Saint Nic
New players (and veterans) start here: /vg/ guide to PAD
Notice! Click this here link if you're new to the hero gods and how to play and build them. They are pretty heavy IAP, so keep that in mind if you opt to lead with one.
Leaving this here because Hero Gods are awesome.
Tips for first time PADers
1. Never spend your magic stones on anything aside from monster box expansions and rare pulls during Godfests (not carnivals)
2. Don't play a Special dungeon unless you are hunting for something specific in them. Otherwise you're just wasting what little stamina you have
3. This isn't quite like Bejeweled; you can move your selected gem anywhere on the board for a limited time. Try to match as much of the field as you can if possible. Link five or more of the same colored gem to unleash an AOE attack
4. Go to your Monster Box and FAV everything you don't want to accidently fuse away
5. Back your data up regularly on iTunes/iCloud/whatever. The game has no login system; your account credentials are stored in the app itself
OT1 Wall of Shame
Developer: Gung-Ho Online Entertainment
Requirements: iPod/iPhone/iPad with iOS 5.0+ or Android 2.3+
Download: iOS / Android (US) || iOS / Android / Kindle Fire (JP)
Price: Free! with IAP
Downloading from outside the US
(alternatively, downloading the JP version because you still want to play more crack dragons while your stamina recharges)
P&D is currently only available in Japan and the US for whatever reason. If you're outside these regions and want to play you can...
iOS: Make a US-region iTunes account without needing a credit card
Android: Use APK Downloader with Android and Google Chrome. The APK you are looking for is here.
Useful Links
English Wiki
US monsterbook, includes dungeon timers, stat calculators, and other stuff
Unofficial forum, has good guides
English Facebook group, lots of good FAQs and keeps times of Metal Dragon schedule
Panda - Events and Alarm, a nice helper app for dungeon schedules
i-FunBox, iOS backup/reroll app, jailbreak not required
Helium, Android backup app, root not required
Titanium backup, Android backup app, root required
The Japanese phenomenon, now in English! Puzzle & Dragons combines Pokemon, Bejeweled, hardcore dungeon crawler RPGs, social gaming, and crack cocaine into one app. In Japan, it's remained at the top of the iTunes charts for over six months, currently has over 15 million downloads, and even got its own TV commercial.
Assemble a team out of hundreds of monsters to wipe out everything that moves in the dungeons! Power up your critters by feeding them other monsters in a bizarre cannibalistic ritual! Spend your paycheck buying IAP so you can evolve literal Egyptian Gods* into anime lolis! Wait a second...
Seriously though, while PAD may look like yet another shitty Japanese iOS freemium cash-in, the game is surprisngly deep. We're talking 30+ hours of content just to reach the real "meat" of the game, and GungHo will continue to add more new dungeons and monsters over time. You know how people describe the "Tetris Effect" where they'll see falling blocks everywhere? This game will do that to you too.
The strategies needed to beat later dungeons could fill pages and pages of text (and in fact has, if you look at the number of pages in this thread). You'll need proper hardcore RPG planning before going into a dungeon if you don't want to get slaughtered instantly, and once in battle use pro puzzle gem moving skills to execute your plans. And if you're into that shitton of numbers going up always thing, this game has that too.
Here's a video showing the kinds of broken stuff you'll be able to pull off at endgame:
VS Hera Superplay
But I'm getting way ahead of myself. Let's start with the basics:
Combo Tips
* the Egyptian God update hadn't hit Global as of the time of first posting, but they're in the game now!
Magic Stones, The God Decision, And You
