That's nice. What does it have to do with this thread though?, woops. This is what happens when you have too many threads open. Thought I was in this one. My apologies.
That's nice. What does it have to do with this thread though?
I think Empire Strikes Back is the best film of the original trilogy, but the least entertaining. My personal favorite is Return of the Jedi.
Bungies games are souless generics
Rock stars games are boring as fuck
343i is the best thing to happen go halo. Halo 4 campaign had a soul.
I still think PT / Silent Hills is coming and Kojima was never fired by Konami.
I know, its dumb.
I liked Resident Evil: Code Veronica. It was as good as any of the other old school RE games.
This is pretty crazy. So you think Sony have propped themselves up and announced his next game in aid of a long-term joke/punk by Kojima and Konami?! What reason would they possibly have for doing this?!
Visual novels are mostly all terrible and Sturgeon's Law hits them far harder than any other video game genre. They tend to have juvenile and repetitive prose and for a genre that entirely relies on writing that's a humongous deal breaker, yes even the so called good ones like 999 and Dangan Ronpa.There are some good ones, but they are seriously dwarfed by the shit. It also a genre consumed by insular and regurgitated anime tropes. There is very little literacy in the genre compared to the other sub-genres of the adventure game such as interactive fiction, narrative exploration, and classic point and click who are branching out into all kinds of narrative and artistic styles, pushing the medium into new grounds.
VNs are mostly content just rehashing the same high school bullshit.
So is platforming and moving around in general. The game isn't kidding when the tutorial says that its controls are based around "puppeteering." Even though you have fewer moves and options, the way your character animates and controls enables a degree of player expression you don't see in most games. You can basically roleplay by simply moving your guy around.Running around crashing things and scaring people in the original Assassin's Creed game is more fun than any of the Assassin's Creed games.
Too bad it's the soul of a cynical corporation trying to take ownership of something they don't understand, replacing the fun cartoon identity of the series with cheap melodrama and mindlessly chasing trends, no matter how badly they clash with Halo's core gameplay.343i is the best thing to happen go halo. Halo 4 campaign had a soul.
I was really surprised by Danganronpa. It's writing gets so much praise, even from people who's opinions I really appreciate. I refunded the game just before 2 hours so ofcourse I can't know how the story and characters evolve. But I wasn't impressed at all, the characters felt like one-note stereotypes. And the game definitely didn't try to avoid being tropey and juvenile.Visual novels are mostly all terrible and Sturgeon's Law hits them far harder than any other video game genre. They tend to have juvenile and repetitive prose and for a genre that entirely relies on writing that's a humongous deal breaker, yes even the so called good ones like 999 and Dangan Ronpa.There are some good ones, but they are seriously dwarfed by the shit. It's also a genre consumed by insular and regurgitated anime tropes. There is very little literacy in the genre compared to the other sub-genres of the adventure game such as interactive fiction, narrative exploration, and classic point and click which are all branching out into all kinds of narrative and artistic styles, pushing the medium into new grounds.
VNs are mostly content just rehashing the same high school bullshit.
Pokemon XY is my favorite (because it was my first). As far as I can tell, it's the least liked out of the bunch by longtime series fans.
I agree. Snatcher's good, though.Visual novels are mostly all terrible and Sturgeon's Law hits them far harder than any other video game genre. They tend to have juvenile and repetitive prose and for a genre that entirely relies on writing that's a humongous deal breaker, yes even the so called good ones like 999 and Dangan Ronpa.There are some good ones, but they are seriously dwarfed by the shit. It's also a genre consumed by insular and regurgitated anime tropes. There is very little literacy in the genre compared to the other sub-genres of the adventure game such as interactive fiction, narrative exploration, and classic point and click which are all branching out into all kinds of narrative and artistic styles, pushing the medium into new grounds.
VNs are mostly content just rehashing the same high school bullshit.
I... I don't understand...Naughty Dog makes one game, over and over again. That's all they ever do. Each game they release should be called "Naughty Dog Project: 8".
Too bad it's the soul of a cynical corporation trying to take ownership of something they don't understand, replacing the fun cartoon identity of the series with cheap melodrama and mindlessly chasing trends, no matter how badly they clash with Halo's core gameplay.
Visual novels are mostly all terrible and Sturgeon's Law hits them far harder than any other video game genre. They tend to have juvenile and repetitive prose and for a genre that entirely relies on writing that's a humongous deal breaker, yes even the so called good ones like 999 and Dangan Ronpa.There are some good ones, but they are seriously dwarfed by the shit. It's also a genre consumed by insular and regurgitated anime tropes. There is very little literacy in the genre compared to the other sub-genres of the adventure game such as interactive fiction, narrative exploration, and classic point and click which are all branching out into all kinds of narrative and artistic styles, pushing the medium into new grounds.
VNs are mostly content just rehashing the same high school bullshit.
I was really surprised by Danganronpa. It's writing gets so much praise, even from people who's opinions I really appreciate. I refunded the game just before 2 hours so ofcourse I can't know how the story and characters evolve. But I wasn't impressed at all, the characters felt like one-note stereotypes. And the game definitely didn't try to avoid being tropey and juvenile.
