subversus said:Yes, you can't be sure about achieving steady 60 fps on 6850 at the moment.
Wow, that's pretty fucking ridiculous.
subversus said:Yes, you can't be sure about achieving steady 60 fps on 6850 at the moment.
Rewmac said:I don't care how much Witcher or any other game sold. Games sell better on the consoles. Period.
Again one title Portal 2 is older than my brother. No one cares about 15 year old games or so. This is here and the now.Curufinwe said:Nope, no period; Portal 2 is a game and it "did better" on PC
Rewmac said:I don't care how much Witcher or any other game sold. Games sell better on the consoles. Period.
Hmmm...Why is that exactly? Because I simply look at statistics?MDSLKTR said:You're gonna last long here.
I don't care about proving my point. I know something plus I have charts right in front of me so I really have nothing to prove to anybodysubversus said:Whatever, mellow out or make another thread to prove your point (lol).
Rewmac said:I don't care about proving my point. I know something plus I have charts right in front of me so I really have nothing to prove to anybodyNow can we move on...
Are you on crack? No, honestly. You may need professional help.Rewmac said:Again one title Portal 2 is older than my brother. No one cares about 15 year old games or so. This is here and the now.
Yeah, good call.Rewmac said:Now can we move on...
MountZion said:Do you have a 580 as well?
Well no thanks no. I just look at the present as usualNullPointer said:Are you on crack? No, honestly. You may need professional help.
Yeah, good call.
Icarus said:Running on a 480 here. Was some bad tearing until I enabled triple buffering, then smooth as silk. No stutters, no tearing, all locked 60fps at 1920x1200 goodness.
Rewmac said:Again one title Portal 2 is older than my brother. No one cares about 15 year old games or so. This is here and the now.
Rewmac said:Again one title Portal 2 is older than my brother. No one cares about 15 year old games or so. This is here and the now.
Rewmac said:I don't care how much Witcher or any other game sold. Games sell better on the consoles. Period.
MDSLKTR said:You're gonna last long here.
Definitely worked for me. Just be sure to uninstall previous AMD software first. It certainly makes the game playable but a few more tweaks are advised.kitch9 said:http://downloads.guru3d.com/AMD-Catalyst-11.9-[RAGE-Driver]-(8.892.3-October-3)-download-2800.
If not already posted AMD Rage fix driver here.
Supposed to be fine, and solves the problems. I haven't had chance to test it on my office rig though as I have to wait to Friday to play...
subversus said:By the way has somebody managed to open console they were talking about?
angular graphics said:You mean this?
com_AllowConsole 1
It will disable your achievements, so it's best to do the changes directly through the rageconfig.cfg instead of enabling the console.
sk3tch said:That's not true.
JaseC said:There are conflicting anecdotes about this. It seems enabling the console is supposed to disable achievements, and will in some cases but not in others.
Curufinwe said:Portal 2 was released in April, 2011. WTF are you talking about?
Totobeni said:Wooha,I can't believe the PC version have so many problems, it's id Software and all that jazz,i'm glad i waited.
sk3tch said:I have seen this all over but I have never seen any proof that it does. Using my config I have been earning achievements with the console enabled. It would be counter intuitive if they blocked you. I imagine it is set to specific options you enable in the console, not the entire console itself. If they disable them at all. Probably cheat codes/options or something (if there are any).
JaseC said:When I made my rageconfig.cfg file for the 8k texture settings and accidentally left the console enabled, I started a new game just to be safe.
sk3tch said:FWIW, I enable the console via the launch options section and not my config file.
Revolutionary said:8k textures run at a steady 60 for me, but the 16k's crash almost immediately, because the game doesn't support SLI at the moment so I'm limited to 1.5GB (GTX 590). Profound sadness.
RS4- said:Alright installing now. I may just wait though before I actually start things up. I think I'm still on AMDs 11.8 drivers or something. I didn't bother updating for BF3 as I didn't have any problems with it.
Hopefully we can nail some configs down for various GPUs and such.
Actually, I'll do a quick run through on my stock 2GB 6950 and 2600k @ 4.4 to see what I get on whatever default settings at 1080p
Smokey said:Do I have to enable triple buffering with vsync? Doesn't that just introduce more lag? I've got vsync forced on, and haven't noticed any tearing. I have triple buffering off.
angular graphics said:So I was thinking.. The singleplayer's megatextures are "just" 11.4GB.
Quite often it's said "but the game is already 20+ GB, to double the texture quality they would need to release a 40+ GB patch", but no, the textures of the SP are quite a bit smaller than 20GB.
My point is a 30GB texture pack would allow about 2.6 times more detail, and it's not THAT much of a hassle to distribute (for Bethesda) and to download (for the enthusiasts PC gamers). I think it's manageable and worth it..
angular graphics said:My point is a 30GB texture pack would allow about 2.6 times more detail, and it's not THAT much of a hassle to distribute (for Bethesda) and to download (for the enthusiasts PC gamers). I think it's manageable and worth it..
A single uncompressed 128,000x128,000 pixel texture weighs in at around 120GB, and the game as it stands when we visit is, Carmack says, probably a couple of terabytes. A lot of that winds up being stuff that the player never sees the back of buildings or mountaintops that no trails lead up to so you can throw that away, and the compression gives you 20-to-one-ish over the whole base. But its still going to be a challenge. The sweet spot would be one Blu-ray [50GB], or four regular DVDs [8.5GB each], and Doom 4 may wind up being that.
Would love to see a high res texture pack for at least a couple of the levels.angular graphics said:So I was thinking.. The singleplayer's megatextures are "just" 11.4GB.
Quite often it's said "but the game is already 20+ GB, to double the texture quality they would need to release a 40+ GB patch", but no, the textures of the SP are quite a bit smaller than 20GB.
My point is a 30GB texture pack would allow about 2.6 times more detail, and it's not THAT much of a hassle to distribute (for Bethesda) and to download (for the enthusiasts PC gamers). I think it's manageable and worth it..
dynamitejim said:Wow. I read this post on the Steam forums and added the "vt_maxPPF" 16 setting to my config and now there is no texture pop in at all. Instead any texture that's not loaded in completely streams in very subtly, but it's very rare and pretty much unnoticeable.