they tend to overlap content, and as someone who primarily only listens to PS i love you, i'd be shocked if they didn't spend 10 minutes talking about uncharted come tuesday
It was so painful to listen to the Beyond discussion about Uncharted 4.
It was so painful to listen to the Beyond discussion about Uncharted 4.
Kinda hard to decipher. They seemed to thing it was long and bloated while still liking the game.I haven't listened in months. What's the issue??
Kinda hard to decipher. They seemed to thing it was long and bloated while still liking the game.
Maybe since it'll air on the day the game drops. It would make sense, but at the same time I don't think they'd want to talk about the game AGAIN since they'll be doing that in the impressions video that they are posting tomorrow... Maybe not this upcoming week, but either the next or even the week after to give people time to play through the campaign.
They're doing a separate spoilercast that goes up Monday 5/9. UC4 will also be a topic on Gamescast 2 weeks from now.
Kinda hard to decipher. They seemed to thing it was long and bloated while still liking the game.
If you recall, he's the same person that wrote a scathing counter-review of Bloodborne before IGN's reviewer of the game had posted his. The concept of his tweet is fine, but it feels almost like an insinuation that the higher scores are not being honest, which I think it not a good look.
Well, on Twitter Marty said he felt the game had terrible pacing, whereas during their spoiler-free review, Colin said he felt it had some of the past pacing. It's all opinions. No one's right. No one's wrong. Although, I don't agree with the way Dan Stapleton (IGN's reviews editor) worded this tweet in regards to IGN's review (which was a very good 8.8):
If you recall, he's the same person that wrote a scathing counter-review of Bloodborne before IGN's reviewer of the game had posted his. The concept of his tweet is fine, but it feels almost like an insinuation that the higher scores are not being honest, which I think it not a good look. I think it's a problem that people are bashing Lucy for what is a typically incredible score, but I'm not sure Dan's tweet helps.
Yo on the newest episode of the show Colin mentions he's playing a game on Vita that he seems to be enjoying quite a bit, but he can't say what it even is. He later, in the same podcast, says it's also on PS4. Any guesses? My best guess would be Odin Sphere. Game looks sweet, and like something Colin would enjoy. And, in terms of release window and crossplay, would line up accordingly
While having played it in 7-8 hour sessions. Newsflash guys, that's not a good idea.
And it frustrates me a little when AAA games lately get knocked for being too short and then Uncharted 4 comes out and all three of them say it's too long. I know there is something to be said about tight experiences, but as a developer it must make them want to throw their hands up in the air.
Well, on Twitter Marty said he felt the game had terrible pacing, whereas during their spoiler-free review, Colin said he felt it had some of the past pacing. It's all opinions. No one's right. No one's wrong. Although, I don't agree with the way Dan Stapleton (IGN's reviews editor) worded this tweet in regards to IGN's review (which was a very good 8.8):
If you recall, he's the same person that wrote a scathing counter-review of Bloodborne before IGN's reviewer of the game had posted his. The concept of his tweet is fine, but it feels almost like an insinuation that the higher scores are not being honest, which I think it not a good look. I think it's a problem that people are bashing Lucy for what is a typically incredible score, but I'm not sure Dan's tweet helps.
Yo on the newest episode of the show Colin mentions he's playing a game on Vita that he seems to be enjoying quite a bit, but he can't say what it even is. He later, in the same podcast, says it's also on PS4. Any guesses? My best guess would be Odin Sphere. Game looks sweet, and like something Colin would enjoy. And, in terms of release window and crossplay, would line up accordingly
hmm...could it be the vita version of salt and sanctuary? they may not want him to talk about it because they haven't nailed down a release date?
Well, on Twitter Marty said he felt the game had terrible pacing, whereas during their spoiler-free review, Colin said he felt it had some of the past pacing. It's all opinions. No one's right. No one's wrong. Although, I don't agree with the way Dan Stapleton (IGN's reviews editor) worded this tweet in regards to IGN's review (which was a very good 8.8):
If you recall, he's the same person that wrote a scathing counter-review of Bloodborne before IGN's reviewer of the game had posted his. The concept of his tweet is fine, but it feels almost like an insinuation that the higher scores are not being honest, which I think it not a good look. I think it's a problem that people are bashing Lucy for what is a typically incredible score, but I'm not sure Dan's tweet helps.
Stapleton is someone I used to follow on Twitter and he's definitely one of those guys who comes off as "I'm right and you're wrong" pretty much 24/7. I remember a Dark Souls rant from him basically saying everyone who likes these games is an idiot and supports bad game design.
