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Porn has damanged an entire generation


Biggest Trails Stan


The whole series of "Dirty Debutantes" alone (there are probably over 1000 sequels and spinoff sequels to that - not even joking) has more depictions of naked women and more sexual acts and more detailed views of sex than what there ever used to be in paintings and books back in the day. And that's only maybe 0,0000001% of all porn that has been done in the past 50 years.



The solution is to legalize prostitution.

1990s, early 2000s. A friend told me.


Although, I would say there is some really good porn out there now. But the way to search is not by categories, but rather create your own list of preferred pornstars.
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Just be glad that we're not paying for this in a greedy corporate world. It could have been a lot worse. I stagger when I think of the multiverse and how masturbation is being conducted thereabout.
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