A lot of people share this opinion.SF4 sucks and is ugly.
A lot of people share this opinion.SF4 sucks and is ugly.
This is a good one, because the original Knights of the Old Republic is fun, smart, and innovative. The sequel, at best, is unfinished and incomprehensible.
And fans of the sequel want you to believe the game is better because fans spent years fixing it to the point where it's now playable and comprehensible.
Shield is up!
KoTOR on PC is not a good game regarding playability and its Visuals aged very very poorly. The reminiscence of the controls and their clunkyness made playing other Bioware games, in this case the first Mass Effect, a horrible experience sprinkled with flashbacks to its ugly and unfun predecessor.
Mods could help, I heard, but way to late.
A lot of 15 Year old games DO hold up today. And yes I missed the initial play on release (No XBOX and not really a PC gamer 15 years ago), but the year 2003 also had games you can just play today, without a fuss.most 15year old games dont hold up today, thats an unfair statement to make regarding an amazing game. sorry you missed the boat.
Shield is up!
KoTOR on PC is not a good game regarding playability and its Visuals aged very very poorly. The reminiscence of the controls and their clunkyness made playing other Bioware games, in this case the first Mass Effect, a horrible experience sprinkled with flashbacks to its ugly and unfun predecessor.
Mods could help, I heard, but way to late.
Jak 3 > Jak II: Renegade > Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Jak and Daxter > Ratchet & Clank
Also Jak II: Renegade isn't as difficult as many people like to complain about. These people are just awful at video games.
I agree about Jak and Daxter being better than Ratchet & Clank, however I disagree about the sequels being better than The Precursor Legacy, I like the Jak sequels just fine, especially 3, but The Precursor Legacy is one my favorite 3D platformers.
I do agree that the difficulty of Jak 2 is way overblown though.
The only Ratchet & Clank I really liked was the first, the sequels felt like comparative rush jobs (however keep in mind I never played any of the PS3 entries)
Fanservice in games is fine, whether that's buxom women, chainmail bikinis or other scantily clad outfits and so on.
It all depends on the tone and context of the game in question, if it's a realistic, grounded game and fanservice would stick out like a sore thumb, it's a problem, if it's a fantasy game, an anime styled game or just something in general larger than life (like say a fighting game) to where fanservice doesn't clash with the tone and context, it's fine.
People shouldn't be shamed for liking what they like and developers should be free to make whatever kind of game they want with whatever kind of content they want, if it's not someone's cup of tea they should just move on and play something else.
-The new Wolfenstein games are kinda trash.
-Hitman Absolution is a great game and just because it isn't as good as Blood Money, that doesn't make it trash
3. MGSV is garbage, very litlle content and alot of kiss ass from fans.
4. MGS 4 is a GOD given game
As an adult, portability is overrated. I never have time to game anywhere but my house. At that point, why would I use a tiny ass screen with bad controls and no comfort?
Switch worldwide lifetime sales this time next year will be higher than PS4Pro, PSVR and Scorpio sales
Pretty much, also BotW is merely "okay". ducks...Here it goes,
1 Skyrim is total shit, Can´t understand why people like that trash so much.
2, All MMOS are cash grabs and give a fuck about the player
3, MGSV is garbage, very litlle content and alot of kiss ass from fans,
4, MGS 4 is a GOD given game
5, (almost) All EA games are trash in my opinion
6, Witcher 3 is perfect if not for the fuking fetch items on map
did not play BotW yet, i hope you are wrong the game looks goodPretty much, also BotW is merely "okay". ducks...
While the Precursor Legacy is my least favourite of the Jak and Daxter trilogy it's still a masterpiece to me.
The locations, atmosphere, and music have an eternal charm that keep me coming back trying to replicate the sense of wonder and excitement 8-year-old me felt the first time I played the game. Even for a PS2 game it still looks great after all these years.
The Precursor Legacy is the game of the trilogy I would definitely recommend to anyone who hasn't played any of the games before. Of the three it feels the most like an adventure. The game's instruction manual which doubled as map was also a nice touch that added to the adventure aspect...and now I miss instruction manuals.
This shouldn't be a controversial opinion, but I guess nowadays it is :/
Interesting, I've never actually seen the manual for The Precursor Legacy, as I originally only rented the game and later bought the HD collection.
Agreed about the graphics, when I played the HD collection the part where you're riding the flying thing through the volcanic canyon made my jaw drop, the game looks STELLAR for a game of it's age.
Most video game stories are really lacking in originality, are predictable, and just boring of shit.
Examples: Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, Fallout (all of them save New Vegas), Elder Scrolls (all of them).
I've seen so few games do stories right I now have a preference for games without them.
Here's the manual if you want to see it (PAL version)
THANK you. I have no idea why MGSV gets as much praise as it does, the gameplay isn’t even that good. Quite possibly the most boring open world of the last ten years. There is nothing of what made MGS good in this game.
I admittedly did not like 4 much but I’d play it front to back ten times before I’d touch MGSV again.
Not all games but quite a few, i prefer 720p/900p to 1080p and 4k. I like that i can see the jaggies, it's like i can see the console number crunching, i guess it stems from Super Scaler Arcade games ie Outrun, Power Drift and Space Harrier etc, i can see the the computer chips working, like a when you see a car engine cut in half on display with moving parts to show you how it works. Weird i know![]()
-Mario Sunshine is better than 64 and A Hat in Time is better than Mario Odyssey
I'm this way as well a lot of the time; most of the time I prefer games the way they look when released rather than up-rezzed (unless it's a full-on remake like SotC). I love jaggies. Maybe it's a case of stockholme syndrome from never having top of the line hardware.
The BC & WotLK areas in WoW are a good example of this for me, even if they're not taxing the PC: going back to them today, it's so much "cleaner" at high resolutions that it loses the sense of scale that I had back when I was running it at 1024x768; it's like the destitute man's depth of field. Bizarrely, it's not entirely nostalgia. Granted, I'd never run below 1080 these days due to the disadvantages but I sincerely think games with simple geometry tend to look a lot better at potato resolutions.
XD i have a friend who just loves the game, can´t stop arguing with him when talking about it,THANK you. I have no idea why MGSV gets as much praise as it does, the game play isn’t even that good. Quite possibly the most boring open world of the last ten years. There is nothing of what made MGS good in this game.
I admittedly did not like 4 much but I’d play it front to back ten times before I’d touch MGSV again.
XD i have a friend who just loves the game, can´t stop arguing with him when talking about it,THANK you. I have no idea why MGSV gets as much praise as it does, the game play isn’t even that good. Quite possibly the most boring open world of the last ten years. There is nothing of what made MGS good in this game.
I admittedly did not like 4 much but I’d play it front to back ten times before I’d touch MGSV again.
That link's not working sadly.