Well, just bought a brand new PS5 slim and it already gets on my nerves 
First impression was good. It was silent while getting the data of my PS4 Pro. But just after starting Astro bot, my wife immediately complained about a loud noise in the background. Well I heard it too but thought it might not be a problem if I increase the sound systems volume a bit. But well, didn't work for a long time and the sound is getting on my nerves.
Tried a few ps4 games in the hope that at least those wouldn't trigger the same issue, but well also coil wine as soon as the game starts.
My wife even complained about the sound when she was in another room.
Is there any chance that Sony at any point will enhance their production quality?
My PS3 had already the loud noise which disqualified it even as a br player for me. Well xb360 was also not silent at those times, but it hadn't this high frequence tone my ps3 had.
Ps4 was also just to loud to really enjoy playing on it. Especially my PS4 pro (bought both used so couldn't return them) ...
And well I waited a while after the initial release because I hoped for better quality and a smaller PS5.. well seems like I must return it and hope the retailer doesn't make a problem and gives me one without this problem.
At least I had no luck with Sony consoles in 3 generations so far. My PS2 on the other hand still runs, well is loud but doesn't make this high frequency sound.
Also tried to record the sound but my smartphone seems to almost ignore this frequency.
So did your initial PS5 had the same issue (coil whine)?
First impression was good. It was silent while getting the data of my PS4 Pro. But just after starting Astro bot, my wife immediately complained about a loud noise in the background. Well I heard it too but thought it might not be a problem if I increase the sound systems volume a bit. But well, didn't work for a long time and the sound is getting on my nerves.
Tried a few ps4 games in the hope that at least those wouldn't trigger the same issue, but well also coil wine as soon as the game starts.
My wife even complained about the sound when she was in another room.
Is there any chance that Sony at any point will enhance their production quality?
My PS3 had already the loud noise which disqualified it even as a br player for me. Well xb360 was also not silent at those times, but it hadn't this high frequence tone my ps3 had.
Ps4 was also just to loud to really enjoy playing on it. Especially my PS4 pro (bought both used so couldn't return them) ...
And well I waited a while after the initial release because I hoped for better quality and a smaller PS5.. well seems like I must return it and hope the retailer doesn't make a problem and gives me one without this problem.
At least I had no luck with Sony consoles in 3 generations so far. My PS2 on the other hand still runs, well is loud but doesn't make this high frequency sound.
Also tried to record the sound but my smartphone seems to almost ignore this frequency.
So did your initial PS5 had the same issue (coil whine)?