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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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In all seriousness I've just been straight up procrastinating on finishing the new OT cause I don't wanna write down explanations of the less obvious gameplay mechanics. Maybe I should just link to the relevant sections on the Wikia?
Between the last dungeons of Tier 5 and Tier 6, 6 has three boss rounds compared to two on 5. While the + egg rate may be higher on Tier 6, the rate difference is certainly lower than when comparing 7 chances per run versus 8 chances. The stamina difference is not negligible either, at 6 runs of Tier 5 for every 5 runs of Tier 6. These both add up quickly over time.
I have to disagree. Over the month and a half that I was running these dungeons, I found that I caught more +eggs per stamina from Tier 6. It usually came out to about 1 +egg in 3 runs on Tier 6 and 1 in 5 runs for tier 5. However, in Tier 6 it's way easier to make a deadly mistake, and the team options are much more limited.


Saint Nic
In all seriousness I've just been straight up procrastinating on finishing the new OT cause I don't wanna write down explanations of the less obvious gameplay mechanics. Maybe I should just link to the relevant sections on the Wikia?

I'm sure a number of us would love to help. Just let us know what "articles" need writing. I'd love to assist where possible.


Skydragon busties being added on Friday along with Skydragon Rush

Once again Legendary difficulty is the big deal since the bosses there drop pre-evolved, but if you remember me complaining about it a month ago each of them uses a pre-emptive attack and there are no heart orbs. No Lucifer for you

Preemptive attack with no heart orbs and the rewards are sky dragons? I think I will pass....
Skydragon busties being added on Friday along with Skydragon Rush

Once again Legendary difficulty is the big deal since the bosses there drop pre-evolved, but if you remember me complaining about it a month ago each of them uses a pre-emptive attack and there are no heart orbs. No Lucifer for you

Typo? They drop in their busty forms on Legendary, right?
Ok I've leveled up my Ra to a usable level and am thinking about using him (or pairing my Horus with a friend Ra) for future descended dungeons. I feel like I'm pretty good with orb matching from using Horus so often, but I have a question for you experienced Ra users out there. What do you do when given a board that is:

1) Impossible to match all five colors on your own, i.e. not a all five colors are present. Do you make as many matches as possible and hope for a few lucky cascades? Or do you strategically match the orbs that are most prevalent to try and set up your next turn?

2) All colors are present but more than one color is very spread out so matching five is not likely. I suppose the simple answer here is to be good enough that you can always match if the colors are available. But I've been practicing with Ra lately and occasionally I'll get a board with only three orbs of two different colors, and I can't find a reasonable way to match them all. Do you take the risk and go after the match or move some orbs around to have a guaranteed success next turn?


Ok I've leveled up my Ra to a usable level and am thinking about using him (or pairing my Horus with a friend Ra) for future descended dungeons. I feel like I'm pretty good with orb matching from using Horus so often, but I have a question for you experienced Ra users out there. What do you do when given a board that is:

1) Impossible to match all five colors on your own, i.e. not a all five colors are present. Do you make as many matches as possible and hope for a few lucky cascades? Or do you strategically match the orbs that are most prevalent to try and set up your next turn?

2) All colors are present but more than one color is very spread out so matching five is not likely. I suppose the simple answer here is to be good enough that you can always match if the colors are available. But I've been practicing with Ra lately and occasionally I'll get a board with only three orbs of two different colors, and I can't find a reasonable way to match them all. Do you take the risk and go after the match or move some orbs around to have a guaranteed success next turn?

For 1), If there are multiple monsters that are going to put my team in jeopardy then I at least try to Trigger Horus' 4x. If I am not in danger then I try to get rid of colored orbs that are in excess and hope that the right colored orbs drop. I haven't rigorously tested this theory out but it seems like the colored orbs that are currently missing from the screen drop on the next turn.

2) If all colored orbs are present but impossible to get at then I unashamedly fire up puzzcombo and hope that its guiding hand will allow me to prevail. If I am not tackling a 50 stamina descended dungeon then I just go for the broke and try to make match myself.

