Well, on Twitter Marty said he felt the game had terrible pacing, whereas during their spoiler-free review, Colin said he felt it had some of the past pacing. It's all opinions. No one's right. No one's wrong. Although, I don't agree with the way Dan Stapleton (IGN's reviews editor) worded this tweet in regards to IGN's review (which was a very good 8.8):
If you recall, he's the same person that wrote a scathing counter-review of Bloodborne before IGN's reviewer of the game had posted his. The concept of his tweet is fine, but it feels almost like an insinuation that the higher scores are not being honest, which I think it not a good look. I think it's a problem that people are bashing Lucy for what is a typically incredible score, but I'm not sure Dan's tweet helps.
I'll never understand why IGN thought making a guy who had zero knowledge or experience of console games their reviews editor was a good idea. His twitter rants about Bloodborne and Bayonetta 2, which undermined the reviews his own site had published, were utterly bizarre behavior for someone in his position.
P.S. Uncharted 4 is fucking awesome.
Colin going all in in trying to understand the emailer's "disappointing" experience with TLoU was great lol
Yeah I was cracking up at that. Good episode this week. Really wish I could play Uncharted 4, would love to join the discussion on it.
I thought it was a good discussion. and it is a good argument, Naughty Dog are now arguably the best developer period, in terms of innovation, storytelling and graphical fidelity with the real world. As much as O love Jak and Faster, I wouldn't want to trade what we have now, who is a company that creates breathtaking masterpieces to making quirky games.
Just listened to the main topic. That question was terrible. That is the kind of critic I see around here (or on the internet in general). Just completely ripping apart a game and criticizing it at the core ("all you do is shoot enemies, go here, hit a cutscene"). Just awful.
Even if someone does find stuff like Uncharted and TLoU disappointing or what not, surely you can respect the critical acclaim they have and how much other people enjoy them. As such, I also don't see why ND would go back to J&D. They would just keep building upon where they are now. Never mind ND pumping out million seller games. I am sure Sony would rather ND produce another huge AAA game with potential to sell millions.
Buddy space cops.
This is late, but on last week's episode they acted like Guns Up is never coming out. Didn't it come out at E3? Lol.
Colin was super sassy in the most recent episode and it made for one hell of an entertaining listen! I wish I could articulate my thoughts anywhere remotely close to as well as he can.
nah, it was controversial and spoke to an audience that misses the platforming glory years, but he was being unreasonable. You don’t have to think TLOU/UC series are great, can think they are largely overrated, but to just dismiss why everyone loves these games to “bad taste” is just self-centered and irrational.i don't think he was being unreasonable, he has an opinion, one that is counter to what colin and greg feel. good on them for having the discussion
^Agreed as well...I play SFV, love action games, and pretty much beat most Devil May Cry games on Dante Must Die mode. I love Gameplay!! But man, UC/TLOU get too much shade for being shallow gameplay experiences. TLOU on hard/Grounded is pretty amazing, I really fell in love with the gameplay, even mores than Uncharted Hard/Crushing playthroughs.
Anyone who says TLOU has bad gameplay is fooling themselves. It is intense, weighty, visceral, and can be very tactical and engaging when it needs to be. The environmental obstacle puzzle segments aren't all that great really, but as a third person shooter with stealth elements it really shines, especially on harder difficulties. It does a great job with resource management, making you scrounge everywhere in desperation and craft whatever you can on the fly, leaving you in a different situation depending on the supplies you have at hand. Just a stellar title from the gameplay side of things. I do think the story/characters are the best part of TLOU, but the game would still be great even if it had a mediocre story because the gameplay definitely stands on its own. I fully believe that anyone who says the game is mediocre or bad is just trying to rile people up, because it's just so far ahead of most games. You don't have to like the game, but you can't deny its quality.I agree. I love gameplay heavy games and I don't think the gameplay in ND games are any less enjoyable. It seems to me that because these game get praised for the character and story, people assume that the gameplay is bad. TLOU is praised for it's multiplayer which is pure gameplay.
(maybe Savage Starlight, the comic book series from TLOU).
Ohhhh that's where that's from? I always thought it was some random book series that ND talked about somewhere or something. That explains a lot.
Yo on the newest episode of the show Colin mentions he's playing a game on Vita that he seems to be enjoying quite a bit, but he can't say what it even is. He later, in the same podcast, says it's also on PS4. Any guesses? My best guess would be Odin Sphere. Game looks sweet, and like something Colin would enjoy. And, in terms of release window and crossplay, would line up accordingly
I think it's pretty obvious he was talking about Odin Sphere.
Catching up to all their UC4 content. Good stuff but man, I'm glad I didn't watch any of the reacts stuff before playing the game.
Catching up to all their UC4 content. Good stuff but man, I'm glad I didn't watch any of the reacts stuff before playing the game.
I beat Uncharted 2, 3, and 4 for the first time within a span of 8 days. I still don't think Uncharted as a series is that amazing and is entirely undeserving of the glowing terms it gets. Hell, if I never played UC4, I wouldn't even recognize it as the same developer behind TLoU. But I'm not going to say the games are trash and they should do nothing but TLoU. It's clear there's a degree of quality that's appreciable even to someone who doesn't enjoy the games to the extent everyone else does. The letter writer might have just been exaggerating for the reactions though. That's something we should probably consider.
i honestly don't think it's fair to judge the uncharted trilogy by playing them now. that's like watching die hard right now and saying "well, it's just a cookie-cutter action movie with a wise-cracking hero." more so than most classic video games, they are very much a product of their time. you have to try and look at it within the lens of when they were released. the spectacle and action set pieces aren't going to be amazing and impressive if you play them after playing most AAA modern games that are already drawing inspiration from them (and at higher graphical fidelity)
i honestly don't think it's fair to judge the uncharted trilogy by playing them now. that's like watching die hard right now and saying "well, it's just a cookie-cutter action movie with a wise-cracking hero." more so than most classic video games, they are very much a product of their time. you have to try and look at it within the lens of when they were released. the spectacle and action set pieces aren't going to be amazing and impressive if you play them after playing most AAA modern games that are already drawing inspiration from them (and at higher graphical fidelity)
Did Hard holds up as well today as it did when it first debuted in theaters. Not the best analogy, but I get your point.
UC games are point in time snapshots of what was impressive technically at the time, but they may not hold up as evergreen classics.
I get your point. But it's worth mentioning the action set pieces didn't change my mind in UC4 with its bleeding-edge presentational values and that I played the first UC in its era and wasn't a giant fan at the time as well.
I think there's also something to be said about the inherent quality of the game if I play it less than a decade later and it doesn't hold up. But that's a deep rabbit hole I don't intend to go down. =P
i think uncharted holds up as well, especially uncharted 2. my point being with the analogy is that if you had a 20 year old who loves action movies watch die hard, they might not "get it"
Colin was super sassy in the most recent episode and it made for one hell of an entertaining listen! I wish I could articulate my thoughts anywhere remotely close to as well as he can.
was that eukaryote that they were trying to say? LMAO, even the computer was mispronouncing it