Here's the newest one: There Are Too Many Games - Colin Was Right
Oh that was done a long time ago. Only saw the exchange because I follow Adam Boyes.Its quite easy to erase his voice from your Twitter feed
So brave....stuff like this makes me respect Colin all the more for sharing his views openly in an industry where he is surrounded by (ironically) hostile and intolerant liberals.
What absolutely riles me abiut Colin is this:
He posts this massive sob story and then actively seeks out more hate and name calling for himself by posting and saying knowingly inflammatory and downright trolly things. If you don't want negative comments don't intentionally antagonise people.
What absolutely riles me abiut Colin is this:
He posts this massive sob story and then actively seeks out more hate and name calling for himself by posting and saying knowingly inflammatory and downright trolly things. If you don't want negative comments don't intentionally antagonise people.
Yeah, he should definitely self-moderate more, especially if he can't deal with the inevitable backlash. And I can definitely empathize with the "seeing "fuck Colin" everywhere" thing, especially a person with anxiety disorder. I'm already afraid of the THOUGHT of other people hating me. I can't imagine that thought seemingly being made manifest.
To say something positive, I really liked his gleeful reaction to the TLOU Part 2 reveal. That's the Colin I'd like to see more often. But maybe that's just me.
This isn't meant as any sort of indictment of your comment, nor of the vast majority of people who post in this thread, but I think it's worth saying that we absolutely should have sympathy for him in certain situations.That fact he seeks these triggers leads me to feel very little sympathy for him.
Yeah, he should definitely self-moderate more, especially if he can't deal with the inevitable backlash. And I can definitely empathize with the "seeing "fuck Colin" everywhere" thing, especially a person with anxiety disorder. I'm already afraid of the THOUGHT of other people hating me. I can't imagine that thought seemingly being made manifest.
To say something positive, I really liked his gleeful reaction to the TLOU Part 2 reveal. That's the Colin I'd like to see more often. But maybe that's just me.
i'm offended that he would lump gaf in with social media comments![]()
That's why it angers me so much, as I also suffer from anxiety and depression. And as someone who does, the thing I avoid the most is things I know trigger it. That fact he seeks these triggers leads me to feel very little sympathy for him.
Uhh, it was a pretty friendly debate after they engaged one another. Adam said he watched the whole thing and I'm pretty sure Colin believed him. Concluded with them saying they were gonna have Adam on a show. He also didn't "make it all about" political views. He made one throwaway joke about free markets.You mean how he commented after clearly not watching the video, and then made it all about Colin's political views? Got him.
Uhh, it was a pretty friendly debate after they engaged one another. Adam said he watched the whole thing and I'm pretty sure Colin believed him. Concluded with them saying they were gonna have Adam on a show. He also didn't "make it all about" political views. He made one throwaway joke about free markets.
Uhh, it was a pretty friendly debate after they engaged one another. Adam said he watched the whole thing and I'm pretty sure Colin believed him. Concluded with them saying they were gonna have Adam on a show. He also didn't "make it all about" political views. He made one throwaway joke about free markets.
Congrats to Greg being named co-host with Jessica Chobot on the upcoming D.I.C.E. Awards. These are basically the Oscars of the video game world.
That's cool! Will definitely try to watch.
I like Colin Moriarty
I like Easy Allies
I'm sure I'd like many of you if I met you in person
I do not like this thread.
I like Colin Moriarty
I like Easy Allies
I'm sure I'd like many of you if I met you in person
I do not like this thread.
I like cookies.
I too like cookies. Chocolate chip, to be exact.
Anyhoo. Who's excited for the stream tonight? I know this is a PS I Love You XOXO thread, but I can't wait to see what the switch price is.
I'm looking forward to what they have to show, though I'm pretty sure my low interest will stay the same. Cool things for other people is always awesome. It just better be cool this time...
I like Colin Moriarty
I like Easy Allies
I'm sure I'd like many of you if I met you in person
I do not like this thread.
As the original poster, this makes me sad. But I understand why you don't like it.
What absolutely riles me abiut Colin is this:
He posts this massive sob story and then actively seeks out more hate and name calling for himself by posting and saying knowingly inflammatory and downright trolly things. If you don't want negative comments don't intentionally antagonise people.
It just... Man, back in the beyond days. I really like him a lot. Sure he said things I disagree with and does things I can't stand, but I still tune in because he had something that I get attracted to. I don't know what it is. Like it's this sort of aura where he'd seem like a cool guy to chill with. I don't get that vibe anymore.
