Metroid other M is kinda alright and even mostly fun to play. Fast, fluid, Samus looks brilliant in action, lots of really cool melee and finisher moves add to the combat in ways the Prime series is always lacking in, the 1st person switching works well enough and the environments are all well designed and look amazing (at least by Wii standards), loads of power-ups and secrets to find and there are several great pieces of music that add to the experience. If the game was designed around a more suitable controller than the Wii Remote on its side and the rest of the game was just as high standard I'd have no qualms calling it an excellent game.
But unfortunately the rest of the game doesn't hold up at all. Samus as a protagonist is awful, the story is overall woefully executed despite having some good moments and a decent premise, the authorisation system is an embarrassment, the
plot line is completely butchered again despite having potential, the scenes where you move slooooooooowly in an over-the-shoulder camera are really stupid and the scenes where you have to spot something in the environment in first person to progress are even stupider.
A real shame really, I don't think the game is anywhere near the worst ever but I can't blame anyone who loves the series taking the worst parts of this game so badly that they hate it.
But unfortunately the rest of the game doesn't hold up at all. Samus as a protagonist is awful, the story is overall woefully executed despite having some good moments and a decent premise, the authorisation system is an embarrassment, the
A real shame really, I don't think the game is anywhere near the worst ever but I can't blame anyone who loves the series taking the worst parts of this game so badly that they hate it.