I think I got better at Horus by not using him. When I don't use him, I see to have a much easier time getting four different colors for whatever reason, guess it's because I'm not worried about not landing the four colors.
Yeah, I forgot about that 2X hp/rcv = 50% against all, I think I can pull of a decent mono dark team tomorrow once I got the masks for my CDK. Right now I am really tanky but the damage is not there, also need to evolve this vamp, hopefully I can get enough to skill him up
Sea Deity Heaven Neptune has been a great help for Ocean of Heaven, too bad the one friend that had him isn't coming up. Add me if you want, main lead is usually SoD Lucifer but I can swap him for any ripper except green, unevolved Horus/Isis, ADK, StE, Moondragon Lunar D'spinas.
edit: fuck this game i ran keeper of rainbow three times just for one fucking keeper of dark and i get three lights this is some bullshit arhhhhh
edit 2: wat, why did room of masks start early today what is this i cant get my keeper now arghgiaksda jdsa ndasd