Generally speaking, the instances where you will find yourself having guaranteed 5 colored easy orb matches are rare. They truly are. My strategy is to always pair up with a Horus and use his 4X to clear stages. I try to preserve yellow and red orbs because I don't have the appropriate orb changers in my Ra - Horus team. But you can only preserve so much. By the time I reach boss if a color missing then hopefully its the one that can be acquired by triggering one of the heart breakers. Luck is the name of the game in a Ra - anything team.


*Pink Dragon Rare Egg Machine Descends!*

This Friday, along with our normal weekly “Carnival” style Rare Egg Machine event, we will be unleashing a brand new (and super cute) special Rare Egg Machine. It contains the 5 lovely Healer-type animal girls previously exclusive to Japan. For the moment, this event is the only way to obtain the following Monsters:

4★ Mitsuki
4★ Ruka
4★ Kano
4★ Fuu
4★ Kurone

*Please keep in mind, there are only 5 Monsters in this machine, so it is possible you may get doubles.

Are these healers any good?

Not particularly, but paired with a busty Valk you get access to a 3/2.5/1 team which isn't toooooo shabby. The only way to max skill them is to keep pulling that machine, too.

Japan is getting 6.0 tomorrow. Patch notes:
- Awakening system added (duh)
- Max box size increase to 700
- Adding the sort options: by secondary element, by secondary type, by number of awakenings
- Adding sort options for monster book
- Quick team editing:

- Adding some sort of option to block friend requests and mail
- Adding quick scroll by sliding the scroll bar
- New interface for Android

Also here's the Awakening material


The sticker girls are okay healer team members in a pinch, although only Fuu has any real lasting impact. Mitsuki and Kurone can be slotted on Byakko and Seiryuu respectively, but I don't know why you wouldn't pick some other utility monster instead. Stat-wise, they all are pretty poor. Mostly you get them because they are cute. There are worse ways to spend 5 stones since you are guaranteed one of the five will drop. I might take a few pulls on the pink dragon just in case they are ultimated/awakened in the future.
Splitting this off into its own post because of massive info dump.

The Awakening system imbues your monsters with passive skills that apply no matter where in the party they're slotted into.

To Awaken a monster, you must feed it an Eggdra!

Eggdras can drop in Metal/Jewel Dragon Guerilla dungeons as well as from the PAL machine.

Each monster has a set number and order of Awakenings it can attain. For example:
Firedragon Tyrannos: HP Up -> Attack Up -> Skill Boost
Idunn & Idunna, the Twin Goddeses: Watter Att. Up -> HP Up -> Water Att. Up
Awoken Odin: Skill Boost -> Bind Resist -> Bind Resist -> Skill Boost -> Autoheal (rofl)

I'm not going to list all the monsters that can awaken but they're pretty much all the final, not necessarily busty, evolutions of monsters. This includes the 3* Moonlight Sapphire Carbuncles and shit like that.

Currently implemented Awakening skills (my translation):
HP Up: Adds 100 HP
Attack Up: Adds 50 ATK
RCV Up: Adds 30 RCV
[Fire] Damage Down: Reduces the damage taken from [fire] element monsters (repeat for all elements)
Autoheal: Recovers HP when orbs are cleared
Bind Resist: May negate the effects of a bind attack
Blind Resist: May negate the effects of a blind attack
Jammer Resist: May negate the effects of a jammer attack
Poison Resist: May negate the effects of a poison attack (you read right)
[Fire] Orb Enhance: May cause a [fire] orb to drop as a + orb (repeat for all elements)
Extend Move Time: Increases the time alloted to move your orb
Bind Recovery: Match a row of 6 orbs to decrease the bind on your monsters by 1 turn
Skill Boost: Your party starts a dungeon with 1 turn off of skill cooldown
[Fire] Att. Enhance: Increases damage when [fire] orbs are matched (repeat for all elements)
Double Strike: Attack two enemies at once if four orbs are matched

