want to.
While true, it should have happened to Beyoncé instead.
I'd much rather she flop and be happy than push herself in a direction she doesn't want to go in.
That being said, she hasn't seemed particularly happy much recently
This pretty much. For all the talk about having the "right" people around, Gaga has never seemed more miserable, more angry. That's what I take away from the set last night, the anger. Cursing at her fans, cursing at the industry, the violent nature of it all. Gaga is not in a good place mentally or emotionally, and it's fucking palpable.
Maybe I'm biased because they were my favorite albums, and maybe she's just damn good at pretending, but Gaga seemed to be in a MUCH better place in her debut and TFM eras. She looked good, the music was catchy and line, she had a fun energy in interviews that was infectious because it seemed so genuine.
If you hear her tell the story, those were the "fake" years, but from where I'm sitting maybe she could learn something from them. Ever since Born This Way everything she does gets more and more sloppy, more dark and violent, more labored. And if anything it seems to be weighing her down more than servicing some greater point that anyone gives a shit about.
This pretty much. For all the talk about having the "right" people around, Gaga has never seemed more miserable, more angry. That's what I take away from the set last night, the anger. Cursing at her fans, cursing at the industry, the violent nature of it all. Gaga is not in a good place mentally or emotionally, and it's fucking palpable.
Maybe I'm biased because they were my favorite albums, and maybe she's just damn good at pretending, but Gaga seemed to be in a MUCH better place in her debut and TFM eras. She looked good, the music was catchy and line, she had a fun energy in interviews that was infectious because it seemed so genuine.
If you hear her tell the story, those were the "fake" years, but from where I'm sitting maybe she could learn something from them. Ever since Born This Way everything she does gets more and more sloppy, more dark and violent, more labored. And if anything it seems to be weighing her down more than servicing some greater point that anyone gives a shit about.
Lol girl no
Her interviews have always been painful and awkward up until the ARTPOP era; the music has more specific references than before but it's always been catchy, and still is. She started out doing what she wanted and she still is.
The only thing that's different is that your tastes are different from hers now. She evolved and you didn't. And that's the only bottom line.
Excuse you sis?
Gaga has been pushing the same grungey, latex, underwear haven't-showered-in-a-week presence since the second half of The Fame Monster. Her whole problem is she's not evolving. She's having a meltdown.
I'm not expecting Gaga to regurgitate The Fame until the end of time, but it's hard NOT to be disappointed in her these days. The energy, the presence, the showmanship she captured back then is so clearly gone. More than just the vomit, that entire set was uncomfortable to watch. Forgetting the lyrics, not singing half of the songs, vocals on E, screaming at her was a train wreck. And it's sad, because you well know I actually REALLY LIKE ARTPOP as an album.
And by the way, Gaga's early interviews are more flawless than anything she's done in the last few years. She's just gross.
I'm not expecting Gaga to regurgitate The Fame until the end of time, but it's hard NOT to be disappointed in her these days. The energy, the presence, the showmanship she captured back then is so clearly gone..