LOL that's evil Shu
HAHAHA Shu thought they were saying boo. No, Shu, they're saying Shu, not boo.
That's pretty crazy lol. Kinda awkward lol.
And another lol. Totally not questions lol.
50 minutes was not enough, but what was there was hilarious. Definitely made my night, and it hasn't even started!
God man I love Colin and Greg. I just finished watching the segment and it was absolutely hilarious. I can't wait for the next show on Tuesday.
Poor Tidux.Colin will be funny or furious. Maybe both. No PSN name change. No Sony Bend game. It will be fun! ;p
Poor Tidux.
Love Colin saying "I'm going to burn that place to the ground"
It baffles me too. I am on other gaming forums and I have noticed people suddenly losing memory of what has occurred over the last 6 months. It doesn't matter that Sony has revealed Horizon, GR2, Dreams, TLG (might as well be a new announcementI still don't understand colin thinking that Sony has not announced many of their AAA first party games. They have announced like 5 AAA first party games. I am not counting the second party games (ratchet, detroit, ect). Bend and SSM are the only two big ones left. Sucker punch just rrleased a game so they can be left out.
It baffles me too. I am on other gaming forums and I have noticed people suddenly losing memory of what has occurred over the last 6 months. It doesn't matter that Sony has revealed Horizon, GR2, Dreams, TLG (might as well be a new announcement) and GT Sport. What matters is that they didn't reveal any first party titles at PSX and that clearly means that we still do not know much about their studios.
It was already clear but people truly live in the moment and think short term.
It baffles me too. I am on other gaming forums and I have noticed people suddenly losing memory of what has occurred over the last 6 months. It doesn't matter that Sony has revealed Horizon, GR2, Dreams, TLG (might as well be a new announcement) and GT Sport. What matters is that they didn't reveal any first party titles at PSX and that clearly means that we still do not know much about their studios.
It was already clear but people truly live in the moment and think short term.
It baffles me too. I am on other gaming forums and I have noticed people suddenly losing memory of what has occurred over the last 6 months. It doesn't matter that Sony has revealed Horizon, GR2, Dreams, TLG (might as well be a new announcement) and GT Sport. What matters is that they didn't reveal any first party titles at PSX and that clearly means that we still do not know much about their studios.
It was already clear but people truly live in the moment and think short term.
So has this been archived anywhere? The conference ended at 6:30am for me so I had to sleep and haven't seen any of the panels
I hope so, but I haven't seen anything anywhere- would love to have some listening material while studying up for Finals.
They have the whole day archived. About 7 hours and 13 minutes in is when it starts (after Gravity Rush Remaster demo)
First time ever seeing this podcast was the most recent at PSX. Why have I not watched this, ever, before?
Good question.
Good question.
Good question.