So...anyone want to make a best friend triangle with me and Secretmoblin?
I've still got my BF if anyone wants to make a triangle. I'm semi on a break until something makes me want to get serious again (DAthena). I've got Myr, RaDra, Gremory, Minerva, and Meri are my most used leads but I can put up whatever anyone needs.
I'm on R. Minerva, Gremory, Meri, sometimes DD Cecil, and possibly Anubis or R. Ra in the future. I'm not sure about D. Athena yet, as I don't many of her ideal subs. Secretmoblin mentioned his leads last page.
For myself, I'm pretty open to what everyone brings to the table. I know Yamamoto combines relatively well with Minerva, and I have Myr, but just haven't done much with her outside of skilling her up.
Please don't leave. I use your subs a lot!.
I tried doing level 9 coop with my Krishna teams but didn't have enough heart makers to deal with the multiple gravities. Decided to try with my alt's recently finished Myr team and did it first try haha.
If all else fails, just BFF the highest ranked pubbie on your friends list.
Haha, same here. I think I actually did A1 before clearing Z8. As long as you have a predra answer you're golden and with some leads you can just burst over 10mil.I would always pick a GAF bff over a rando.
Did both levels of Nordis this morning and snatched all them Myr evo mats. I dunno why I've been putting off all all these purple banner dungeons thinking they'd be too hard or full of cheap mechanics, they are cake.
I would always pick a GAF bff over a rando.
Did both levels of Nordis this morning and snatched all them Myr evo mats. I dunno why I've been putting off all all these purple banner dungeons thinking they'd be too hard or full of cheap mechanics, they are cake.
I still have mine. I have ra dra in slot 1 and Yamamoto in slot 2, myr in 3 but will probably move her out.
Since you replied directly, are you interested in a triangle? I could BF you, you BF moblin, moblin BF me?
I don't have ra dragon, but I would use yamamoto from time to time.
My ID is 335,413,460 username Aesnath. I'm not 100% sure who I'm friends with from Neogaf already, as people's usernames seem to differ significantly.
We probably need to get on it if they are possibly updating tomorrow.
I was going to save my BFF triangle for some people who are going to be using Dath/Aizen. Anyone fit this description here?
There is a google doc with some probably outdated info in the OP. I have my info in I think (can't check from work).
I was going to save my BFF triangle for some people who are going to be using Dath/Aizen. Anyone fit this description here?
I was going to save my BFF triangle for some people who are going to be using Dath/Aizen. Anyone fit this description here?
You, Jody and moblin is fine. I was just pointing out we have a resource to clear up username confusion.I'm actually already friends with you. I'd be onboard with a triangle with you and secretmoblin as well.
Jody77 seemed interested, but I'm pretty flexible.
We just need to confirm that is what we will do so that we make the BF selections.
I accepted your friend request secretmoblin.
I'd guess carat. That's super impressive.C10 swipe win with ALB!
No idea who he used for the 2 turns damage enhancement at the end
Im out of luck if it`s gemstone princess![]()
I'd guess carat. That's super impressive.
Edit: b33r, I'll bff you. I'll be running those leads and Aizen is in my bff slot. Dzy did me a solid so I'll have a Kenshin up when I need it.
Nice, we just need a third Aizen friend then.
Or at least a super Yomi Dragon player.
Some MP monsters becoming REM Or dungeon drops
Including DAathena and RaDra
Oh my
I'm actually already friends with you. I'd be onboard with a triangle with you and secretmoblin as well.
Jody77 seemed interested, but I'm pretty flexible.
We just need to confirm that is what we will do so that we make the BF selections.
I accepted your friend request secretmoblin.
Oh! I'd love to join you two! I'm mainly an Aizen player and have been working hard to fully max him. He's fully maxed with an awoken orochi inheret I need to reincarnate in the near future for better stats. If nothing else, I could use more Aizen friends![]()
ID: 347,494,219
Bladelaw already bf me, so once resets happen you can bf him and I can bf you for the triangle.
I'm in, just let me know who to send to. Have to make sure I'm friends with everyone.
391, 130,292... send me invites.
Groovy, I just sent you a friend request.
We could do it a few different ways, but we just need to agree. I could BF moblin, he could BF you, you BF me?
What do you think Moblin?
I'm conflicted about the MP cards being available as drops. They're currently technically farmable anyway, and I don't like the idea of going down the path of dropping stones for a difficult dungeon -- the stamina cost is already a hefty penalty for anyone wanting to chance a brutal dungeon. Then again, I spent 2 stones total in the quest for Myr, and it was obviously worth it.
I suppose it's nice for NIAP people who would rather obtain these cards by playing the actual game than mindlessly farming MP forever, but it opens some potentially troublesome doors regarding future MP cards and power creep...
I'm purchasing D.Athena regardless. I have a great team, all my tamas and +297 mules are ready to go, and I know a huge chunk of my friends list will have her up and running day 1.if she actually gets released
Would be interesting to have certain gods available as MP purchases, though.
I'm fine with whatever, just let me know who to BF and I'll take care of it tomorrow morning! I already have J0dy friended.
But what if the reset happens tonight?
Either way, if Jody77 confirms, we'll go with the sequence I suggested
Oh, I was under the impression that the reset was happening tonight and that we were going to do a triangle after the reset... my bad -_-