garath said:I'm going to try the 8192 on my system over lunch and see what the results are. I had already nearly eliminated the pop-in with a previous set of cfg tweaks but I love those sharper textures.
Jubbly said:What are these other tweaks you speak of?
garath said:Lol. You know I just copied my rageconfig from my post in the other thread and realized I've already changed the pageimagesize. I didn't realize it was already in my config. Well then it works great!
Here's what I did:
I updated to the latest BETA drivers 285.38. I added a rageconfig.cfg file to my rage/base directory with the following settings:
com_AllowConsole 1
com_SkipIntroVideo 1
vt_qualityhdplossless 1
vt_qualityhdppower 0
vt_qualityhdpspecular 0
vt_qualityhdpnormal 0
vt_qualityhdpdiffuse 0
vt_qualitydctpower 100
vt_qualitydctspecular 100
vt_qualitydctnormal 100
vt_qualitydctchroma 100
vt_qualitydctluma 100
vt_usecudatranscode 2
vt_maxppf 2048
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_minlod -1
vt_maxlockedpages 1024
vt_uncompressedvmtr 1
vt_maxaniso 16
vt_uncompressedphysicalimages 1
vt_vmtrcompression none
image_lodbias -1
image_anisotropy 16
image_usecompression 0
image_screenshotquality 100
And I forced vsync and triple buffering in the nvidia control panel. In-game settings are set to 16x AA and GPU transcoding enabled.
What I have is solid 60fps with such fast pop in that I wouldn't be able to tell if I wasn't whipping the mouse around and specifically looking for it.
Now that we've had some more discussion about it, I'm going to change the bolded to 4 to prevent any future issues. I've really only played about 5 minutes with this config. I spent most of yesterday just tinkering instead of playing.
you have the wrong version of the Rage performance driver from the sound of it. the one released before the game was horribly broken. i'm generally getting great performance on my 5870 now with the second Rage performance driver.TheDude108 said:Not getting that great performance with the spec below:
i5 2500k @ 4.6GHz
4Gb DDR3
6950 2Gb (unlocked to 6970)
Using the Rage performance AMD drivers.
Seems to be ATi users aren't getting that good performance, whereas Nvidia users are flying.
Metalmurphy said:Anyone having problems with graphical glitches. Kinda like the ones you do when your graphics card is dying?
Using the AMD Rage drivers.
yeah. that's common. after a few missions it seems to stop. just seems to be something id will have to patch.undercoverb0ss said:Where in the game are you? I'm in Well Spring and the characters are screwed up.
Rewmac said:Could you give us a heads up when you played a little more so we know the game doesn't crash, freez and so?
dark10x said:garath, do NOT use vt_maxaniso 16. That does not work properly with the game. The highest setting you should use is 4. AF does not play nicely with this engine.
plagiarize said:you have the wrong version of the Rage performance driver from the sound of it. the one released before the game was horribly broken. i'm generally getting great performance on my 5870 now with the second Rage performance driver.
when i don't get good performance as far as i can tell it's nothing to do with graphics card drivers, and i can repeat the same exact load/gameplay/mission another time with zero performance issues.
i know Dark10x experienced something like this. most of the time he loaded the game he experienced hitching, but one time, for no obvious reason, it ran locked at 60 fps.
It was a mostly locked 60 fps (very minor hitching occurred still), but now it's much worse. It's incredibly unstable and very finicky.plagiarize said:you have the wrong version of the Rage performance driver from the sound of it. the one released before the game was horribly broken. i'm generally getting great performance on my 5870 now with the second Rage performance driver.
when i don't get good performance as far as i can tell it's nothing to do with graphics card drivers, and i can repeat the same exact load/gameplay/mission another time with zero performance issues.
i know Dark10x experienced something like this. most of the time he loaded the game he experienced hitching, but one time, for no obvious reason, it ran locked at 60 fps.