Awakening can be accomplished by two methods:
Method 1: Feed an Eggdra through powerup fusion
Method 2: Feed identical (same name and monster book number) monsters

Is an Awakening guaranteed on feed? Yes. If you combine the correct monster, you will surely get the karkland Awakening.
Do Awakenings carry over on busty evolution? Yes.
(I don't want to translate this question, but basically Awakenings transfer like + eggs)


100% huh? So it remains the same as the initial reveal. The only question now is how often they drop in the metal dungeons. At least there's more incentive to run them now.
So you have to evo to awaken your god monsters? That is disappointing, I would love to give my Ammy an awoken skill or my shiva (got two 5* Shivas and an extra Ammy).

Just kind of wish you could feed 5* too
these healer girls would be great for my healer team
the orb orb change is just what I need
sets up a big ass nuke
youll have

that means you can change fire, heal, wood, and dark to light orbs
the only thing left on the board is Water orbs so you just match them right before the nuke to get rid of them and you can get a full board of lights

and im if reading it correctly the machine only contains those 5 monsters
so you have a high chance of getting them

team would look something like
Voice of God Metatron
Love Deity Cosmo Venus
King Shynee
Warrior Rose Valkyrie

would be dropping Echidna for her
Echidna isnt that great if it isnt max skilled honestly since I burn through dungeons so fast and her skill is rarely up when I get to the boss
Its also pretty hard to stall with Healer girl teams since matching one orb of any color but dark will kill something and you can get screwed over easily given the low health pool of the team and rng on heart orbs


Saint Nic
Lots of crazy stuff to consider...Sticker Girls appear to have their place with their orb change. Awakening skills means we are likely going to see some ridiculous dungeons...


Is this the 1st time we get the Pink REM?
It's great that it only gives 5 monsters exclusively!
If they do this with the poll monsters they'll get money like crazy >.>
Might pull twice since I have stones to spare & some of these sticker girls might get handy in the future.

Any news on updating to v.6 for the US version?


I am disappointed that there's no full 8-10 day event tomorrow.

Edit: I take that back. Yay!

■①Daily Log-in Bonuses
1 Free Magic Stone [9/13 4:00 AM - 9/20]
※Magic Stone will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PDT) the following day.

■② On top of our normal Rare Egg Machine events, we will be unveiling the one-of-a-kind Pink Dragon Rare Egg Machine. It’s the only way to obtain Mitsuki, Ruka, Kano, Fuu, and Kurone!

■③ Special Event Dungeon Schedule:
9/13 - 9/15: Sky Dragon Rush! Can you catch them all!?
Don’t forget! These Sky Dragons now have new ULTIMATE FUSIONS! http://tinyurl.com/pcg6c4d
9/13 - Tower of Jewel: Featuring rare invasions by the Super King Gold Dragon
9/14 - Satan Descended!
*Note: please read the following notice in regards to a bug contained in this Dungeon http://tinyurl.com/oefavyp.*
9/16 - The Thief Descended!
9/18 - Hera Descended
9/19 - Dark Night Sword
9/20 - Zeus Descended!

■④ Surprise guests will visit the Castle of Satan and the Castle of Satan in the Abyss!!
We will have Mystic Knights invading both the normal and Technical versions of Castle of Satan. If you need to Skill Up or capture these helpful Orb-changers, now is your chance!

■⑤ Awesome Daily Bonuses
2x King appearance rates for the Metal/Gold and Jewel Dragons
[We will also have special visits from the Super King Dragons - (including an invasion from one of the Jeweled Super Kings) and the Pengdra Village!]
2x Drops for special daily Dungeons
1.5x Coins for the Weekend Tricolor Dungeon
2x Skill Up rate
Rare Evo Materials at the Pal Egg Machine

[Godfest info coming soon!]


I'm hitting a wall at Hyperion Lava flow, barely beat Hades as is.

Team building help please.

Red starter, Echidna, Gigas, Phoenix Knight, and Ardberg or Red Golem. Maybe Drall if you struggle healing. You need to grind some levels into everything. Consider switching over to technical dungeons for a while?


