Noi's assassin makes my mage feel so underpowered. He just runs around killing stuff before I can even get to it.
Noi plays through games faster than I can...do most things (._. )
Noi's assassin makes my mage feel so underpowered. He just runs around killing stuff before I can even get to it.
Anyone playing at the moment?
Anyone playing at the moment?
No sis. Most of us ordered on NewEgg.
;___; 2 more days
Okay! Just let me know when!I'll be free to play a few quests in 10 minutes or so.
Crap IGN review link not worth reposting
I also bought a Vita just for this game.and Persona 4
My will is weak.
Looks like the online servers might be down now. Keep getting connection dropped when trying to go into the Tavern.
lol ign...I swear game reviews in general are horrible nowadays. Especially when it comes to handheld games.
And not even finishing a game to review it. ...yeaaaah
It usually fails the first time for me. I just got online.
I like how reviewers don't even have to finish games now... He literally said that he didn't even finish the game. I can understand if it's unplayable, but if it's totally a bug-free game.... uhh??
Oh there it goes. Do you want to make a room or should I?
You can make it I guess. My next quest is 1-8.
Alrighty. Room name is GAF and password is vita
Alrighty. Room name is GAF and password is vita
You two need to stop for a sec when you're done with your current quest so I can get in!
You wouldn't expect a book critic to actually finish a novel? Who has that type of time?!
damn this Ape boss!I can't seem to beat it
damn this Ape boss!I can't seem to beat it
Wow that Orc boss was hard. For a tank I sure am dying a lot.
Wow that Orc boss was hard. For a tank I sure am dying a lot.
My brother and I each have a Vita, but we share the same PSN ID. If I buy the digital release and install it on both Vita, is it possible to play ad hoc with each other?
I know this works for Silent Hill: Book of Memories, but it was not possible in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. In UMvC3, the game will always display your PSN ID, so the game kind of glitches in the lobby and doesn't allow you to start a match. With SH:BoM, the game only displays your character name, so this isn't an issue.
Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
I don't like playing online, is this game fun alone ?
The reason why I don't play online is... Because I have no one to play with.
So jelly... still no shipping confirmation from Newegg.
I knew Sandy would bite me in the ass somehow!
But you have us!
I will answer you just because you have awesome ID.
If you play ad-hoc mode, then yes you can play with your bro which shares same PSN ID.
If you playing online however, no. can't be done.
Well, I'd use that for a more story focused game. Unless I'm misreading Ragnarok Odyssey you can probably get a good enough feel after sinking something like 30 hours in. Ideally you'd ALWAYS finish a game, but if story isn't a motivating factor to playing then it probably won't budge much with 20 or even 200 more. Now, say, Virtue's Last Reward, yeah, you'd be a complete idiot to review before finishing.You wouldn't expect a book critic to actually finish a novel? Who has that type of time?!
Noi's connection is bordering on 0 to 1 bars lol
I don't think we were supposed to fight that Hill Gigas, heh.
I don't think we were supposed to fight that Hill Gigas, heh.
Still a few mechanics that I don't get. I'm SURE the bear was almost dead from the extra quest, but I couldn't dash anymore. So I just had to run around until I was eventually caught in a shitty corner. Bah.
Also, what's the crystal in the bottom corner?
E: Do we get penalized for failing a mission?
A. You ran out of AP from sprinting/dashing too much. It's the yellow bar under your health. If that happens, you can't do anything that requires AP (except jumping) for a few seconds.
B. That's the tension meter. The higher it gets in the middle of a fight, you more damage you dish out.
C. You aren't penalized, but any consumables you used are gone. You still receive any items you picked up along the way.