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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


I don’t really think PUBG is the best thing since sliced bread. I play it only when friends are over, other than that I never launch it. Gears 4 is way more fun to me lol
Super Mario Galaxy is great, but I prefer Sunshine any day. Not only was it the last open ended 3D Mario for fifteen fucking years, but I adored the FLUDD mechanics and the bright, colorful levels and tropical island setting was so damn charming.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Interesting. Why do you feel that way?

I played it recently and not at the time so it just felt so hobbled compared to the rest in the series. I felt the combat was really slow and clunky, it was just hard to play compared to the newer titles. It also ran terribly, the PC port even with the fixes never ran properly for me.


Die-hard Nintendo fans tend to be the creepiest of the big three. I've owned everything the company has ever released since '88 (yeah, even the Virtual Boy), but you get a weird level of religiosity with Nintendo-biases that you don't get with the other two; no matter how strong.

Pro-Sony and Pro-MS biases tend to be the same boring, dumb, cut & dry stuff you've heard since grade school; one of them may even be "gay". R/Nintendo around the time of a Direct is some crazy shit right out of Jesus Camp. Everyone's licking cartridges, preferring Doom at sub-30FPS and talking about how the latest QoL omission is actually a brilliant feature that got their dead grandmother back into gaming.

I love my Switch, but...


I feel that gaming became a much worse hobby the more popular, mass marketed, and accessible it got. I actually wish we'd be living in a timeline where Nier Automata was considered a big budget AAA game, and we got more lower budgeted passion projects like in the 90s/early 2000s. I also wish more games used high quality sprites and 2D art in general.


I feel that gaming became a much worse hobby the more popular, mass marketed, and accessible it got. I actually wish we'd be living in a timeline where Nier Automata was considered a big budget AAA game, and we got more lower budgeted passion projects like in the 90s/early 2000s. I also wish more games used high quality sprites and 2D art in general.

I completely agree.

My possibly related complaint:

'Modern' games are too slooooooooow. Not just loading times (which are bad enough), and giant patch downloads, but also full of endless tutorializing and painfully silly cut scenes. As someone with limited time to play games, I can't just sit down and jump into a game in 30 or 45 minutes anymore.

My typical experience is: decide to play a game, wait 10 minutes for the patch to download and install, accept a EULA, wait for it to log in to some server, skp the popups telling me about the new lootbox|login-bonus, select "new game", wait 5 minutes for the game to load, watch 5 minute poorly voiced cutscene, wait for another 5 minute load, spend 15 minutes being walked through how to press the 'jump' button by an in-game boss|sergeant|ai|robot-buddy, spend 5 minutes running through a tutorial area to prove I know what I'm doing, load another 5 minutes...turn the game off because it's time for bed.


I think lootboxes suck, but there's no reason for government intervention. Just don't buy the games or the lootboxes if you don't like them. Stop ruining it for other people who do enjoy those mechanics...


I feel that gaming became a much worse hobby the more popular, mass marketed, and accessible it got. I actually wish we'd be living in a timeline where Nier Automata was considered a big budget AAA game, and we got more lower budgeted passion projects like in the 90s/early 2000s. I also wish more games used high quality sprites and 2D art in general.

Somewhat agree.
Defenders of modern games love to counter sych criticism with 'it's all just nostalgia', but I'm not so sure about that.

I'm playing Skyrim right now, an old game, but I'm having so much more fun with it than all those cookiecutter, streamlined movie-experiences that'd you find hyped nowadays. When I go further back, playing Half-Life 1 or Mario 64, it feels like someone actually put a lot of thought into those games, about how they're played. With modern games, it's all about presentation and story, gameplay takes a backseat. Which is why I loved Mirror's Edge, a game that requires a lot of skill, yet also features an intriguing story.

I'm not sure. And surely I'm generalizing, too. But then again I think the same about movies. Older movies tell stories in such a realistic, yet quality way. Modern movies are all about cgi effects, out-of-place humor and repackaging old clichees (that older movies actually created).
Die-hard Nintendo fans tend to be the creepiest of the big three. I've owned everything the company has ever released since '88 (yeah, even the Virtual Boy), but you get a weird level of religiosity with Nintendo-biases that you don't get with the other two; no matter how strong.

Pro-Sony and Pro-MS biases tend to be the same boring, dumb, cut & dry stuff you've heard since grade school; one of them may even be "gay". R/Nintendo around the time of a Direct is some crazy shit right out of Jesus Camp. Everyone's licking cartridges, preferring Doom at sub-30FPS and talking about how the latest QoL omission is actually a brilliant feature that got their dead grandmother back into gaming.

I love my Switch, but...
As a self proclaimed Nintendo fanboy, I have to agree with this. The total die hards will never admit that Nintendo ever does anything wrong. I can at least admit that they do make mistakes (going with a cartridge format for the N64, the dogshit marketing for Wii U, using a fucking app for voice chat and bringing back friend codes for Switch, etc.). And they never have anything positive to say about the other two. Nintendo is by far my favorite, but I do like Sony and Microsoft. I have to admit, I always pick the Nintendo console as my favorite of the generation because of how close they are to my heart and how much I love Nintendo games, but I can also admit I'm not always objective with my opinions. For example, the N64 is my favorite 5th gen system as well as my all time favorite system, but objectively speaking, the Saturn and PS1 both have larger and more varied libraries. Same with the 6th generation, the GameCube is my favorite, but without my bias speaking, the PS2 probably has a better library.

