Thanks, I just wish I could get rid of the texture pop-in, maybe it would help if I enabled HT on my 2600k? Since I assume, or rather understood that apparently the pop-in is due to cpu-something or other.
What kind of GPU do you have? The 8K texture thing is only suggested for people who have 1.5GB of VRAM or more.
My AMD HD6850 only has 1GB but I was able to minimize texture pop-in by doing the same cfg exploit but changing the 8k values to 4k (4096 I believe), and then setting the texture size in the in-game menu to high.
I think what that does is forces all the textures down to the "small" value instead of auto detecting, but puts those small textures into the large loader. When I do this you still notice some pop-in when you try and when areas first load, but now when textures load for me they stay loaded. Graphically textures still look like console textures, but at least they freaking load.
My only problem left is that I'm still getting terrible artifacts which I hear is due to AMD's drivers. My framerate could also still be better.