I think he's talking about the samurai dragon. I ran drawn joker + light Hades. With Siren, Echidna and some nukers with good stats. Some trash waves can be hairy but the bosses are quite safe.There is no safe team in the us version without daitengu. Your most realistic bet is a high level Horus/Ra, Ra/Ra or very high Horus/Horus team. But this dungeon is designed to rob your stones! If you don't have a Horus or Ra... Try my Zeus build. But all options need very good matching skills, or path and decision...
If you are talking about the Dk. War Dragon you can run a resist team. I used Abyss Neptune and Arch Hades. Those extra resists really helped on the early floors. As for the subs I don't remember what I used but I think something along the lines of Zues, Odin, Hera, and Horus. Zeus and Hera for gravity, Odin for his nuke, Horus for stats. I may have used a Siren for more safety instead of Hera. But I think this team was pretty safe. I don't remember being in any danger. You can probably trade out any of the subs as long as your HP is high enough to survive the dragon's skill.I want to try Legend Dark Dragon, but I don't think my team is capable...Anyone got some decent teams to run that are relatively safe?
What team are you using? I just finished starlight sanctuary so I'll be attempting this one soon.Edit: Speaking of Heavy Metal I've done three attempts so far, each time I got to the boss with 0 stones and Echidna charged so I could have taken him with 2 stones max. No drop yet though.
Interestingly enough the new mythical ore dragons don't appear in biweekly dungeons, but in a new dungeon beyond the conditionals where they appear as the boss of and have an insanely low drop rate.
I have Underlord Inferno Hades. Will that work?
Interestingly enough the new mythical ore dragons don't appear in biweekly dungeons, but in a new dungeon beyond the conditionals where they appear as the boss of and have an insanely low drop rate.
They have 50% resist to two elements (overlapping between toys/Romans) and Great Tengu's leader swap skill.Are these dragons any good? I've not read anything about them yet.
Nobunaga has godlike stats, literally. Whereas Helheim is useless.Just tried clearing Dark War Dragon - Legend with Ra and Horus friend. All my monsters in Ra team are still in level 30 range so I couldn't take out take out Dragon Nobunaga in 3 turns and ended up using one stone. Still, got one stone back by clearing up the whole dungeon so its all good. Now that I have Nobunaga I am having trouble deciding who is more boring of a monster; him or Viciousdragon Helheim. Both have equally uninspired regular and leader skills.
Sword of Flames dungeon drop rate is incredibly low, 13 runs, no drop...now i see why this dungeon lasts an entire week...
Sword of Flames dungeon drop rate is incredibly low, 13 runs, no drop...now i see why this dungeon lasts an entire week...
Don't think US is getting Groove Coaster, but 5.3 yesRumours of a server maintenance on the 24th. Groove Coaster and 5.3 incoming?
Don't think US is getting Groove Coaster, but 5.3 yes
good, now I can be pissed off the whole week instead of just for a day. Makes it easier to spread out the stamina though.
oh yeah, hurray 200 days bonus stones!
I've had an increadible streak of luck with MFK drops. Almost 1 / run. Already collected 5. Probably not going to get anymore for the rest of the 2 weeks
Are you running Expert? why do i always get the shittiest luck ever for those dungeons...
Kind of weird that it hasn't been confirmed on the GungHo side, yeah? Either it's only referring to the JP collab, or GungHo is waiting for 5.3 to hit before announcing anything, or GungHo US is just being late as always.
I've cleared all three levels of the Flame Knight dungeon. Out of the three runs I had only 1 drop so far, and it was on the novice level on the 4th stage. I ran the dungeon with my mono-blue team but would a decent ADK team be able to take on expert?
Yeah that's probably all my luck for the day...
When is the next 2x skill up event?
Yeah that's probably all my luck for the day...
When is the next 2x skill up event?
You ready for another Failiofest!?i can't wait to REM forchinese godscupids
Went back and read the first few pages for kicks. Out of curiosity (and maybe to fish for quotes for the new thread), what do y'all think about tier whoring the initial roll for that list of starter gods now? There was a lot of resistance against rerolling back when the thread began.
I'm literally saving every single free stone that I get until Lucifer is in a Godfest again and then rolling til I get him or run out.
I've played entirely on free stones so far and he's the only guy that I need to put my team over the top.
For non-IAP, it's essential. Hell getting a Lucifer alone is worth probably $100+ of IAP purchases. Think about all the doors that opens with a Lucifer First roll? Easy Hera, Easy Heros, leading to easy Valk, to Easy Zeus. If I had to redo it, I would not start until I get Lucifer.
Speaking of that how would you guys tier the REM Gods?
My goes like this
1st tier - Archangel Lucifer - Pretty much turns the game into easy mode. Can be used to make a great teams from scratch. Seriously get this as a starting roll and you never use REM again.
2nd tier - Horus - best offensive God but unlike Lucifer which by itself can auto make great teams, Horus you still to to do a lot of work to make viable Horus teams.
3rd tier - Isis, Tri-color New GReek Gods, Neptune, Parvati, Shiva, Astaroth, Orochi - Frequently used hard to replace.
4th tier - Lakshmi,Dark and Light new Greek, Tri-color Norse, Hades, Rest of Archangels, Amu, Cat girl - Frequently used, but easily replaced. Just better version.
5th tier - Ceres, Venus, Sasuke, Indra, Demon Lucifer, Light and Dark Norse, Ra - Less useful than 3rd Tier and 4th Tier
6th Tier - Rest of Demons, Anubus, Hino, Minerva - Useful in Rare situations but not needed.
7th Tier - Vritra, Yomi - Crapiest of all crap.
Went back and read the first few pages for kicks. Out of curiosity (and maybe to fish for quotes for the new thread), what do y'all think about tier whoring the initial roll for that list of starter gods now? There was a lot of resistance against rerolling back when the thread began.
Lucifer, Neptune, Hades. Loki and Pers would be icing on the cake.
The new Chinese gods have a lot of people throwing their panties on stage, but I haven't spent enough time to know how good they are and who I want to roll during the upcoming godfest.
Lucifer, Neptune, Hades. Loki and Pers would be icing on the cake.
The new Chinese gods have a lot of people throwing their panties on stage, but I haven't spent enough time to know how good they are and who I want to roll during the upcoming godfest.