GungHo's strategy for sucking your wallets dry consists of selling Magic Stones to you. Unless you hand over your credit card info, they only come from special events, logging in for X number of total days, or from clearing an entire set of stages in a dungeon. These rocks can be spent to do one a number of things:
You might notice that last one is the only bullet point I don't recommend against. Why? Because the rare egg machine has a slim chance of giving you a 5* monster, or even a fabled ~* God Monster *~. In the long run, getting a chance at an awesome monster far outweighs the benefits of being able to play slightly longer for the day. That's why the first egg pull is so important: the tutorial is the only time when the game dumps five stones on you and gives you a free shot at obtaining God. Some people will advise you to make a new account and replay the tutorial until you get one of a certain few monsters.
Later in the game, especially after beating the Castle ofStanSatan, having a God monster becomes less important than overall team composition. Also keep in mind that some of the monsters that pop out of the rare egg machine will be of little to no use to you in the beginning of the game. That being said, certain monsters, or their evolved/unevolved bretheren, are great cogs for a late-game team, and will make you a highly sought after friend by random explorers. The following highly subjective ~tier list~ highlights a few of these monsters as well as why you should keep them. Special thanks to /vg/ for putting this together. Check out the Google Doc at the very top of the page for more info on this.
Rerolling an account
*Note that this is also described in the primer link at the top!*
So how do you get a new account? There's no login system; the game simply stores your account information as app data, although actual data is serverside. This also makes it important to back up your data frequently. Anyways, there are two ways to get a new account for each smartphone platform. Choose whichever one works easiest for you.
How to make sick combos
Unlike Bejeweled, once you choose a gem you can move it anywhere on the board for a short duration of time. Use this opportunity to rack up some huuuuge combos (check out the cheevos for the game; they expect you to do this). Here are some common ways to "solve" a pattern of three orbs:
While you can get away with playing earlier dungeons by ear, in the later stages you'll be required to whip out 4+ combos on command to get out of tight situations. You aren't forced to move the orb as soon as your turn begins; take some time to identify clusters of orbs that can be matched quickly and plan out your route to success.
By adding a player to your friends list, not only do you get to add their leader to your party, but you also get the benefit of their leader skill! Fire dungeon doing too much damage to you? Bring a leader that cuts fire damage received by half! Love big numbers? Pair a friend's 2x watter attack with your own and do four times as much damage! You also get points to spend on the Pal Egg Machine, which can occasionally spit out some cool monsters.
GAF Friends Army
Venture forth, brave explorer, and team up with other GAF members! Add @GAF to the end of your nickname so fellow GAFers can find you out on the field:
You may have to go back to the title screen/restart the app for requests to appear.
LV20 Gift
When you reach level 20, the game gives you the opportunity to share a gift with somebody on your friendslist. Each gift gives both the sender and the recipient an opportunity to get another one of the three starter dragons, or the light/dark variant. By swapping gifts with someone else you get two tries at getting the light and dark ones! This is a one-time deal, so instead of wasting it on some random, post your friendcode up in this thread and swap with a GAFer! Again, if you don't receive the present immediately, go back to the title screen or restart the app.
Thanks to rocksteady1983 for the banner images!

