If you use locked 60 fps as a ceiling beyond which there is no determinable advantage, the 560ti/6870/6950 range is the sweet spot for price/performance.JaseC said:The 570 is arguably the best "bang for your buck", however.
If you use locked 60 fps as a ceiling beyond which there is no determinable advantage, the 560ti/6870/6950 range is the sweet spot for price/performance.JaseC said:The 570 is arguably the best "bang for your buck", however.
thanks for the correction. i thought the 580 was a dual gpu card also, but i wasn't certain, hence 'i believe'JaseC said:GTX 580. The 590 is the dual-GPU single-card equivalent. The 570 is arguably the best "bang for your buck", however.
DaBuddaDa said:If you use locked 60 fps as a ceiling beyond which there is no determinable advantage, the 560ti/6870/6950 range is the sweet spot for price/performance.
plagiarize said:thanks for the correction. i thought the 580 was a dual gpu card also, but i wasn't certain, hence 'i believe'
i'm not team Red or team Green. i'm team 'who makes the current fastest single card GPU'. waiting to see who that'll be with the next two batches of cards before i think about upgrading.
You mean forces the enabling of it? I'll try it from the control panel though.JaseC said:If I'm not mistaken, nvidia's profile for the game forces the disabling of vsync. You'll have to edit it otherwise through the driver control panel.
MadOdorMachine said:You mean forces the enabling of it? I'll try it from the control panel though.
Got it. Thanks for the help. That screen tearing was nasty.JaseC said:Nope, I mean the profile specifically calls for vsync to disable. "Force off", or whatever the option is named, is the default setting, for whatever bizarre reason.
MadOdorMachine said:Got it. Thanks for the help. That screen tearing was nasty.
Worst part really is that they had the drivers ready and uploaded the wrong ones.JaseC said:I tend to forget the 560 Ti exists, but even so, depending on particular circumstance, the 570 may prove to be the more worthwhile venture; hence "arguably".In general, though, I imagine you'd be correct.
Frankly, after AMD's struggle with OpenGL support, I'm done with their cards. I can forgive their OGL drivers being broken circa Brink, but that released months ago and they knew full well Rage was on its way. There's no excuse for such poor form.
plagiarize said:Worst part really is that they had the drivers ready and uploaded the wrong ones.
Fortunately we only had to suffer for a day or so though!
MadOdorMachine said:All right I just finished the first level. How do I put this nicely? The graphics are pretty bad. Everything looks low rez, washed out and there's dithering in the darker areas (bath rooms). This looks really bad imo. Am I missing something? It seems like this should look better.
luka said:Hmm, I've been out of the gpu market for 3-4 years (since I got the 4870x2). If the 570 can handily destroy it at 1080p and 4xAA (being a single gpu), I'm down. Been with team red for the last decade and I'm anxious to see if the grass is, in fact, greener on the other side. I'm mainly worried that my E8400 (@3.6Ghz) would be a big bottleneck.
Watching the gamersyde 1080p60 videos of rage made me envious of people without stuttering.![]()
jett said:The latest ATI drivers fixed my issues with Rage. No more unplayable unstuttering with Catalyst AI enabled. I can finally play without going down to a single CPU thread! Framerate is a lot nicer although still not locked at 60fps which is kinda disappointing. I guess I'll replay the entire game in a higher difficulty.
But yeah this is still my first and final AMD purchase.
Glassboy said:Hi everybody. Well unfortunately, I think the patch (Oct 8) might have borked my game. Since release, I had been using one of the fixes that people created to stop the texture streaming issues. These are the settings:
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
The game ran fine for the most part (it did stutter for a few seconds every once in a while) and I was happy enough with the performance. I played the game the day after the patch came out and suddenly I was have blue texture issues. It started once I got to subway town. Subway town itself is fine, but when I leave to the wasteland, there are blue textures in the distance. I tried not using the custom setting as seen above, but there was no improvement. What should I do? Btw, I'm running this on a Gtx 580, 3.3 ghz i5, and 8 gbs of ram. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Glassboy said:Hi everybody. Well unfortunately, I think the patch (Oct 8) might have borked my game. Since release, I had been using one of the fixes that people created to stop the texture streaming issues. These are the settings:
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
The game ran fine for the most part (it did stutter for a few seconds every once in a while) and I was happy enough with the performance. I played the game the day after the patch came out and suddenly I was have blue texture issues. It started once I got to subway town. Subway town itself is fine, but when I leave to the wasteland, there are blue textures in the distance. I tried not using the custom setting as seen above, but there was no improvement. What should I do? Btw, I'm running this on a Gtx 580, 3.3 ghz i5, and 8 gbs of ram. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
jett said:With that rig you should probably stop using a custom config and simply set texture cache to "large" in Rage's video options menu, see if that fixes your problems.
Yup, and switching back to the ones before that did not help eitherJaseC said:Are you using the latest beta drivers?
Glassboy said:Yup, and switching back to the ones before that did not help either
Thanks anyways. It sucks too because I was really enjoying the game up to this point. I could deal with the stuttering ever 5 minutes, but not this on top of that.JaseC said:Well that's my small bag of tricks used up, sorry.I'm running a GTX 570 and Rage v1.1 cured texture issues for my system.
This looks like an AMD driver team problem more than anything else.I H8 Memes said:This doesn't look like a PC problem to me. Looks more like a developer problem.
Todays 285.62 WHQL doesn't have that problem.JaseC said:If I'm not mistaken, nvidia's profile for the game forces the disabling of vsync.
