Colin I can't trust your balls anymore after this conference![]()
Colin will be funny or furious. Maybe both. No PSN name change. No Sony Bend game. It will be fun! ;p
I love how Shuhei's response to "where is XYZ?" is always "actually I was playing it a few days ago"
He's toning it down there. He is going to give them so much shit on the next episode. Can't wait for the rage. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Colin will be funny or furious. Maybe both. No PSN name change. No Sony Bend game. It will be fun! ;p
He's toning it down there. He is going to give them so much shit on the next episode. Can't wait for the rage. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
EDIT: Huh Colin said he was disappointed here as well. Not surprised. To the people who say what you were expecting. No first party studio at the only PS game event. That makes no damn sense.
Going off his reaction on Colin and Greg Live yesterday I have a feeling a large part of this will be Colin ranting about FFVIIR's battle system and multi-part format lol. But it should be interesting to hear their thoughts on most of the first party studios being absent at the keynote.PSX Hits and Misses - PS I Love You XOXO Ep. 13 It's close to two hours of PlayStation goodness!
Man is GTSport flying that low on the radar? Colin and Greg talking about missing first party games and not even mentioning it. It's not only them though.
He's toning it down there. He is going to give them so much shit on the next episode. Can't wait for the rage. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
EDIT: Huh Colin said he was disappointed here as well. Not surprised. To the people who say what you were expecting. No first party studio at the only PS game event. That makes no damn sense.
Not all podcasts are alike.Well, I am now hooked. Thanks Colin, and Greg. Great chemistry.
Honestly, I never really listened to podcasts before (besides some random ones in the past like PSNation, since meeting Glenn years ago with our MLB The Show focus/community groups), and I have been playing games for over 30 years, lol. Short bits here and there, but if they are all like this, I am definitely having them play while at home cooking, etc, or at work.
Gran Turismo.What the hell is GTSport? Not on Amazon, can't find anything.
Colin seemed to focus on all the wrong arguments about the PS2 emulation. Sure, I'd have loved the PS2 discs to work, but didn't expect that. The digital PS2 games I already bought on the PS3 like Twisted Metal: Black not carrying over? Fuck that shit- totally unacceptable. My PS1 classics carried over across three Playstation platforms- if you're going to pitch an idea to build a digital library of previous games, limiting the library to hardware and making you rebuy it again seems counter-intuitive to the whole concept.
Edit: Colin later going all in on people manufacturing controversy about gender/race in gaming constantly was fantastic though.
You are missing the point that they are not the same game as you bought and played on PS3, these ports are enhanced in visual, with trophy support and other features that you couldn't have as the simple PS2 to PS3 port. Do people expect to get all these remasters coming to PS4 like TLOU, GOW 3 and Uncharted Collection for free because they already bought the game for PS3?
Emulation is not at all comparable to a remaster. Yes, the emulated copy I bought should carry over to the new emulator, and adding some new features to them shouldn't change that.
Well this sounds disappointing but not really surprising.Colin seemed to focus on all the wrong arguments about the PS2 emulation. Sure, I'd have loved the PS2 discs to work, but didn't expect that. The digital PS2 games I already bought on the PS3 like Twisted Metal: Black not carrying over? Fuck that shit- totally unacceptable. My PS1 classics carried over across three Playstation platforms- if you're going to pitch an idea to build a digital library of previous games, limiting the library to hardware and making you rebuy it again seems counter-intuitive to the whole concept.
Edit: Colin later going all in on people manufacturing controversy about gender/race in gaming constantly was fantastic though.
Why not? It's emulation with better visuals and added features, it's not the same port you played, why should you get it for free? I'm with Colin on this one, i don't understand this request at all.
Well this sounds disappointing but not really surprising.
Hmm.He later agreed that he understood where people were coming from with Nadine in Uncharted 4, and that there were important things to consider, it was just the jumping down people's throats about the way the middle-eastern characters skin seemed somewhat lighter in the PS4 port of Beyond that got him fired up specifically, if that helps any.
The whole point of PS Classics was that it was letting us build a library of classic games to play across the modern Playstation systems, and one of the core benefits of the digital future that publishers so desperately want to push is the idea that games are no longer restricted by hardware, and can travel with us, ala PC.
Hence, why it doesn't make any sense to throw all that out with the PS4, and ask us to start over. My copy of Journey became playable on the PS4 for free when that came over- but came with upgraded visuals and new trophies to earn. My copy of Twisted Metal: Black should have done the same if Sony had any interest in getting me to trust their ecosystem for digital distribution.
He later agreed that he understood where people were coming from with Nadine in Uncharted 4, and that there were important things to consider, it was just the jumping down people's throats about the way the middle-eastern characters skin seemed somewhat lighter in the PS4 port of Beyond that got him fired up specifically, if that helps any.
I think the best solution is to pay a small fee for the game if you bought the emulation of that game on PS3. Now Sony is not wrong for charging full price but it would seem a gesture of good will.
I know a remastered version isn't the same as emulation, i also know the old ports people played on PS3 are not the same as these.
It is the same game though, just running in an emulator that can uprez the graphics. That's no different than running a PC emulator of these same games. There's no reason that the digital licence we already bought shouldn't carry over like they did with PS1 classics on PS3, PSP and Vita, except Sony knowing that people would suck it up and pay again, or didn't bother the first time and might now.
It's not like I'm losing my mind about it, it's just a huge blow to my trust in Sony's digital service. If I can't trust that my digital purchases will keep working, then I'm better off just going with PC emulation. Hell, if there's something behind the scenes that isn't apparent from Digital Foundry's analysis of the emulator that would justify it, if they had just told us that and ensured that they plan to let us move forward in the future with these, I'd be totally fine. As is, I'm not likely to buy any PS2 Classics that aren't on a major sale, and that disappoints me.
Not all podcasts are alike.
This is by far my favorite. By far. But I'm a PlayStation guy.
A lot of people say giant bomb podcast is good. It puts me to sleep every time I try to listen to those guys.
I like the cagcast too but I've been listening to them for years (like I have Colin and Greg).
But for PlayStation news and thoughts, u can't beat these guys. Not even close.
Not all podcasts are alike.
This is by far my favorite. By far. But I'm a PlayStation guy.
A lot of people say giant bomb podcast is good. It puts me to sleep every time I try to listen to those guys.
I like the cagcast too but I've been listening to them for years (like I have Colin and Greg).
But for PlayStation news and thoughts, u can't beat these guys. Not even close.
Yeah, that happened also to a few other titles, Flower, Trine maybe if i recall those correctly, doesnt make the rule for this situation.
And i disagree with this entire concept of digital future you are mentioning, was it implied that you would get it a free upgrade over titles that are not the same? Again, you keep saying that as they are the same games, the ports are different no matter how you want aknowledge how much of it it is or this fact at all. It just sounds like you and a few (some, many, i don't know) had the wrong expectations for it.
I was listening to the new podcast, and as much as I like Colin's rants, the one of him going off on these supposed people who think PS2 Classics on PS4 should be free felt like an old man yelling at a stop sign. Who are these people that think they should be free? Who's making that argument? I've seen people say they feel they're overpriced, but I haven't personally seen a large swath of people argue that they should be free if they've already purchased them.
That's not to say that no one has said that, but he spent like 5 solid minutes ranting about it haha. Seemed like a bit of an overreaction.
Go in the threads about them. There have been a lot saying if they have the PS3 versions, it should be free on the PS4, as well as discs should work.
He did make a very strong point about buying a cassette or VHS tape. Gamers are fucking fickle. We always have been compared to most other mediums for some odd reason.