And yes Gravity Rush 2 is going to bomb hard and no one is going to play it. I say that as a huge fan of the first. What else do you expect for a sequel to a Vita game?
What do you expect that the developers expect?
And yes Gravity Rush 2 is going to bomb hard and no one is going to play it. I say that as a huge fan of the first. What else do you expect for a sequel to a Vita game?
I'm just gonna link you to solid's post:
What do you expect that the developers expect?
It's 4.30 am right here but I don't know why I'm so angry nowTangentially related:
Tangentially related:
The guy isn't too bright when it comes to politics.
At this point I highly doubt they even going to play and finish Persona 5 when it comes out. It doesn't look that they have it in them to play 50+ hours games anymore.
I just chuckle whenever either of them talks about being hyped about Persona. They're not going to get anywhere near beating that game. Colin will play 2 hours and say it didn't get its hooks into him and Greg will play like 5 hours and say something like "I'll get back to it" and then never play it again.
Yeah, I think I'm done with KF. Dude had zero tact to begin with and just has gotten worse feeding into his persecution complex.
Tangentially related:
I just chuckle whenever either of them talks about being hyped about Persona. They're not going to get anywhere near beating that game. Colin will play 2 hours and say it didn't get its hooks into him and Greg will play like 5 hours and say something like "I'll get back to it" and then never play it again.
I can't help but find the thought of this funny...
I think Greg will play it thoroughly. I expect it to be something like his "MGSV" of this year. Don't know what to expect from Colin.
Colin's shit tweets and his overall attitude is why I stopped following him on Twitter. He's so fucking abrasive and then he doubles down on it.
I like Colin and think he sometimes has salient points politically, but Twitter is just the worst place to discuss politics. You just have no room for nuance and you miss out on tone of voice.
Tangentially related:
Dude. He's not looking for nuance. You'd be the first to say that Colin is intelligent. Allow him to be as intelligent as everyone likes to believe, and still be a trolling asshole with his intent.
Twitter is not a puzzle where things are lost in translation over and over again. Dude is deliberate in what he says and how he says it all.
I just chuckle whenever either of them talks about being hyped about Persona. They're not going to get anywhere near beating that game. Colin will play 2 hours and say it didn't get its hooks into him and Greg will play like 5 hours and say something like "I'll get back to it" and then never play it again.
Colin's shit tweets and his overall attitude is why I stopped following him on Twitter. He's so fucking abrasive and then he doubles down on it.
Somehow I can see this happening exactly.
Colin's twitter is perfectly reasonable, I don't know why people are unable to handle opinions.
Blaming the current neofascist state of the Republican Party on people not voting for Romney is not in any way reasonable. It's just a cowardly attempt to hide from the fact that the inmates have taken over the asylum.
"You" being millions of people since Romney got his ass kicked.
A smarter person would realize saying it about Hillary makes much more sense.
He's not though. He just likes to think he is. The stuff he comes up with is genuinely dumb. Again, just like Trump.
I just don't think he's big on the series. Then again, aren't they somewhat similar in tone to the Danganronpa (spelling?) games? He loves those.
Greg wasn't all about Persona 4 G all that much. Everyone around him was, so he tried but couldn't deal. Kristen and Andrew put the work into a lost cause.
Here's what GM actually thinks of P4G
I was talking about Colin. I know Greg loves P4G.
I am 100% done with the gaming side of KF i don't care for the content they create and absolutely cannot stand Colin. He's gotten unbearable over the last year.Yeah, I think I'm done with KF. Dude had zero tact to begin with and just has gotten worse feeding into his persecution complex.
Sometimes I am interested in hearing what Colin has to say about something but mostly not. His obsessive need to use big, complex words out of context is tiring. He has an overall arrogance to him. He seems like he'd be impossible to be around.
I still will listen but mostly the other programs KF offers. Tim seems the most grounded and genuinely entertaining so I will seek his shows out more.
