5. Please stop casting this shadow that PlayStation gamers can't be "graphics enthusiasts". Sony's first party puts out the best looking, tehcnically proficient games and hires the most talented programmers in the business. It's a testament to just how strong Sony believes in visuals when they quite literally set the benchmark for fidelity on aging hardware when PC's that magnitudes more powerful don't even get those games.
When I did QA at Nintendo 6 years ago, we had this small minority of PS3 heads (pre-Slim) that were massive graphics afficianados and could articulate just how complex and incredible the minutia of what Naughty Dog in Uncharted 1 or Insomniac in Resistance 1 (the glass breaking anyone

) were pulling off. Gameplay trumps graphics, but some of us value both, and value graphics a lot. I say this as a dual PC / Console gamer. I'm not reaching when I say this: the best looking games are on PlayStation.