You could always do an ITX build. I have a 5600x/4070Super build in a Fractal Terra (I have the Jade but they make black and silver) and it's great. It's small enough to not look out of place next to a TV stand, and the thermals/noise is great. I move mine back and forth between my desk and my tv stand depending on the game.That pricing made me consider moving to PC in the near future, as I do not play that much on PS5 nowadays. PC has a wider selection of genres, but I do not know if I will want to sit at the same desk for work and playing games, plus it might turn out I will not play these genres (like RTS) anyways - maybe I've just become too old for regular gaming. The future of PS doesn't look too player friendly anyway, with online saves behind paywall, no Bluray drive for PS6 (most likely), and potential PS Plus price hikes.
ITX will cost you a little more and you aren't going to get a price comparable to the Pro unfortunately. You could also just not do anything and keep the standard PS5 that you have as it'll still last you awhile and the Pro is unnecessary.
I'm not trying to convince you either way. I love PC gaming and I've been playing since a little kid in the late 90s but I'm pretty evenly split between console and PC (probably 60/40 in favor of console including Switch?).