I'll take a stab at this. I'm on mobile, so I unfortunately can't do time stamps. Instead of trying to cite specific examples, I'll try and give you an overall impression of how your perspective is disconnected.
1. You guys continue to spout this rhetoric that PlayStation Pro is a marginal upgrade- while Scorpio is a "giant leap forward". The reality is: the power difference between PlayStation Pro and Scorpio is roughly the same difference between PS4 and Xbox One. This argument undermines and twists reality and unfortunately continues this mistaken belief that Scorpio is somehow this "Beast" - while PlayStation Pro is going to fall apart at the seams. The two machine are much closer than you realize and unfortunately the press has run away with this ill-informed tales of 4 versus 6, without taking into account that percentage wise the gap is pretty much identical to what we have now.
The real question I'd ask is: Is Scorpio powerful enough to adequately distinguish itself graphically from PlayStation Pro? The higher in resolution you go, the smaller the differences become. I honestly expected more out of the conversation.
2. You guys continue to insinuate that 1080p users will only see "marginal" improvements. This couldn't be further from the truth. One of the poorest communicated (by Sony) messages at the PS Pro Meeting was just how substantial the upgrades to 1080p would be.
Here's one example: 1080p users will get a super-sampled image- which without going into a technobabble - is probably the holy grail when it comes to improve the actual image quality. If you can hunt down a gaming PC, I want you to boot up GTA V on a 1080p set. Play the game in native 1080p and than super sample it from 1600p. That's the type of jump PS4 Pro will get you, and it's quite impressive.
We also haven't touched on improved effects, higher quality post processing, fewer framedrops etc. etc. etc. The point is - the 1080p user will get a 1080p game that is polished to a shine that only PC gamers have been able to appreciate to this day.
3. This isn't a dig at your fundamentals or passions, but it would be nice if you brushed up on technical specs. Like- did you know: The PS4 Pro has hardware dedicated on the GPU to help reduce the artifacts from their checkerboard rendering method? This might sound alien- but it's a 15-20 minute video away from all of us wanting to give Mark Cerny a high five.
I implore you to download the gamersyde video of Horizon: Zero Dawn running in uncompressed quality and play it back on a 4K monitor or hell even watch the 1080p "high bit rate" stream. The jump in quality from the original PS4 is quite substantial.
5. Please stop casting this shadow that PlayStation gamers can't be "graphics enthusiasts". Sony's first party puts out the best looking, tehcnically proficient games and hires the most talented programmers in the business. It's a testament to just how strong Sony believes in visuals when they quite literally set the benchmark for fidelity on aging hardware when PC's that magnitudes more powerful don't even get those games.
When I did QA at Nintendo 6 years ago, we had this small minority of PS3 heads (pre-Slim) that were massive graphics afficianados and could articulate just how complex and incredible the minutia of what Naughty Dog in Uncharted 1 or Insomniac in Resistance 1 (the glass breaking anyone

) were pulling off. Gameplay trumps graphics, but some of us value both, and value graphics a lot. I say this as a dual PC / Console gamer. I'm not reaching when I say this: the best looking games are on PlayStation.
I love what you guys do - I just want you to give PS4 Pro a fair shake. Thanks for listening, and I'll continue the support. P.S. sorry for typos, I'm on mobile.