Its not about the same sword. Its about more powerful swords. Truly hurt my enjoyment of the game to the point where it drug the entire experience down for me.
How do you distribute more powerful stuff in an open world like this where there is no level scaling? If they can't predict where you're going first they can't put, say a 40 attack sword somewhere and a 70 attack sword elsewhere, because then it might happen that everything you find later on is useless, because you went the "wrong way".
I found them distracting trifles that added nothing to world at all. Other have a puzzle. Some people love this stuff. Its very Zelda. I didnt.
They add something to the game though, and they are an incentive for many to seek them out i.e. explore the world, because they are part of the progression system. If you don't like puzzles then why do you play Zelda in the first place? The only criticisms I have with them are their single aesthetic and too many battle shrines.
Nope...Every side quest I found was some silly fetch quest...or some other silly quest that was found in an MMO circa 2005. Gaming has moved on.
So getting a small riddle of where to go and finding a smal treasure cave there is a fetch quest? Wondering what makes the lightning strike the stable tent all the time and finding out by climbing up there is a fetch quest? There are so many of these little things.
Its better than Zelda games before it. But it needs to be better. It was okay though. Its tough for open worlds to stick this 100%.
Agreed. But it's also the only game where I can freeze an enemy on a horse in time, watch the horse ride along, steal it, see the enemy fall on his ass and ride over him in one fluid cycle.
It sure isn't. This Zelda will change nothign in how open world games are made...Because it didn't DO anything new. The combat, where you use the environment to your advantage is not new. Thats why I felt like it was Far Cry in a way....And Far Cry wasn't the first to do it.
Sorry for the long ass text but...
So can you then show me a game that has fire behaving like that that, creating winds I can ride on to slo mo shoot people in the air after throwing bombs on them from above that
also has items that make it possible to cast ice cubes on waterfalls to let me climb them vertically or the example in battle above?
That has Zelda puzzles in them? What open world has those?
A game that lets me tackle the end boss whenever I want? A game that has me running from moving cloud shadow to moving structure shadows in the desert at daytime because I take damage otherwise due to heat since I forgot to cook the right food or didn't get the right equipment yet? That let's me wear a fire rod to protect me from the cold? That lets me build briges with physically correct floating tree trunks? That lets me hover metal objects to enemies in a lightning storm so they get hit by it? That let's me shield surf and has those shields taking normal damage on normal ground, less during rain and none in sand and snow? I could go on like this for quite some time
I'ts the culmination of all of it and how all of it works together. Please tell me some of those games since Zelda does nothing new, I'd love to play them.
. If you come with stuff like Far Cry 2 having fire physics after reading this I have to assume you're trolling.
The combat kinda reminded of it. It was just a feeling. Remember, you are the one that wandered into a CONTROVERSIAL gaming opinion thread.
Yeah, and also a thread where you should be OK with people answering those controversial opinions.
Because I was waiting for something to happen. Everyone was saying how great it was. I can see how some people enjoy it. The scale, the "feel" of moving around the map. All fantastic. I gave the game its due to try and grab me...It just didn't.
Story and enemy variety go without saying. There was nothing compelling about either of them. Especially when compare to other open world games that are generations ahead of it.
In those aspects, yes. Though I would argue that the way the story works is for those bits also being a reason to explore more of the map. At least that's the way they are supposed to work. If the story is meh though I can see that not working out.
Read Again: You are the one in a Controversial Gaming Opinion Thread.
Maybe read that part where you should wear a flame shield. I'm not even flaming though I thought we were having a normal discussion. If I missunderstood and this is just a thread to dump your opinion in and gtfo again then I'm sorry for wasting your time. I was under the impression we have opinions to have discussions and that this is a discussion board.