Well... then, lol. Maybe I won't feel so bad next time I roll a silver out of the REM.
Working on the Medjedra since I need one for Bastet, but with only a good Kali team, this is a tough one. I just need this and Sphinx to evolve the cat-god and finally start working on a good second team. On th eplus side, using Lkali so long has helped me get better at the game.
Are either of the FF collabs worth farming hard? For units I mean
Today's Monday dungeon goal is level 400. Last week I grinded like mad to hit 200 stamina.
Do you have a stable Zaerog infinity team? It gives almost as much xp with plus eggs and super kings so it's a much better place to grind.
Do you have a stable Zaerog infinity team? It gives almost as much xp with plus eggs and super kings so it's a much better place to grind.
What does a stable Z8 team look like?
I feel like I have a deep enough box for it but my attempts have been depressing. I can usually get 1 clear per stamina bar. If I bring true damage + Skill Delay Resist (A. Ra in my case) I get hung up on the final form's bullshit, or I choke earlier in the dungeon.
I'd like to farm it up to make Z8 viable in teams so I'm definitely interested in ideas. I'd post my box but my herder is poorly sorted.
I think most combo teams work. I use Horus with lots of time extend awakenings (5), which is enough to handle the first form. Second form I wait a turn then use gravity + damage multipier.
god damned final fantasy. I didn't roll the first time it came around.
I have no need of any of the cards.
I'm not even using my daily stamina anymore.
I have no need to spend any more money on this game.
I have not whaled since December.
I have no self control.
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I started a new account after losing my previous one .. still waiting on restoration.
I got a Yuna after 3 rolls with this account .. is she a good lead in any way? I heard she is like DQXQ.
Haha! Did you at least get something good?
So I grinded whatever I could today to get one more roll, and got sheen. Was disappointed at first, as Yomi Dragon already fills unbindable bind clear, but I looked into the card and found it is very rare. The active skill should be great as a skill inheritance down the line and will be very beneficial for burst when I play coop with my main account. So not so bad I suppose.
Sheen was only released in NA this week; still has the new car smell.
Yeah, it is a stupid rare card, as that is the GungHo game plan: cards that only appear during specific galas and do not receive any modifiers to being pulled. So, Sheen is probably a sub-1% pull rate that is only possible during dark gala.
Yep, seems to be a great card to hold onto for skill inheritance.
Yeah I figure with sheen you don't need Zeus in arena either which is nice. It will be even better when you can use something like diza with sheen inherited, you wouldn't need all those dark resists.
10x spike?Yep. I max skilled her by accident while trying to max skill Castor. 3x making up for my Zuoh fails (2/30 btw).
EDIT: inherited on a Ra dragon team with 9TE means a 10x spike on top of the 144x. Holy shit. /edit
Now I need to farm the FF collab for DKCecil skill ups. He'll be perfect on A. Panda.
I wish the light form was more useful than Apocalypse on Thoria though. Also I may turn him light first and top off his skills with Shynpys and revert to dark if I can't seal the deal over the collab.
Planning on running
A. Panda, DKCecil, Zuoh, Akechi, D Valk, A. Panda
That sound about right? Should be about 42k HP when hypered.
10x spike?
Isn't it 1 + (0.3 x #TE)?
In this case it would be 1 + (0.3 x 9TE) = 3.7x spike. Still very strong.
Sheen padx
So this FF collab dungeon. Is it really 100% drop rate? And are the drops any good? Was kind of fun to see five gold drops.
I'm doing the Int level, and I'm getting a drop every floor, except the boss floor.
These just seemed unusual me, but I guess it's normal for collab?
Very nice for me, considering my near lack of dual-color cards. Now I have a bunch to mess around with.
Still haven't cleared wadatsumi is there a new team that makes this dungeon a breeze?
Managed to hit 1.1% for the Ranking Dungeon grr
Starting to think that reaching crown status requires you to skip procing Horus on certain floors.Better then my 5.6.
My IRL friend got .9 but will probably lose it.
.9 and below will require absolute perfection and luck.