*Takaoka Collab Returns*
[Duration]: 9/8 (Mon), 12:00 AM - 9/14 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PDT)
Puzzle & Dragon’s very own smorgasbord of culinary excellence has returned! The Takaoka Collab shows the very best that Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture has to offer! See the note for more details:
Amberjack, Velvet Shrimp, and Firefly Squid are fresh and ready to consume--or evolve! And if you’re lucky, you may even get to try the Himi Udon; it’s considered a tradition and a local favorite. The collab is available for a week, so make sure you pay Amitan a visit too.
Takaoka Collab Explained:
Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture is the hometown of Puzzle & Dragon’s Producer.
Collab plans were originally made to celebrate a visit to Takaokashi after being away for 20 years.
This is a puzzling collab, but it was originally introduced in celebration of the Takaoka Festivals--so please enjoy!
Copyright(C)2011 TR@P. All rights reserved.
Notice! Click this here link if you're new to the hero gods and how to play and build them. They are pretty heavy IAP, so keep that in mind if you opt to lead with one.
Leaving this here because Hero Gods are awesome.

1. Never spend your magic stones on anything aside from monster box expansions and rare pulls during Godfests (not carnivals)
2. Don't play a Special dungeon unless you are hunting for something specific in them. Otherwise you're just wasting what little stamina you have
3. This isn't quite like Bejeweled; you can move your selected gem anywhere on the board for a limited time. Try to match as much of the field as you can if possible. Link five or more of the same colored gem to unleash an AOE attack
4. Go to your Monster Box and FAV everything you don't want to accidently fuse away
5. Back your data up regularly on iTunes/iCloud/whatever. The game has no login system; your account credentials are stored in the app itself
OT1 Wall of Shame


Developer: Gung-Ho Online Entertainment
Requirements: iPod/iPhone/iPad with iOS 5.0+ or Android 2.3+
Download: iOS / Android (US) || iOS / Android / Kindle Fire (JP)
Price: Free! with IAP
Downloading from outside the US
(alternatively, downloading the JP version because you still want to play more crack dragons while your stamina recharges)
P&D is currently only available in Japan and the US for whatever reason. If you're outside these regions and want to play you can...
iOS: Make a US-region iTunes account without needing a credit card
Android: Use APK Downloader with Android and Google Chrome. The APK you are looking for is here.
Useful Links
English Wiki
US monsterbook, includes dungeon timers, stat calculators, and other stuff
Unofficial forum, has good guides
English Facebook group, lots of good FAQs and keeps times of Metal Dragon schedule
Panda - Events and Alarm, a nice helper app for dungeon schedules
i-FunBox, iOS backup/reroll app, jailbreak not required
Helium, Android backup app, root not required
Titanium backup, Android backup app, root required

The Japanese phenomenon, now in English! Puzzle & Dragons combines Pokemon, Bejeweled, hardcore dungeon crawler RPGs, social gaming, and crack cocaine into one app. In Japan, it's remained at the top of the iTunes charts for over six months, currently has over 15 million downloads, and even got its own TV commercial.
Assemble a team out of hundreds of monsters to wipe out everything that moves in the dungeons! Power up your critters by feeding them other monsters in a bizarre cannibalistic ritual! Spend your paycheck buying IAP so you can evolve literal Egyptian Gods* into anime lolis! Wait a second...
Seriously though, while PAD may look like yet another shitty Japanese iOS freemium cash-in, the game is surprisngly deep. We're talking 30+ hours of content just to reach the real "meat" of the game, and GungHo will continue to add more new dungeons and monsters over time. You know how people describe the "Tetris Effect" where they'll see falling blocks everywhere? This game will do that to you too.
The strategies needed to beat later dungeons could fill pages and pages of text (and in fact has, if you look at the number of pages in this thread). You'll need proper hardcore RPG planning before going into a dungeon if you don't want to get slaughtered instantly, and once in battle use pro puzzle gem moving skills to execute your plans. And if you're into that shitton of numbers going up always thing, this game has that too.
Here's a video showing the kinds of broken stuff you'll be able to pull off at endgame:
VS Hera Superplay
But I'm getting way ahead of myself. Let's start with the basics:
Combo Tips
* the Egyptian God update hadn't hit Global as of the time of first posting, but they're in the game now!