I'm sure he's a good dude, but he comes off as a huge dick when trying to get others to stop acting like dicks. Kind of counterintuitive.
Edit: There's nothing wrong with Lucy's review. Not enjoying a game's pacing is a completely valid reason to lower a score.
I recall both actually hahaYou sure it wasn't Bloodborne? He published a scathing unofficial review (it was technically a blog post article posted to the main page) that was posted before the actual assigned review was published (which was glowing, by the way). I have no problems about people having different opinions, but I thought it was low for him to beat his own reviewer to the punch, especially when he is the executive reviews editor!
Well, on Twitter Marty said he felt the game had terrible pacing, whereas during their spoiler-free review, Colin said he felt it had some of the past pacing. It's all opinions. No one's right. No one's wrong. Although, I don't agree with the way Dan Stapleton (IGN's reviews editor) worded this tweet in regards to IGN's review (which was a very good 8.8):
If you recall, he's the same person that wrote a scathing counter-review of Bloodborne before IGN's reviewer of the game had posted his. The concept of his tweet is fine, but it feels almost like an insinuation that the higher scores are not being honest, which I think it not a good look. I think it's a problem that people are bashing Lucy for what is a typically incredible score, but I'm not sure Dan's tweet helps.
You're right they should keep making games that sell poorly and then be shut down?
So it comes with great excitement to learn that within the first nine days of launch, global sales of inFAMOUS Second Son exceeded over 1 million units*, making Second Son the fastest selling inFAMOUS title to date!
But IGN editors always has the fall in line behind the reviewer mentality when they give an unpopular score to a game. I noticed that even when Greg and Colin where still there. When a game get lower/higher score than average they always say they have the same opinion as the reviewer to a degree that sometimes it doesn't feel genuine and they just want to calm the masses.
Just to chime in here, I know Dan personally, and I sat next to him for a pretty long time. He and I agreed on very little, but I always found him respectful and hard-working, and he's quite smart, to boot. He was a hard, honest editor of a lot of my work, and I'm glad I got to know someone like him that really challenged the way I thought, and the way I wrote (well, write).
I think y'all are being a little harsh on him, but I suppose that's your right.
I also wanted to touch on this...
I can't speak for anyone else, or for the current period of IGN nor its current staff, but when I was there -- and I was there for a very long time -- this wasn't even remotely true. I could point to many reviews I vocally disagreed with, whether on Beyond or social media, and I could point to reviews I wrote that at least some of my peers disagreed with. I'm pretty positive that remains the case today, with the current culture at the site, and with its current staff. I don't see how or why that would have changed.
People who are being assholes to Lucy need to go worry about something that actually matters. Because folks are getting way too worked up over VIDEO GAMES, and it's starting to scare me. =D
I hope you are all well!
P.S. Uncharted 4 is fucking awesome, and I'll be shocked if every last one of you doesn't love it. But I've been surprised before...
Just to chime in here, I know Dan personally, and I sat next to him for a pretty long time. He and I agreed on very little, but I always found him respectful and hard-working, and he's quite smart, to boot. He was a hard, honest editor of a lot of my work, and I'm glad I got to know someone like him that really challenged the way I thought, and the way I wrote (well, write).
I think y'all are being a little harsh on him, but I suppose that's your right.
I also wanted to touch on this...
I can't speak for anyone else, or for the current period of IGN nor its current staff, but when I was there -- and I was there for a very long time -- this wasn't even remotely true. I could point to many reviews I vocally disagreed with, whether on Beyond or social media, and I could point to reviews I wrote that at least some of my peers disagreed with. I'm pretty positive that remains the case today, with the current culture at the site, and with its current staff. I don't see how or why that would have changed.
People who are being assholes to Lucy need to go worry about something that actually matters. Because folks are getting way too worked up over VIDEO GAMES, and it's starting to scare me. =D
I hope you are all well!
P.S. Uncharted 4 is fucking awesome, and I'll be shocked if every last one of you doesn't love it. But I've been surprised before...
Just to chime in here, I know Dan personally, and I sat next to him for a pretty long time. He and I agreed on very little, but I always found him respectful and hard-working, and he's quite smart, to boot. He was a hard, honest editor of a lot of my work, and I'm glad I got to know someone like him that really challenged the way I thought, and the way I wrote (well, write).
I think y'all are being a little harsh on him, but I suppose that's your right.
I also wanted to touch on this...
I can't speak for anyone else, or for the current period of IGN nor its current staff, but when I was there -- and I was there for a very long time -- this wasn't even remotely true. I could point to many reviews I vocally disagreed with, whether on Beyond or social media, and I could point to reviews I wrote that at least some of my peers disagreed with. I'm pretty positive that remains the case today, with the current culture at the site, and with its current staff. I don't see how or why that would have changed.