I don't know lol.
It really shouldn't be a reason to respect someone, who cares what someone else's political views are, but stuff like this makes me respect Colin all the more for sharing his views openly in an industry where he is surrounded by (ironically) hostile and intolerant liberals.
It really shouldn't be a reason to respect someone, who cares what someone else's political views are, but stuff like this makes me respect Colin all the more for sharing his views openly in an industry where he is surrounded by (ironically) hostile and intolerant liberals.
I like Colin Moriarty
I like Easy Allies
I'm sure I'd like many of you if I met you in person
I do not like this thread.
Congrats to Greg being named co-host with Jessica Chobot on the upcoming D.I.C.E. Awards. These are basically the Oscars of the video game world.
It's pretty funny actually, I like the Colin we get on the GoG show, and for the most part on C&GL/morning show. I think it's just when it comes to games that I don't care for his views any more.
I think if Colin were to ever do a show that combined history with games, I think that would be a slam dunk thing. Like, maybe a Civ series in which, while he's playing, he also brings in real history.
Cool that Greg is hosting that award. I can say he brings energy to these events and it never feels forced.
I have not heard Colin speak eloquently about history outside of American history. I do not believe he is as well-versed in world history as you think he is, and I think it has become clear that he wouldn't play a game that isn't already top of mind for him. I haven't heard him mention Civ so I don't see any content of him being forced to play a game as good.
I'm kinda surprised at all the 'this thread is too negative' posts. Colin came into this thread and called us all trolls, when most people were just trying to talk to him.
If Miyamoto came into a Mario Odyssey thread and did the same, you can bet that would get pretty negative. I mean it is a shame, I wish we could go back to discussing the podcast the way we used to, but this happened for a reason.
I think that something flipped with a lot of people after the elections. I know it did with me.
This is merely my opinion so feel free to disagree with me.
Before Trump, I always regarded Colin as someone with different political opinions, and that was fine. That's okay. I didn't agree with him over many things, but I liked hearing him talk about games and stuff.
But after the election, it dawned on me (and I'm sure many other people) how the Republicans have been rigging the system for the past eight years... from gerrymandering to weaponizing dank memes and fake news on Facebook. Before election night, I thought these things couldn't impact the election the way they did. It was a rude awakening for many people.
Colin may not have voted or supported Trump, but he sure as hell supported the Republican party that is now working to dismantle everything good and decent that Obama accomplished.
I have no space in my life for anyone with his opinions and beliefs. He may say he's in favor of things like same-sex marriages, but his actions say otherwise (voting for Romney, for example).
Politics is now "Us vs Them". It's ugly and unfortunate, but that's the way that the Republican party has been operating for a decade. It's about time the Democrats start playing the same game.
I have played a lot of Nintendo Switch. With every variation of control. It has a few major pros, and many minor flaws.
Pro controller is ��. Joygrip is fine. Tablet mode is fine. Joycon only is a joke. The shoulder buttons are TINY.
Imma do 90% of portable playing with the kickstand and a pro controller. That setup is unreal. Flights are about to be awesome.
played almost every game they had at the event. Didn't play a single one I didn't at least have fun with.
ARMS was way better than it has any right to be. And SnipperClip is the sleeper hit. Coop puzzle game. Excellent gameplay.
Super Bomberman R is multiplayer perfection. It is the definition of a "one more match and all of a sudden it is 6AM" game.
Mario Kart is Mario Kart 8 but better. Sold. Battle mode is HELLA FUN. Lots of new content. Just as polished as always.
it is super cool seeing Ultra Street Fighter 2 in both Classic and HD. I beat some guy. He wasnt very good.
Justin Wong was there too. I didn't beat him.
Puyo Puyo x Tetris is insanity. @GameOverGreggy is going to LOVE it.
and Zelda is awesome. Duh.
Tim Gettys is in New York for the Switch event and has unleashed a flurry of impressions on Twitter. I'd love to see him on PSILY more, he adds a much needed extra voice and has improved immensely when it comes to discussion and breaking down his opinions
That'll literally be another Gamescast. I'm sure they'll offer a plethora of opinion regarding the Switch on next week's podcast.
Didn't Colin leave the Republican party?
Does he agree with the Republicans dismantling the ACA?
He does. He voted for people that promised to do this.
Does he agree with giving tax breaks to the rich because of trickle-down economics?
He does. He voted for people that promised to do this.