Enjoy missing out on an amazing game with beautiful art and a wonderful soundtrack for a dumb reason, I guess.
Having an extremely bad time trying to experience the content is not a dumb reason.
Enjoy missing out on an amazing game with beautiful art and a wonderful soundtrack for a dumb reason, I guess.
That's not really controversial. Most people with sense see that this wouldn't be a good idea. But I mean we had someone recently who said pokemon should do away with random encounters so....Lots of strange folk around.
Gran Turismo 4 is the last great sim racer ever made, and Polophony has been a trash developer ever since, and it continues with their shitty descion of GT Sport. They will never get back to the greatness of GT4.
Bethesda can't make an enjoyable RPG to save their lives, their elder scrolls and fallout games are some of the shittiest jankiest uninteresting rpg world's ever made. Obsedian made a better fallout game than they ever will.
Witcher 3 got super boring half way through, it became tedious and every conversation overstayed it's welcome.
GTA4 was a much better campaign than GTA5, a much more interesting story and not as convuluted as GTA5.
MGS4 is one of the best MGS and action games ever created. Far superior to MGS5.
Short games > Long ass games.
We shouldn't be so discouraged by microtransactions that don't effect gameplay. Games have been the same price for over a decade, I can't even find a dollar menu now.
What about the people who haven't bought it 5 times? You have millions of people going crazy trying to secure NES and SNES Minis. Surely that shows there's a market for these games?Virtual Console on Switch would be a waste of resources. Buying Super Mario for the 5th time is insane.
People tend to see what they want to see.
When wages stop being stagnant, they can raise the cost of games. I'm kinda tired of publishers trying to remind me gaming is "supposed to be" expensive.
What about the people who haven't bought it 5 times? You have millions of people going crazy trying to secure NES and SNES Minis. Surely that shows there's a market for these games?
Sure but what about the people who already own that $300 console?A miniature console that keeps games forever at $70 is probably more appealing then buying a $300 console to play old games.
I really don't remember this ever happening. I mean I remember FMV games and played few of those, but majority of the games weren't FMV. Having wide variety of different games is much better than strict and narrow minded restrictions of what games should be. Losing certaing kind of games entirely (even those someone doesn't personally like) is much worse than what you are describing.As mentioned above with Naughty Dog, I fear video games lapsed back into the early days of FMV in the 90s.
Story and gameplay did not matter,as long as you could see real actors with boobs and splatter.
Bloodborne is arguably the greatest game of this generation, perhaps of all time.Everything about this makes my skin crawl
Except the last one, Kojima is really nasty.
How do you feel about Bloodborne?
Action-RPG and Action-Adventure are probably my favourite genre. Souls games, Nioh, Dragon's Dogma, Ys series are among my favourites. Recently I've been playing Dishonored 2, Gravity Rush 2 and Crash N Sane Trilogy, which I really enjoy, and I loved Uncharted: Lost Legacy (but only "liked" Uncharted 4, and hated 3 -- I typically don't like "cinematic" games). I like some shooters like Borderlands and the recent Wolfenstein games, but don't play a lot of them because I suck at them. ;_; I also like classic (and classic-like) platformers and side-scrollers like Ristar, Freedom Planet, Rayman Legends, Gunstar Heroes, etc.You know, I agree with you on some of the things you said, but I am really curious, what are your favorite games/genres? you seem to find something you hate in everything!!
Don't get me wrong. You did win this thread indeed, but I just wanna know
Yeah, they've all bored the shit out of me. Vanquish was probably the most obnoxious. Funnily enough, I was almost interested by Scalebound! I thought the gameplay had potential, anyway, but the protagonist was truly terrible, so no big loss.Calling all platinum games weak in the gameplay department, I think that's the first I've ever seen anyone doing it in GAF tho XD
Oh, I fully agree with this. Most 8-bit games have aged very poorly, unlike 16-bit ones. The QoL jump is just massive between these gens.I have no interest at all in the NES classic or in ever playing those games again. Most NES games are terrible in 2017 and I can only play them for about 5 minutes.
I really don't remember this ever happening. I mean I remember FMV games and played few of those, but majority of the games weren't FMV. Having wide variety of different games is much better than strict and narrow minded restrictions of what games should be. Losing certaing kind of games entirely (even those someone doesn't personally like) is much worse than what you are describing.
I really don't remember this ever happening. I mean I remember FMV games and played few of those, but majority of the games weren't FMV. Having wide variety of different games is much better than strict and narrow minded restrictions of what games should be. Losing certaing kind of games entirely (even those someone doesn't personally like) is much worse than what you are describing.
Exactly. The more variety the better. It's a foolish stance to judge everything worthless, that doesn't fit a narrow view. I've been playing games since the 80's, and I don't recall this era where FMV games were reigning.
They were reigning on computers at that time. Stonekeep was one of the most hyped games
Well considering Skyrim has less than zero actual dragon fights, or dragons for that matter, of course Inquisition would be better.
I still find it funny that a dev that primarily makes fantasy RPGs didn't (seem to) know the difference between a wyvern and a dragon.
Not on C64 and Amiga. Even if they reigned on PC, it wasn't like they reigned over all of gaming, since there were other platforms. Hell, PC wasn't even that popular gaming platform at the time, so its part of the whole wasn't that great.
I was referring mostly to the mid-90s,when Amigas unfortunately were in decline. Dos/Windows computer game magazines devoted hundreds of pages to such games. Phantasmagoria was big and very controversial. It was even released in Japan on Sega Saturn. Praised for its storytelling just like TLOU and LA Noire.