Satan is no-RCV like Sky Dragon Rush. So pack up on HP/ATK and roll it with the highest multiplier you can field. 3x Vamp Lords look like the hardest thing, although Satan's nearly 7mil HP is fairly daunting.
Droidragon will be getting a busty and gaining the Shiva skill (but with a different name).
Problem is, if you evolve Puzzdroid, he ceases to look like Andy the Android, and that is unacceptable for me.

As for Satan...I guess I'll give it a shot with Horus/Kirin or Horus/Ra. If it takes 5 or fewer stones, I'm good.


Very interesting news today. Have to take a look at the healer girls and see if I want to dump some stones.

Will have to start prepping for Satan. He's probably the toughest descended we've seen in a while.

Edit: the healer girls seem pretty useless. Terrible overall stats and the active skilli is on a 15 turn cool down. Only one I might want is Mitsuki to fit on a byakko team.
Japan is getting the Droiddragon dungeon a second time, so if you sold yours you'll probably have a second chance to pick one up.

*End of Summer Event*
[Duration]: 9/13 (Fri), midnight - 9/20 (Fri), 11:59 PM (PDT)

Summer is just about over, and we'd like to thank all of our fans by unleashing the long awaited *Satan Descended Dungeon!* On top of that, we're introducing the Sky Dragon Rush! and a new limited Rare Egg Machine containing 5 new Healers. Are you brave enough to try the Pink Dragon Rare Egg Machine?!

■①Daily Log-in Bonuses
1 Free Magic Stone [9/13 4:00 AM - 9/20]
※Magic Stone will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PDT) the following day.

■② On top of our normal Rare Egg Machine events, we will be unveiling the one-of-a-kind Pink Dragon Rare Egg Machine. It’s the only way to obtain Mitsuki, Ruka, Kano, Fuu, and Kurone!

■③ Special Event Dungeon Schedule:
9/13 - 9/15: Sky Dragon Rush! Can you catch them all!?
Don’t forget! These Sky Dragons now have new ULTIMATE FUSIONS! [http://tinyurl.com/pcg6c4d]
9/13 - Tower of Jewel: Featuring rare invasions by the Super King Gold Dragon
9/14 - Satan Descended!
*Note: please read the following notice in regards to a bug contained in this Dungeon [http://tinyurl.com/oefavyp].*
9/16 - The Thief Descended!
9/18 - Hera Descended
9/19 - Dark Night Sword
9/20 - Zeus Descended!

■④ Surprise guests will visit the Castle of Satan and the Castle of Satan in the Abyss!!
We will have Mystic Knights invading both the normal and Technical versions of Castle of Satan. If you need to Skill Up or capture these helpful Orb-changers, now is your chance!

■⑤ Awesome Daily Bonuses
2x King appearance rates for the Metal/Gold and Jewel Dragons
[We will also have special visits from the Super King Dragons - (including an invasion from one of the Jeweled Super Kings) and the Pengdra Village!]
2x Drops for special daily Dungeons
1.5x Coins for the Weekend Tricolor Dungeon
2x Skill Up rate
Rare Evo Materials at the Pal Egg Machine

[Godfest info coming soon!]

*Events subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here http://tinyurl.com/cj7zu4t


Saint Nic
250 day bonus today, too. It's a good start! Definitely going to be reading up strats on Satan and Goemon farming. I need to skill my Goemon up. I also wouldn't mind farming Zeus if possible.


Droidragon will be getting a busty and gaining the Shiva skill (but with a different name).

So glad I kept mine as a trophy. Hopefully it doesn't take long for us to get the update.

Problem is, if you evolve Puzzdroid, he ceases to look like Andy the Android, and that is unacceptable for me.

As for Satan...I guess I'll give it a shot with Horus/Kirin or Horus/Ra. If it takes 5 or fewer stones, I'm good.

I'm going to be trying to zero stone, but Satan is one of the few dungeons where it's worth throwing stones at, simply because it's guaranteed access to SOD Lucifer's ability.
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