hide your water-based mammals
Any solid MP impressions?
Do I hear Johnny Young Bosch?
fuck, not a fan of mage at all. All her attacks are super slow and stationary.
btw: is there a move list or anything, and you can get new skills, or is everything you have at the beginning what ya have for the rest of the game?
Also having a hard time comprehending how the knockback system works. Sometimes baddies react to hits, sometime they don't.
Do I hear Johnny Young Bosch?
....This probably won't end well.
It didn't.
....This probably won't end well.
It didn't.
And here we go!
Booting up now. :3
Did you at least scream,"LEEEROOOOOOOOOOY JENKINS!!!!!!!!" before running into battle?
Did you try reasoning with him?
I believe you do. And Jamison Price, whose voice I just had to use for my serious, not-at-all-young looking Mage. Hearing him call out RO Spells is too cool, lol. I would have loved to have had the JP voices available too, but I'm happy the US voices are of proper popularity and quality.
I'm really liking the way Mage feels in this game! Won't say too much as I'm not deep into the game yet, but it's a fresh take on the playstyle. THere's little I find as fun in action games, as sending enemies spinning out across the screen, and being able to do that on things 5 times my character's size is incredibly satisfying.
Also, great how much *RO* stuff is in this game. It'd be easy to get a few translated names wrong here and there, or translate throw-away items like trunks and Jellopy's as "Wood" and "Gelatin", for example, but all the in-universe stuff is very familiar and comfortable. The care put into that aspect is appreciated, XSEED!
Badges made of Empirium, smacking around Grizzlys and Marin's, using emoticons that are right out of RO, BEING ABLE TO SIT! (Ok, I didn't have to raise my job level in order to do it this time...), talking to all the proper Kafra girls (Leilah's the best, duh), talking about trade and fashion set by the trends from Capital City Prontera... it's all nice and plesant for any who spent way too much time in the RPG...
Oh yeah, and yays for complimentary Angeling's in our own private suite! Such high class service!
- Your neutral "O" is a soul strike! That pushes them back. You also have 2 buffs from charging neutral "O", I believe.
-- Spells have a wide area of effect, and seem to hit very hard early on. Also, use air attacks to stay out of enemy reach.
- Move list is with the Merc Booklet. Maybe in the digital manual as well?
- Knockback works by how worn down you have the enemy. When the cursor around them (during lock-on) is red, you can knock up and back.
Spells do hit hard, but they take forever, and you have to be in it, to use them efficiently, which = you getting hit hard.
maybe i'm missing something, don't know.
Has anyone tried Cleric yet?
I just bought a Vita for this game. YAY!
If I don't like it I'll cry, there's absolutely no other Vita game that I want until Soul Sacrifice.
So sorry for newb question but of all te games released today, this is appealing to my days back with phantasy star online on DC. Am i wrong assuming the concept is the same?
If you do, you should probably get that checked out. I kid, but seriously, you should just automatically assume he's in everything even mildly related to Japan.
Kind of amazing how much better games look on a Vita than via screenshots. I understand why and all that, but it still continues to impress me everytime I boot up a new game.
That's good to hear. All the screenshots I've seen of the game have turned me off of it. But between hearing this and reading destructoids review I think I want this game pretty badly now.
And hearing about the great character creation and customization has me interested too. As does hearing that one of the composers of ff xi and ff crystal chronicles is doing the soundtrack.
EE: Yup, just found the guy who can craft for me. Awesome. Limit question still stands though!
No idea, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now I'm chesting everything except the weapons I can't use, which I sell.
Also, now I'm looking more familiar~
Gives me Double Attack and Poison Attack abilities too!
Holy wow, that's fantastic! Hope you can look a little like SinX later, too.![]()
Damn you, Ichigo!!!I tried, but the JYB voice couldn't channel that essence very well..
Wow that was beautiful! Ok I think I am gonna get this right now. If I add 50 to psn I'm at $100. Might as well.It's going to be a glorious game. The soundtrack is AMAZING by the way, you should give it a listen:
Not too bad, you have super armor, decent crowd control, and a few hits into Heaven's Drive in air sends many weaklings spinng out all around the field. Soul-striking weaklings into everyone else allows you to make your own projectile shot out of all weaker enemies. Also, you can Dash-cancel recovery pretty easily, so once you get the spell out, start moving around!
It might not be the class for you, though. Take the class on until you can switch classes, and then see if something else fits your desires better.
Hunter is probably closer to what an expected Mage would be like, from what little I know of it.
My brother has started one, as a classic Battle Aco / Priest / High Priest player. He's loving it. Sanctuary is slow to start, but is a great way to heal self + others after conflicts, the special counter -> 3 hit burst is great, and he even has a mini-fireball somewhere in there. He's not the strongest hitter so far, but looks to be a great support / self-healing character.
Wow that was beautiful! Ok I think I am gonna get this right now. If I add 50 to psn I'm at $100. Might as well.
I'm hearing they can counter attack, where do I read up on those and air combos? Manual seems to just talk about ground combos :/
There was a section in the Merc Guide about Class Specific Abilities. Not sure if it's in the manual or not. (I'd figure it'd have been in the same spot of the combo diagram, as a "single button press" section.)
Even that guide skips a few things, though. Like there's no mention of what Mage's Lvl 1 and 2 Charge attack does specifically in the Merc Guide... though they do mention he has buff skills.
Thanks for the heads up. Was actually at $49 after tallying so I am gonna end up having to add a few more bucks to reach a hundred.Just remember, you have to actually spend 100. So if you spend $99.98, the deal won't count. So make sure those few cents are spent somehow!
There was a section in the Merc Guide about Class Specific Abilities. Not sure if it's in the manual or not. (I'd figure it'd have been in the same spot of the combo diagram, as a "single button press" section.)
Even that guide skips a few things, though. Like there's no mention of what Mage's Lvl 1 and 2 Charge attack does specifically in the Merc Guide... though they do mention he has buff skills.
Yeah... it's not in the menu. The fuck? Could you explain how to do 'counter attack' with cleric please![]()
Cleric is pretty fun so far. Having a heal is really nice.
Can you cancel attacks with Mage? Super Armor is great... until you die lol.
And one worrying thing about Sterling's review is time limit. I wanna continue my cleric... but don't wanna reach that ceiling :S
So once you reach the "end-game", do you grind for the best gear and then call it quits? Is there a bunch of super bosses and such that we'll get to partake in?