Aw I want Kawl to stick around. Maybe he'll be nice if Town.Alright, we are on the cusp of a Melon lynch.
About now is the time to decided who to use the cure on.
Kawl seems to be a bit resigned, so I suppose 11?
Aw I want Kawl to stick around. Maybe he'll be nice if Town.
Aw I want Kawl to stick around. Maybe he'll be nice if Town.
I hope you guys don't bumrush the vote now =/
You know, I could totally vote and hammer it right now.![]()
I thought we were lynching melonI honestly don't mind which one we cure tbh. I'm assuming we are lynching the other?
The only real problem is tomorrow we need to either cure/lynch the person we don't hit today and find whoever they Infected as well. But that's more of a next Day Phase problem.
Although I'm not sure how interested I am during the rest of the day if it's just going to be us arguing with Fran about using his vaccine. I'd rather watch the news and cut myself.
*11037 or Kawl?
I thought we were lynching melon
How many votes away are we from majority?
Burbeting said:Im sorry melonrabbit the punishment for infection is death.
melonrabbit said:I dont even get a trial?
Burbeting said:The Lab has spoken.
melonrabbit said:So you accuse me of being infected, and then just toss me into the flames? What kind of justice is this. I thought this was a civilised lab.
I demand a trial by combat.!!
Burbeting said:You have that right. Though I doubt anyone will fight for you.
melonrabbit said:I dont need a champion. Ill take on any of you. I have the Gods on my side. Hurry up and choose your champion. I know youre too cowardly to take me on.
Burbeting said:Very Well. I choose fire as my champion.
President's Wife
Your husband is the president at Lakeshore Pharmatech.
Your alignment is to vengeance. (This means NEUTRAL).
Eliminate your husband's personal assistant.
Passcard - Your passcard will let you exit the game upon completing your win condition.
You have no special commands. But you can VOTE:
Kawl_USC said:You stabbed me?!
You have a stage 2 infection to the Araxia virus.
Your alignment is to Araxia (This means scum).
You win when all the humans are either dead or infected.
Recovery - You can self-heal from most injuries including death. You're also immune to Araxia. I wouldn't test my luck in the incinerator though...
INFECT: <player> - Infect one player with the Araxia virus. Infected players will know who infected them.
KILL: <player1>,<player2> - Order <player1> to kill <player2>. <player1> must be an already infected player.
please note that you can only use one command per night phase.
Infected Lab Technician
You have been infected by the Araxia Virus.
Your alignment is to Araxia (This means scum).
You win when all the humans are either dead or infected.
Recovery - You can self-heal from most injuries including death. You're also immune to Araxia. I wouldn't test my luck in the incinerator though...
You have no special commands. But you can VOTE:
So vaccines don't work on infected except infected fat4all?
Seems like it. Odd that the role doesn't mention it.
Ok. So let's recap the bullshit.
1. Two infected are dead. Yay!
2. Two potential town members lost because we decided to trust the neutrals. sigh
3. No kills, which is good. That must mean, based on Burb's PM, that we have a new infected somewhere though, since they can only kill OR infect.
4. I am going to discount everything that fat, fran, or acohrs say today because it's useless.
Thought town would be happy that infected were gone
You make it sound like that you knew they would die.