Your personal "sweet spot" is highly dependant on the resolution you're playing at. 560ti/6870/6950 are somewhat slow for anything higher than 1680x1050.DaBuddaDa said:If you use locked 60 fps as a ceiling beyond which there is no determinable advantage, the 560ti/6870/6950 range is the sweet spot for price/performance.
dr_rus said:Todays 285.62 WHQL doesn't have that problem.
Benchmarks do not support your theory. A GTX 560 ti will run 95% of PC games on high settings at 1920x1080, and a price/performance ratio, which is what I was talking about, isn't necessarily tied to any specific frame rate. A $1 video card that runs games at 15 fps would be the best price/performance ratio card if it existed.dr_rus said:Your personal "sweet spot" is highly dependant on the resolution you're playing at. 560ti/6870/6950 are somewhat slow for anything higher than 1680x1050.
This isn't a theory. I have GTX470 at the moment which is more or less in the same range of performance as GTX560Ti. And I can assure that it's not enough for 1080p with AA and AF in much more cases than I'd like.DaBuddaDa said:Benchmarks do not support your theory.
15 fps is unplayable thus such perfomance can be considered as 0. And you can't really divide anything by 0 so a $1 card that runs games at 15 fps simply doesn't have any price/performance ratioDaBuddaDa said:A GTX 560 ti will run 95% of PC games on high settings at 1920x1080, and a price/performance ratio, which is what I was talking about, isn't necessarily tied to any specific frame rate. A $1 video card that runs games at 15 fps would be the best price/performance ratio card if it existed.
Those two cards are in similar ranges but the 560 delivers noticeably better frame rates in a large amount of games. I have a similar 6870 on a stock i5 750 and outside of a few well-known outliers (Metro, Crysis), I have no trouble maintaining consistent 60+fps on high in everything I play. I just want to avoid the common perception that one needs to spend $400 on a video card in order to get good performance, which in the vast, vast majority of cases is not the case and is a waste of money. If you're one of the few who is running an extreme resolution or multiple monitors, I trust that you don't need video card advice in the first place anywaydr_rus said:This isn't a theory. I have GTX470 at the moment which is more or less in the same range of performance as GTX560Ti. And I can assure that it's not enough for 1080p with AA and AF in much more cases than I'd like.
RedSwirl said:So I should just wait on this game? Running an AMD HD6850.
RedSwirl said:So I should just wait on this game? Running an AMD HD6850.
With my new 560ti I was sitting pretty at a perfect 1080p60 in this game, then at some point I started getting frequent freezes and crashes. You could try validating the data files in steam and redownloading if necessary. That fixed all my problems.Glassboy said:Hi everybody. Well unfortunately, I think the patch (Oct 8) might have borked my game. Since release, I had been using one of the fixes that people created to stop the texture streaming issues. These are the settings:
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
The game ran fine for the most part (it did stutter for a few seconds every once in a while) and I was happy enough with the performance. I played the game the day after the patch came out and suddenly I was have blue texture issues. It started once I got to subway town. Subway town itself is fine, but when I leave to the wasteland, there are blue textures in the distance. I tried not using the custom setting as seen above, but there was no improvement. What should I do? Btw, I'm running this on a Gtx 580, 3.3 ghz i5, and 8 gbs of ram. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Yikes this thread is dead. Though it never hurts to ask I guess
I have the steam version that I bought yesterday. Aka patched version.
1) How on earth do I minimize the texture popin ?
2) Can I activate the console in anyway?
3) Can I make the game use more vram? ( it's capped at like 700 mb )
Use the 8k config as seen in post #2 and, in the game's options menu, set the texture cache size to its highest value.
+com_allowconsole 1 in the Steam launch options or seta com_allowconsole 1 in the game's config file.
So more textures can be cached? The engine doesn't work that way - it's designed to throw out everything that isn't currently being viewed.
For what it's worth, with the 8k config and the latest version of the game, I see no texture pop-in at all on my system (E6420 @ 3.2GHz, 4GB DDR2-800, GTX 570).
Thanks a lot mateI'm pleasantly surprised I actually got a reply <3! Gonna try these suggestions a s a p and post an update in a couple of minutes.
No worries.If you have an nvidia GPU, you shouldn't have any trouble whatsoever. If you don't, well, I hope you've done your good deed for the day, because you'll need all the good fortune you can get.
+com_skipIntroVideo 1 +com_allowconsole 1 +cvaradd g_fov 10
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
seta com_allowconsole 1
Thanks again, here's my unfortunate update though! I must be doing something wrong.
I still get pop-in bad enough to make me not want to play. This is what it looks like when I turn my back away from this view from 2 seconds and then turn it back.
Also I don't think the 8k textures tweaks have gone into effect since the game looks like this without the tweak aswell. Plus I can't get the console to work for the life of me, I'm pressing "§" but nothing happens.
Some info :
- The game is up to date
- I'm using the latest nvidia drivers
- I'm using the following in my steam launch options :
- I'm using the following lines in my rageconfig CFG-file that is in the "base" folder :
What am I missing? Thanks again for any input!
+com_skipIntroVideo 1; +com_allowconsole 1; +cvaradd g_fov 10
I think the texture cache option renders the texture cvars redundant, but I recommended them anyway as I didn't alter my config file post-patch and experienced smooth sailing from thereon out. In regard to the console, you need to add ; at the end of each but the last command when using multiple launch options. For instance, your launch options should look like this:
There was one thing I forgot to mention, though it may have been fixed in the patch, and that is to go to the C:\Users\[your Windows account name]\AppData\Local directory and create an id software folder and then a rage folder inside that, as the directory is used for a ~1GB texture cache file. There's really not much else I can recommend, sorry.
Thanks, I just wish I could get rid of the texture pop-in, maybe it would help if I enabled HT on my 2600k? Since I assume, or rather understood that apparently the pop-in is due to cpu-something or other.