When I see all those CGI games focusing on cinematic scenes with violence, I cant shake the feeling they were influenced by such games. I think those older games did it much better because they had actual producers who worked on films and used movie studios.
I couldnt help but shake my head when I saw Kojima praised as a movie story teller. Even those B-movie FMV games were much better.
Film and animation directors are not the same.
The bolded applies to today's games as well, and it's the reason why many enjoy the experience of playing story-driven games. It's also why they wouldn't be the same as movies. What I'll never understand is how the opposing camp seems to view them as a threat to their branch of gaming.Computer Gaming World writer Arinn Dembo called the storyline of a couple buying a haunted mansion "a cliché so familiar that it needs no explanation", but said it still worked in a computer game because the player could directly experience it in that medium, rather than simply watching it in a film. ... Harley Jebens of the Austin American-Statesman said some of the acting was "hilariously bad" and the storyline was predictable
Red dead redemption is one of the most boring games I've ever played and it's also completely mechanically broken...no idea why it has that much following
The last great games Naughty Dog made are the Jax games back when they cared about gameplay and game mechanics. The Last of Us and Uncharted are what happens when game designers confuse maturity and sophistication of the medium with the language and mechanics of cinema and end up making something that has tedious game play at best, or is broken, derivative or borderline unplayable at worst. For what amount to mediocre cover shooters you would think they would at least have fixed the actual shooting by now so that it's actually fun to ,you know.... shoot people. Also if the focus of your game is it's aspirations to cinema and storytelling, for the love of god give us something more elevated than a derivative zombie apocalypse story or a third rate Indiana Jones dude bro epic. This is stuff that Michael Bay would consider derivative and beneath him ffs. Meral Gear games not only tried to tell interesting stories but the gameplay sections of the game were clearly as lovingly crafted as the cutscenes, not afterthoughts that barely changed from instalment to instalment. I will remain forever convinced that the unending critical praise Naughty Dog get for these games is from gamers who also equate sophistication of the medium with increasing use of the mechanics and languages of cinema, people who would hold up the relationship between Ellie and Ethan as a higher water mark for games than the gameplay of say Super Mario Galaxy or the level design of Dark Souls and that though honestly makes me sad for the future of the medium . I don't think that focusing on story and aspiring to the language and mechanics of cinema necessary ruins a game but for the whole thing to justify its existence as a video game In the first place, the gameplay needs to be something more than an afterthought, otherwise why bother making it a game at all.. wouldn't The Last of Us be better as an actual film? That way people could get the story and character arcs without having to play these tedious broken survival horror segments and repetitive cover shooting in between cutscenes.
I played the Destiny 2 PC open beta for about 45 minutes and almost fell asleep. The gunplay was boring, the levels/aesthetic uninspiring and I just found the whole experience a giant yawn fest. I honestly don't see why it's so popular.
Modern 3d Mario bores me to tears.
Every game since Galaxy it's so freaking easy, you can beat them with a single hand, and i don't care if things get harder at World 8, or after you beat the whole game, that's way too late.
Your game can be virtually "perfect" as much as it can be, but if it doesn't offer any kind of challenge whatsoever there's simply no fun to have.
I'm amazed PUBG survived its fad stage when it blew up due to games media and streamer coverage. I bought in then too thanks to Vinny from Giant Bomb quicklooking it, and it seemed fun. Indeed it was okay, and playing with friends extended that some, but the novelty quickly disappeared.
Once you get over the "survival sim" aspect it's just another shooter with wonky issues and huge boring waste of time sections where nothing of consequence is happening. At 35 hours played, I'd say maybe 3 hours of that was actually "fun" within the game itself.
I know the criticism is that "kids these days need constant reward and stimulation" but my time is short and precious. Between work and home life, I feel guilty as fuck wasting 20-35 minutes where basically I'm doing nothing all game. I don't need to win, I just want interaction with other players other than playing the school and co ad nauseum. The best part of the game is the last 3 or so circles but getting to that point is insanely tedious and not even guaranteed.
I like intense, in your face pressured games like arena shooters and moba better where you need to be on point, thinking hard, and constantly trying your best every moment of the game. I don't even mind huge failstates. I like roguelike, but in something like FTL, theres constantly something interesting going on so when you die 25 min in and have to go back to the beginning, it doesnt feel like wasted time. I was engaged.
Playing a game where 95% of it is boring and nearly inconsequential to the 5% fun and good part is just not a fun experience to me.
I'm glad something weird and sorta different is taking off and pressuring the popular norm, but I can honestly say: I dont get the appeal.
Have you played 3D World? Shit ramped up well and hard.
Have you played 3D World? Shit ramped up well and hard.
Modern 3d Mario bores me to tears.
Every game since Galaxy it's so freaking easy, you can beat them with a single hand, and i don't care if things get harder at World 8, or after you beat the whole game, that's way too late.
Your game can be virtually "perfect" as much as it can be, but if it doesn't offer any kind of challenge whatsoever there's simply no fun to have.
The Dark Souls series is not the holy grail of gaming.
They were reigning on computers at that time. Stonekeep was one of the most hyped games
I'd say 3D World is far worse in co-op due to being unable to fail without having all the players die at the same time.
I feel like this isn't controversial... they both seem so obviously better to me...Skyrim is not that great, both Deus Ex HR and Witcher 2 is a better RPG...
Straight translations will always be inferior to a good localization. Awkward grammar and idioms without context don't make a script more "faithful," they make it worse.
Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are some of the most overrated games ever. The gameplay is terrible and, the worlds and stories are completely uninteresting.
I wouldn't classify Stonekeep as a FMV game.
Would you consider something like Wing Commander III a FMV game?