Yep. I switched to the PS3 version, actually, and the experience is 1000x better. I was able to sit back and enjoy the game. No hitches ever, perfect 60 fps, and minor texture loading (which was really no worse than the best I've seen my PC produce). I'm actually loving the game now.I've spent entirely too much time trying to fix the issues with this game. I still want to play it though. I think I'm just take this as an expensive lesson on not trusting a developer - any developer - where the PC isn't the lead platform and just grab the 360 version.
undercoverb0ss said:Where in the game are you? I'm in Well Spring and the characters are screwed up.
that doesn't always work out so well. lots of games that don't lead on PC have had PC versions that were free of any obvious faults at launch, and that looked much better on PC.Geoff9920 said:I've spent entirely too much time trying to fix the issues with this game. I still want to play it though. I think I'm just take this as an expensive lesson on not trusting a developer - any developer - where the PC isn't the lead platform and just grab the 360 version.
Yep. Crysis 2 was clearly aimed at consoles, but the PC version was pure bliss at launch. Ran flawlessly and looked better than anything else I had seen on the PC at the time. Was one of the smoothest PC launches I've ever taken part in. It did not feel at all like a cheap console port.plagiarize said:that doesn't always work out so well. lots of games that don't lead on PC have had PC versions that were free of any obvious faults at launch, and that looked much better on PC.
it's always going to be case by case unfortunately.
garath said:Here's what I did:
that's exactly when i get hitching too, but sometimes when i load the game i get no hitching at all. same levels. same amount of stuff going on. if i get no hitching when i load it, i can carry on playing with zero hitching for the entire play session.dark10x said:It was a mostly locked 60 fps (very minor hitching occurred still), but now it's much worse. It's incredibly unstable and very finicky.
Now I get 60 fps until textures begin to load and then it dips to the 40s until textures have stopped streaming. Since that occurs so often, it feels pretty awful.
Yep. I switched to the PS3 version, actually, and the experience is 1000x better. I was able to sit back and enjoy the game. No hitches ever, perfect 60 fps, and minor texture loading (which was really no worse than the best I've seen my PC produce). I'm actually loving the game now.
By not trusting I mean I'll take a wait and see approach vice just preordering.plagiarize said:that doesn't always work out so well. lots of games that don't lead on PC have had PC versions that were free of any obvious faults at launch, and that looked much better on PC.
it's always going to be case by case unfortunately.
undercoverb0ss said:Where in the game are you? I'm in Well Spring and the characters are screwed up.
Arcipello said:so what does 16384 look like compared to the default setting? anyone got a card capable of running it?
it must be something fixable, because some times the texture streaming doesn't cause me any frame rate issues. sometimes i load the game and it will run locked at 60 fps until i quit it. other times i load the game, and it stutters every time it streams in textures from the moment it loads, right through that entire play session.TheDude108 said:Think its just the texture streaming causing the frame rate issues.
If you stop at an area were the frame rate drops (like looking in the distance) and wait for a few seconds, the frame rate shoots back up to 60fps (for me).
Moving the mouse around causes it to drop down again because it has to stream the textures in, but leaving it results in the frame rate going back up.
Hopefully its something they can fix.
Yeah, I'm getting it. Ugly as hell.Truant said:I can confirm that the texture loading is causing the fps drops. Same here. Also, anyone else getting a weird greenish hue when in dark areas?
that's an artistic choice. it's not anything to do with performance. it's not a glitch.Truant said:Also, anyone else getting a weird greenish hue when in dark areas?
The greenish hue is an artistic choice, not a bug.Truant said:I can confirm that the texture loading is causing the fps drops. Same here. Also, anyone else getting a weird greenish hue when in dark areas?
plagiarize said:it must be something fixable, because some times the texture streaming doesn't cause me any frame rate issues. sometimes i load the game and it will run locked at 60 fps until i quit it. other times i load the game, and it stutters every time it streams in textures from the moment it loads, right through that entire play session.
it never stops stuttering mid play session. it never starts stuttering mid play session... it either stutters all the time, or not at all.
so its definately fixable. i just wish i could figure out what allows me to play it locked at 60 fps for hours at a time, and ensure that my environment is set up that way whenever i load the game.