People who are being assholes to Lucy need to go worry about something that actually matters. Because folks are getting way too worked up over VIDEO GAMES, and it's starting to scare me. =D
I hope you are all well!
P.S. Uncharted 4 is fucking awesome, and I'll be shocked if every last one of you doesn't love it. But I've been surprised before...
P.S. Uncharted 4 is fucking awesome, and I'll be shocked if every last one of you doesn't love it. But I've been surprised before...
People definitely don't need to be talking about big his head is or taking things he said about Bloodborne a year ago out of context, etc. However, I think even you can agree it definitely seems like he's insinuating some outlets are "rubber stamping" their UC4 reviews. Which isn't fair and it's not like IGN reviews have a 100% track record.
There's nothing wrong with Lucy's review. I'm always glad to see different opinions, even if I don't agree with all of them.
Nope. The real problem is people who put to much stock into a game score (or any score- be it game or otherwise). I don't typically like to place blame, but one person I see who may contribute to this issue is Michael Pachter. I think he's a smart man (and is probably more right than wrong- despite what NeoGAF thinks), however many times on his shows (Pach Attack/Pachter Factor), he's repeated his belief that a 70 rated game is a bad game, not worthy of attention. Last I checked, a 70 (or 7.0) is considered good on most scales. There are many worthy games that get passed up with that kind of thinking.
Nope. The real problem is people who put to much stock into a game score (or any score- be it game or otherwise). I don't typically like to place blame, but one person I see who may contribute to this issue is Michael Pachter. I think he's a smart man (and is probably more right than wrong- despite what NeoGAF thinks), however many times on his shows (Pach Attack/Pachter Factor), he's repeated his belief that a 70 rated game is a bad game, not worthy of attention. Last I checked, a 70 (or 7.0) is considered good on most scales. There are many worthy games that get passed up with that kind of thinking.
While having played it in 7-8 hour sessions. Newsflash guys, that's not a good idea.
And it frustrates me a little when AAA games lately get knocked for being too short and then Uncharted 4 comes out and all three of them say it's too long. I know there is something to be said about tight experiences, but as a developer it must make them want to throw their hands up in the air.
I can't speak for anyone else, or for the current period of IGN nor its current staff, but when I was there -- and I was there for a very long time -- this wasn't even remotely true. I could point to many reviews I vocally disagreed with, whether on Beyond or social media, and I could point to reviews I wrote that at least some of my peers disagreed with. I'm pretty positive that remains the case today, with the current culture at the site, and with its current staff. I don't see how or why that would have changed.
People who are being assholes to Lucy need to go worry about something that actually matters. Because folks are getting way too worked up over VIDEO GAMES, and it's starting to scare me. =D
I'm not against them making a Jak game, but yeah I highly doubt they will make another one. If any old ND IP was revisited by ND I think it would be Crash (by a small team within ND working on it), but I doubt that they would even do that.Gonna watch the video, but no, they really shouldn't. I don't think they ever will now.
The dude was unreasonable himself though. He basically went shy of calling the Uncharted series and TLOU crappy games and praise Jak and Daxter as some amazing achievement. How can you take anyone seriously after that? Its one thing not to like something, but if you dont acknowledge the quality, you are basically just speaking from a completely biased viewpoint and only trying to further that viewpoint, not have reasonable debates.Colin may or may not be right about Uncharted and The Last of Us bring better games than Jak (I don't personally think so, but recognize I'm in the minority. I also think Crack in Time has better storytelling than the first three uncharted games (4 is a step up IMO so far)), but Colin did a really shitty job of addressing the poor guy's questions. He went out of his way to point out things like better platforming, more interesting and diverse weaponry, more (to him) interesting characters, et cetera. And Colin didn't address any of that. He's just uh mm oh ah Uncharted is better.
That's not a bad opinion to have, let me be clear, but it's infuriating to hear him go on so long and yet fail to articulate his opinion with any specificity nor counters to the TotS claims.
That sounds a lot like discussion on Gaf lol.The dude was unreasonable himself though. He basically went shy of calling the Uncharted series and TLOU crappy games and praise Jak and Daxter as some amazing achievement. How can you take anyone seriously after that? Its one thing not to like something, but if you dont acknowledge the quality, you are basically just speaking from a completely biased viewpoint and only trying to further that viewpoint, not have reasonable debates.
If someone is being unreasonable just don't address them. I feel like Greg even reading the rant lent credence to it, and then making it the topic of the show even more so.