Final Fantasy Tactics is an unbalanced mess.
The exact same game but not called Zelda would have probably gotten an 8 average. I would have given it an 8 at most.
EnjoyQuest 64 was not a bad game.
The time mechanic ruins Majora's Mask.
The reason there are 900 Korok seeds is so people can play the game normally while finding enough of them to upgrade their inventory to a reasonable extend. The reward for finding all 900 is also telling, Nintendo never intended for people to search for all of them. Bringing those up as evidence for quantity over quality is missguided tbh.Breath of the Wild is just an "okay" game. I don't see why people think it's so revolutionary. It looks great, but the world is devoid of anything interesting to do. It feels to me like Nintendo wanted to just cram it with content for content's sake, sacrificing quality over quantity, and nothing is a better example of this than those 900 Korok seeds.
I actually think Jim Sterling's controversial 7/10 score was the most appropriate one.
The presentation in Cuphead is phenomenal, but the game itself is extremely meh. But I never really liked games like Contra or Metal Slug either.
In terms of being highly popular games that make old people yell at clouds, sure. I don't think the comparison quite works though due to how massively Awakening grew the audience for Fire Emblem.Pokemon XY is the Fire Emblem Awakening of Pokemon.
Zelda fans are still unable to deal with people's opinions I see.The reason there are 900 Korok seeds is so people can play the game normally while finding enough of them to upgrade their inventory to a reasonable extend. The reward for finding all 900 is also telling, Nintendo never intended for people to search for all of them. Bringing those up as evidence for quantity over quality is missguided tbh.
The game is revolutionary in how it combines all it's systems. Yes, most things were done in other games, but no game combined them into a cohesive whole, especially not in an open world game. The physics, how elements like fire, wind and lightning interact with each other or Link's abilities, the puzzles, the actual world design and other things.
Jim's score would be OK if his reasoning would have been apt, it wasn't at some points though so I don't think it's appropriate. I actually read the text in contrast to most people who bring up that score to support their argument.
The Witcher games aren't really all that good. Or fun.
I totally agree with this sentiment, but I'm gonna GTFO before the NDF shows up.If Horizon: Zero Dawn were Zelda: Zero Dawn, it would have been hailed as the greatest game in generations, and would win Game of the Year across the board.
I totally agree with this sentiment, but I'm gonna GTFO before the NDF shows up.
I'm not unable to deal with anyones opinion, I have plenty of criticism for the game myself.Zelda fans are still unable to deal with people's opinions I see.
I totally agree with this sentiment, but I'm gonna GTFO before the NDF shows up.
It gets kicked around in every review thread of a Nintendo game. It's tired, empty criticism for people who don't know what they actually want to complain about. There's valid criticism and then there's vague nonsense like that.It's been kicked around here a few times.
Naughty Dog makes one game, over and over again. That's all they ever do. Each game they release should be called "Naughty Dog Project: 8".
Lol @ complaining about a "defense force" in a thread that exists exclusively to post your unpopular opinions to get dogpiled.
Oh for sure. And I get it. Nintendo was such a huge part of my childhood, they will always have a soft spot in my heart. They may recycle the same old ideas a lot, and they may not have cutting edge technology, but they sure as hell polish their content and make it fun. These are the characters that made me love gaming, and I know I have a blind spot when it comes to judging the Big N.It's been kicked around here a few times. I think Nintendo games in general get a little bit of a review score bump. I suspect it is probably because Nintendo games are incredibly polished if nothing else. It's the same with Blizzard. Even though a game like Diablo III had massive flaws at launch, it was still met with near universal praise because it was an incredibly refined mess rather than a dumpster fire mess.
Oh for sure. And I get it. Nintendo was such a huge part of my childhood, they will always have a soft spot in my heart. They may recycle the same old ideas a lot, and they may not have cutting edge technology, but they sure as hell polish their content and make it fun. These are the characters that made me love gaming, and I know I have a blind spot when it comes to judging the Big N.
If Horizon: Zero Dawn were Zelda: Zero Dawn, it would have been hailed as the greatest game in generations, and would win Game of the Year across the board.
The ๖ۜBronx;252380118 said:Nah. I have a feeling H:ZD will pan out like TLoU has. Be seen as a solid game but nothing particularly incredible (save visuals) in hindsight.
I have to disagree. If a zelda gsme had the same issues HZD had it would have the same criticisms attatched to it. I will concede the score may have beem a point or 2 higher, but it definately would have beena middle of the road Zelda game.If Horizon: Zero Dawn were Zelda: Zero Dawn, it would have been hailed as the greatest game in generations, and would win Game of the Year across the board.
It's been kicked around here a few times. I think Nintendo games in general get a little bit of a review score bump. I suspect it is probably because Nintendo games are incredibly polished if nothing else. It's the same with Blizzard. Even though a game like Diablo III had massive flaws at launch, it was still met with near universal praise because it was an incredibly refined mess rather than a dumpster fire mess.