I have 4 max skilled toshiros I kind of have to get meri lol
That's fair lol, I have one.
I have 4 max skilled toshiros I kind of have to get meri lol
Hey guys, quick question. I must be a glutton for punishment, but I had a lot of fun last week rerolling on a different gacha game. Something about free slot machine pulls I guess. My question is - is rerolling doable in this game, and is it possible to start off with something really good? Any advice in that area?
I've heard of this game for a long time and I'm interested in checking it out while my other game's energy is refreshing.
To reroll you just go through the tutorial, roll and if it's good keep it. if not, delete the app and start again. it's not super time efficient but you can get a decent jump start if you snag a good lead
What's the best 2 or 3 units I could hope for?
What's the best 2 or 3 units I could hope for?
What's the best 2 or 3 units I could hope for?
That would have been good to know about 600 days agoBy the way, you don't have to delete the entire app to reroll; you just have to clear the appdata.
What's the best 2 or 3 units I could hope for?
That would have been good to know about 600 days ago
....yes, yes it is too much to ask for
Kaioh seems strong, but more like Kagutsuchi.I have like 140+ stones on both my jp accounts
I'm thinking about chasing Kaioh.
I kind of regret not going after Aizen and some are saying Kaioh is just as good if not better, is that a fair assessment of him?
Or I can save/collect more stones for Heroine REM return and suffer crushing disappointment on that.
edit: chickened out just rolled till gold. Bat on my main, my alt got killed did ten rolls no gold so I stopped.
good mobage evening, took like 10 runs of monday dungeon to get the last golem needed to make the voltron lol
I want to beat the One Shot challenge for the Rodin Tamazo. I never attempted the earlier ones. I started with the fire dragon so I'll face Zeus Dragon as the boss. Would it be easier to use Myr or Krishna? Or is there a better lead for this?
It depends on your team, but Myr is just about the perfect choice for this dungeon.I want to beat the One Shot challenge for the Rodin Tamazo. I never attempted the earlier ones. I started with the fire dragon so I'll face Zeus Dragon as the boss. Would it be easier to use Myr or Krishna? Or is there a better lead for this?
Mostly what b33r said. If you use Myr you can stall through his poison/heal board too with the RCV badge.I want to beat the One Shot challenge for the Rodin Tamazo. I never attempted the earlier ones. I started with the fire dragon so I'll face Zeus Dragon as the boss. Would it be easier to use Myr or Krishna? Or is there a better lead for this?
It cost me 6 stones and I really should not have attempted it yet, but I got cocky with my Aizen team and cleared the Myr Dungeon!!! It'll probably be months before I'm able to awaken her or even use her anywhere, but I really wanted her!!
Huh, and I'm finally a member now, yay!
It depends on your team, but Myr is just about the perfect choice for this dungeon.
I'd take your Myr team. Not sure what would be the best inherit. Indra can get you out of more trouble than a delay but a delay can make Zera super easy. I'd go for the delay so you can use it on beelzebub/DXM or Zera to stall before Zeus dragon. Then Venus will have her enhance which should do a decent bit to Zeus Dragon.I have:
Awoken DQXQ
Reincarnated Venus
All hypermaxed. Reincarnated Venus could inherit DQXQ, or delay or other utility.
I also have a strong Krishna team
Urd or Awoken Leilan
Awoken Ares or Misato
All hypermaxed.
I'd take your Myr team. Not sure what would be the best inherit. Indra can get you out of more trouble than a delay but a delay can make Zera super easy. I'd go for the delay so you can use it on beelzebub/DXM or Zera to stall before Zeus dragon. Then Venus will have her enhance which should do a decent bit to Zeus Dragon.
My Myr has no inherit, should I put a fairy tale girl inherit on?
Btw why don't I ever see Raphael pop up in any teams or strats? It seems that shield is so unique that it can help cheese a ton of dungeons. I max skilled mine from the light chinbowdras a while ago.
I know the board change is bad but the card has great RCV and pretty good HP. I don't understand why he seems even more niche than Hades.
I also started with fire. I just beat it with Krishna and only had to use one stone because I got him under 50% without healing enough. Krishna is probably easier because you can stall without a cross every turn but it will take longer. Took me around 45min I think but I was pretty conservative and stalled a lot.I want to beat the One Shot challenge for the Rodin Tamazo. I never attempted the earlier ones. I started with the fire dragon so I'll face Zeus Dragon as the boss. Would it be easier to use Myr or Krishna? Or is there a better lead for this?