You can probably say that about a lot of people. The only difference with Colin is that he has a wide reach for people to hear his opinions/preferences. It's one reason why I don't think I'd have the guts to do what they do. Sometimes, I even hesitate on posting things to forums. There's always going to be people who think opposite of you. Like I said elsewhere (maybe this thread), opinions are often fickle and confusing things. Sometimes they just don't make sense to everyone but the people holding them.
I'm not too sure about that. When colleagues (former or current) and acquaintances talk about him, its usually in a very favorable light. For instance, Danny O'Dwyer, recently told people to watch Colin's new show, calling him one of the smartest people he knows in the video game industry. A lot of his former IGN co-workers (those still there and those that are not) always seem/seemed to gel well with him (especially Vince, Brian, Goldfarb, Marty, Jared (at EA now) and Clements (at PlayStation now)). With most of the industry being pretty much the stark opposite of Colin in terms of politics, I think it's striking that he has so many close friends there that respect him and speak well of him, even though sometimes on Twitter he can be quite snappy with them. Clearly, people seem to have no problem being around him, even though he can come off as curmudgeonly. I wonder if its possible that the public-facing Colin (Kinda Funny, Twitter, etc.) is different than the private Colin.
The only difference is that it's his job to talk about games, so it's logical he is held to a higher standard. Someone who talks to thousands of people about games shouldn't have the same awful attitude than forum trolls.
Just like a President shouldn't badmouth people.
That's because all those are great people who can look past his obnoxiousness.
The only difference is that it's his job to talk about games, so it's logical he is held to a higher standard. Someone who talks to thousands of people about games shouldn't have the same awful attitude than forum trolls.
Just like a President shouldn't badmouth people.
That's because all those are great people who can look past his obnoxiousness.
I'm not too sure about that. When colleagues (former or current) and acquaintances talk about him, its usually in a very favorable light.
To add to that, on the Patreon Exclusive podcast that featured the KF memeber's girlfriends, they spent like 10 minutes fangirling over Colin and talking about how "people hate him on the internet but they don't know how wonderful and genuine of a guy he is to be around" yada yada yada. I'm quite sure he doesn't have that issue lol.
Colin doesn't know shit about politics and the only people who think he does are those who know even less than him. He fools people because he is mildly articulate, but his words don't have any substance to offer.
He's not fooling me.
Should've seen his election night tweet..Wait, is that tweet legit?
Somebody tell Colin to just do his vidya gamez podcast and leave it at that. People don't support his luxury lifestyle via patreon for him to project his political nonsense.
Strong words but I agreeColin can go get fucked. Don't tweet that shit. Fuck him. Smug bloviating fuck. I'll never support him again.
Before and after him saying it should have been cancelled he says he's glad it was released for the people who enjoy it. He just doesn't feel the game was worth all that time and resources. Doesn't help that it's been in development like the entire time they've been at ign and most of kf so having to hear about a game you have no interest in for that long probably wore them down.
That also threw me off. He plays for an hour in total and then decides it shouldn't have existed despite many people who are so happy to have played and experienced it. It just sounds so selfish the way he said it, even if he was talking about it financially.
The last two or three podcasts they've said things that have really turned me off more than usual. Like stunningly abrasive. Colin dismissing the classic adventure genre as being completely stupid, the ignorant discussion on the gay themes in the last of us, it's just a lot of negative banter on a show I primarily want to listen to for info. (Plus that game developer going after Kyle Bosman on their show put me in a funk.)
I really want to quit them but I seem to keep clicking on it when it comes up on my feed. Maybe I'm just desperate to hear more people talk about games when I've run out of EZA content, I don't know.
I think its mainly a mixture of isolating himself from the wider community by sticking to places like the Kinda Funny forums etc. where you dont get much negative feedback and also when he does venture elsewhere he finds lots of negativity and paints everyone as a hater.OléGunner;228132303 said:He has been kinda passive aggressive more than usual the past year.
Colin can go get fucked. Don't tweet that shit. Fuck him. Smug bloviating fuck. I'll never support him again.
Christ. That new community manager needs to clock in already lol