Magic Stones, The God Decision, And You
GungHo's strategy for sucking your wallets dry consists of selling Magic Stones to you. Unless you hand over your credit card info, they only come from special events, logging in for X number of total days, or from clearing an entire set of stages in a dungeon. These rocks can be spent to do one a number of things:
1. Expanding your friends list - Don't do this until you have at least 500 boxes. Even then...Only do this if you really feel the need to. I've expanded mine to 130, but I have specific leader needs.
2. Refilling your stamina to full - If you are NOT a heavy IAP player, it's not advisable to do this. Otherwise, there are times when refilling your stam is VERY smart. When a rare dungeon comes around (Super Metal dragons are a good example), refilling your stam to get 10 runs in can be a HUGE leap in your monster levels. Do this at your discretion.
3. Revive when you die in a dungeon - There are very few times this is a good idea. Mythical dungeons where you KNOW you can kill the boss in a few stones may be a good option. Also, a dungeon like Zeus where the drop is guaranteed may be justified. Remember, 2 stones in a dungeon for a guaranteed good monster beats 5 stones on the REM for a Toytops.
4. Add 5 more slots to your monster box - New players need to really take care between adding slots and spending stones on the REM. I am an advocate of more slots. I have 625 at the moment, soon to 700. There is no good way to determine if more box space is for you. I don't like to juggle mats, so I keep as many available slots as possible.
5. Spend 5 to use the Rare Egg Machine (REM) - This is a HUGE one. I will likely do an entire section on this. The REM is both your best friend and your mortal enemy. You will get GungTrolled repeatedly. You will hate everyone in this topic. You will pull the best monster in the game. You will pull the worst monster in the game. The REM is a mythical beast...
You might notice that last one is the only bullet point I don't recommend against. Why? Because the rare egg machine has a slim chance of giving you a 5* monster, or even a fabled ~* God Monster *~. In the long run, getting a chance at an awesome monster far outweighs the benefits of being able to play slightly longer for the day. That's why the first egg pull is so important: the tutorial is the only time when the game dumps five stones on you and gives you a free shot at obtaining God. Some people will advise you to make a new account and replay the tutorial until you get one of a certain few monsters.
Later in the game, especially after beating the Castle of

Rerolling an account
*Note that this is also described in the primer link at the top!*
So how do you get a new account? There's no login system; the game simply stores your account information as app data, although actual data is serverside. This also makes it important to back up your data frequently. Anyways, there are two ways to get a new account for each smartphone platform. Choose whichever one works easiest for you.
- Delete the app and redownload it, or
- Jailbreak your phone or use a program like iFunBox and delete data048.bin. May be a little flaky. Remember to make a backup of your old files (data056.bin keeps your monster box, for future backup reference).
- Delete the app and redownload it, or
- ICS or later: under Settings, go to the app and choose "Clear Data" (I don't actually have an Android so I don’t know the exact steps). Otherwise root your device and delete data048.bin
How to make sick combos
Unlike Bejeweled, once you choose a gem you can move it anywhere on the board for a short duration of time. Use this opportunity to rack up some huuuuge combos (check out the cheevos for the game; they expect you to do this). Here are some common ways to "solve" a pattern of three orbs:

While you can get away with playing earlier dungeons by ear, in the later stages you'll be required to whip out 4+ combos on command to get out of tight situations. You aren't forced to move the orb as soon as your turn begins; take some time to identify clusters of orbs that can be matched quickly and plan out your route to success.

By adding a player to your friends list, not only do you get to add their leader to your party, but you also get the benefit of their leader skill! Fire dungeon doing too much damage to you? Bring a leader that cuts fire damage received by half! Love big numbers? Pair a friend's 2x watter attack with your own and do four times as much damage! You also get points to spend on the Pal Egg Machine, which can occasionally spit out some cool monsters.
GAF Friends Army
Venture forth, brave explorer, and team up with other GAF members! Add @GAF to the end of your nickname so fellow GAFers can find you out on the field:
You may have to go back to the title screen/restart the app for requests to appear.
LV20 Gift
When you reach level 20, the game gives you the opportunity to share a gift with somebody on your friendslist. Each gift gives both the sender and the recipient an opportunity to get another one of the three starter dragons, or the light/dark variant. By swapping gifts with someone else you get two tries at getting the light and dark ones! This is a one-time deal, so instead of wasting it on some random, post your friendcode up in this thread and swap with a GAFer! Again, if you don't receive the present immediately, go back to the title screen or restart the app.
Thanks to rocksteady1983 for the banner images!