Revo Minerva people keep denying my friend requests
I just need a few to solo farm Myr and Scarlet because my ALB teams are not up to snuff (only two maxed Dioses and nothing 297'd).
Some guy last night wanted to run Monday expert and so I did that for an hour and got about 50 of the drops that will skill up my 4 DKalis after the update. I hope there's another skillup bonus soon![]()
Anyone try their hand at the ranking dungeon? I tried the Dios team on reddit and did ok, then used Aizen and got 2.6%. I need to go faster but that's pretty much the only improvement I can make. 2 crosses hits damage cap, you can one cross most floors, bring rodin for color coverage and predra.
Do something to keep the combo count average at 3-4 and finish with around 200 seconds and you should crown. I'm slow at 185 but I could be faster if I match better on floor 1.
EDIT: ran again and got 1.4% I'm at the RNG threshold at this point and I'm not throwing stones at a crown. Even if it would be my first![]()
I beat it once last night with Aizen, at around 20%, I won't chase a crown but will go for 10%. I think it'll be hard to get a crown unless you have yamamoto, saw some vids with him already. Think I'm going to test a tpa build. Also 2 crosses can kill predra.
Yeah but Rodin is faster and you don't lose all that damage to defense.
Curious what the yamamoto build is.
Is two dark crosses with Aizen
2 * (2*6) = 24
2 * (2*6) = 24
24 * 24 = x576 multiplier?
If so that's bonkers and I see why people were chasing him.
Still not enough for me to really rethink not rolling at all in the collab, though.
I got 9.7% first try with A Pandora but I have Leeza and ALB/Dios so I think I can make something similar this.127k for a 0.5%. I'd love that score to hold, but my hopes aren't high. This tournament is weird. There seem to be a lot of teams capable of 1%ing, but they're mostly all lucksacky as hell. Even more so than usual.
In summary: ranking dungeons are the worst.
still true? I guess I don't notice 2 different leads for each friend on my friends list.The helper monster that other people will see from you is the leader of the team you used most recently, so you should try to leave up a strong monster that people will want to use. After reaching Rank 120, a player can see two leaders from each friend - their leader from Team 1, and the leader of their current team. Even when you aren't at Rank 120, though, other players above Rank 120 can still see your two leaders, so if you are a new player but have high-ranking friends, you should try to set a leader for your Team 1 that's different from the leader you usually use.
Info is correct about teams 1 and "last used" which in order to set you just need to go to it on the team screen and then go back. It should have a green square before the team name when it's active. If you change it then people need to back out to title screen and then re-enter the game before they can see it.Can someone remind me how to display certain leaders to friends?
I know the first three slots are meaningful, but what triggers what? My first slot is Krishna but for the most part I'm still getting Ronove (slot 4) friend requests, with the occasional Myr who is slot 7 or 8. The only ALB (slot 2) requests I get are from discord farm partners.
Is this:
still true? I guess I don't notice 2 different leads for each friend on my friends list.
Do you really have to recreate your teams every time you want to put someone different up by changing slots? That would get annoying quick. And do you have to run a dungeon with your new leader for the game to "reset" your leader?
Also, it's only the leaders of the teams that matter so you can reserve slots 1 and 2 for sharing and just have the leaders set with no subs and then use all other slots to make the teams you actually want to use so you can change them around without worrying about changing what your friends see.
I'm still really confused about that and the algorithm for recommending randoms to you.
I also started with fire. I just beat it with Krishna and only had to use one stone because I got him under 50% without healing enough. Krishna is probably easier because you can stall without a cross every turn but it will take longer. Took me around 45min I think but I was pretty conservative and stalled a lot.
Here's my team. I had around 56k HP and used the +15% RCV badge which allowed me to heal up from most hits with only 3 hearts and a few combos.
Krishna (Awoken Freyr), +297
Fire/Light Ares, +65, +99, +99
Dragon Killer Tsubaki (Awoken Cao Cao), +50, +50, +99
Reincarnated Minerva (Red Guan Yu), +0, +0, +99
Uriel, all around +75
Krishna (Awoken Viper Orochi), +297
I got 9.7% first try with A Pandora but I have Leeza and ALB/Dios so I think I can make something similar this.
Yamatsumi Tournament - 129,554 points, 0.1%