Pylon_Trooper said:Goddamnit. I will say it again, I thought this was supposed to be a very scalable engine. Everyone here is running monster rigs and issues still abound. Good luck, everyone on the mid to low end, unless some black magic patching goes on.
Smokey said:I'm sure it is. As I mentioned a few posts up on one 580 the card was only being utilized around 30% and VRAM usage of 600MB. This is at 1080p and it was running at 60fps with 16x AA.
Jubbly said:Have you got to the city area in my comparison shots? Would love to see 16K there.
+set com_allowConsole 1 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1 +cvaradd g_fov 20
i'll look into my GPU speeds. i've tried launching it with any and all browsers closed, but only after i had the issue, and perhaps something is still going on in the background. i'll be home for lunch shortly, and presuming my pc isn't dead (it won't wake on lan for me right now...) i'll do a quick test.TheJerit said:do you have anything else running in the background, such as any webpages? What kind of card do you have? I ask because I recently stumbled across a known issue with (atleast) the 5800 series of cards. If you have flash video playing and have hardware acceleration (or w/e its called in the options), then it locks your card at 400/900 mhz. So my 5850 typically runs at 850 or so mhz, it was only running at 400 when I experienced this the other night in bf3 beta. I was find for the first few rounds. then I went and watch some youtube videos and came back to playing bf3. then my fps were dropped from way before. that's when i noticed my gpu was not going above 400mhz.
may not have anything to do with your issue at all and if not, I'm sorry but I just wanted to pass along some recent experience.
Truant said:Turning off GPU transcoding helped my performance quite a bit.
Smokey said:What does this even do?
Smokey said:What does this even do?
Transcode basically converts from the disk format to an in-memory format usable by the GPU. GPU Transcode performs this costly operation on the GPU instead of the CPU, which massively increases the number of pages that can be transcoded at a time (while maintaining 60 or near 60 hz). This has the visual effect of reducing the time between an item coming on screen and that item having the full, correct texture data available.
sk3tch said:
Seems to be Nvidia only...uses CUDA. So I would hope it does not illuminate on AMD rigs or else that may be why some have problems. Or maybe that "source" above is BS.
Nice, that's the exact same specs as me. Hopefully it will run well with 8k textures.garath said:That REALLY shows the difference. Thanks for posting that.
I'm going to try the 8192 on my system over lunch and see what the results are. I had already nearly eliminated the pop-in with a previous set of cfg tweaks but I love those sharper textures.
i5 2500k @ 4.2ghz
8gig DDR3
GTX 460 1gig
We'll see how the 8192 runs with 1gig of VRAM.
Smokey said:I'm sure it is. As I mentioned a few posts up on one 580 the card was only being utilized around 30% and VRAM usage of 600MB before Angular's config. This is at 1080p and it was running at 60fps with 16x AA.
Jubbly said:What's wrong with the current one? Performance is fine and there are no in-game problems.
Thank god we aren't but this is a lot worse than that. It feels like Quake 4 console commands which are a pain in the ass!Samiad said:This thread has me feeling like Quake/2/3 config editing never left usI thought we were past this.
sk3tch said:I would hope the new Nvidia driver adds better SLI support. But it may be too soon. At least it works just fine with it enabled.
the high res texture patch is unlikely to ever arrive. just doubling texture resolution would be a 24 Gig patch... and god knows what it'd do to VRAM requirements which are already high if you want to eliminate texture popping.JoeTheBlow said:*sigh*
Will wait for hi-res texture patch, just like i wish to god i'd waited for the Crysis 2 one.
Graphics may have been upgraded, yet i never want to play that terrible game ever again.
Maybe my first time through would have been better if it hadn't looked like an up-rezzed console game, i'm thinking the same with Rage. Get cracking Jon.