Sony fans have also been pretty insufferable this generation. Even though Microsoft is my least favorite of the three, they probably have the least annoying fanbase.


Die-hard Nintendo fans tend to be the creepiest of the big three. I've owned everything the company has ever released since '88 (yeah, even the Virtual Boy), but you get a weird level of religiosity with Nintendo-biases that you don't get with the other two; no matter how strong.

Pro-Sony and Pro-MS biases tend to be the same boring, dumb, cut & dry stuff you've heard since grade school; one of them may even be "gay". R/Nintendo around the time of a Direct is some crazy shit right out of Jesus Camp. Everyone's licking cartridges, preferring Doom at sub-30FPS and talking about how the latest QoL omission is actually a brilliant feature that got their dead grandmother back into gaming.

I love my Switch, but...

The thing is I..like Nintendo, but the abrasive insanity of their fanbase actually borders on autism, seriously its almost Sonic levels of lunacy.
And while I do agree Nintendo has played a pivotal role in the development of gaming, what pisses me off the most is the sheer level of ignorance to developments and achievements of genres outside of the respective Nintendo platforms and it's fucking spectacular, RTS, Racing Sims, FPS, MMO, WRPG, Immersive Sims, Open World, Sandbox, Puzzle, Character Action all have had monumental landmarks established outside of the Nintendo ecosystem but fuck all of that Nintendo games are the best of all time right?

The most innovative development in gaming over the last 15-20 years has been without a doubt online, a concept that Nintendo and their fanbase even to this day harbours zero understanding or grasp of it's importance, the whole myth that Nintendo "saved" a dying industry is another tired rhetoric consistently spewed in attempt draw gratitude towards a multi-billion corporation or the whilst ignoring the fact that gaming was alive and well in the PC theatre, Europe as well as Asia.


Gold Member

Duke Nukem Forever is a criminally under-rated, great game. The single player campaign was long and varied and the multiplayer was classic Duke Nukem-hilarious and laugh out loud fun(some of the best and funnest multiplayer I've played)

Gearbox gets a ton of crap regarding the game when they were the ones to actually save it and piece it together with what George Broussard and the "old" 3drealms sent them. Also putting in alot of manpower/work/programming to get it out to fans.

It was fun for reviewers to dog pile the game and make fun of it but at least it DID COME OUT AFTER 14 YEARS. Much more than can be said for Half-Life 3(which will NEVER see the light of day unless Gabe sells the I.P) and moreso Axelay 2(which my brother and I have been waiting for going on 25 or 26 years now...we're losing count).

So-HAIL TO THE KING BABY! Here's to hoping Gearbox gives us some more Duke love soon. FYI, he does make a cameo in the new "Ready Player One" movie by Stephen Spielberg.
Metroid Other M is a great game!

Ive have listen to everyone's complaints.

Listen, the more we get closer to Fusions, the last game in the timeline, the more the series will need too develop Samus as a character.
Hmm... I haven't enjoyed a single game in the Final Fantasy series.

Chrono Trigger was years beyond FF7, even though it released some years prior.

Assassins Creed 2, isn't quarter as good as when it first released and tbh, I don't see Black Flag being surpassed in that series anytime soon. Black Flag also had a very emotionally driven underrated story, with great characters.
The best falling block puzzle game isn't Tetris, Dr. Mario, Puyo Puyo, or even Columns. No, that honor belongs to the SNES version of Wario's Woods. Have any of you guys played it? If not, you really should. It's seriously amazing.


spend 15 minutes being walked through how to press the 'jump' button by an in-game boss|sergeant|ai|robot-buddy, spend 5 minutes running through a tutorial area to prove I know what I'm doing

There are two problems with tutorials.
1) They feel forced and they shove it to your face way too much.
2) The tutorial areas feel just like that; areas designed to be just tutorial areas and not part of the real game.

Even when I play some old school modern platformer it completely puts me off to walk through an area that in some way tells me how to move and how to jump.
Sometimes they try to feel like reading the instructions is optional by making signs you can read if you want but usually those parts still FEEL like they are not part of the real game.
Mario 64 had signs that taught how to do different things too but with that game the areas felt actual parts of the game world.


Jumping in to say I agree about the intense Nintendo fan fervor. I like what Nintendo has done for the industry, but I don't like them as a company with their hardcore proprietary and anti-consumer business model. They have been getting better, but I don't see why they have the love they do.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Battlefront 2015's core gameplay is 1000x better than Battlefront 2017

The Switch looks outdated compared to the Vita (hardware design wise)

Sonic Mania >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mario Odyssey

As far as exclusives go this might be the most uninteresting time in gaming history I don't care about any of them really



I think MOBAs are poor in comparison to a well done single player or co op game.

Loot boxes or paying for any sort of perk/unlockable in a game is dumb, and makes companies focus on how to put more and more content behind a paywall when it used to be you could unlock everything with codes or by playing the game.

Online multiplayer brings out the worst in a lot of people.

Paying to play parts of a game you have already bought is also stupid.

A lot of devs now are making crap games that lack depth because this generation kinda sucks. Low attention spans, influenced by dumb YouTubers.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Ok Guys, here go !!=(. (Dont take personal):p

- I hate No man´s sky with all my soul, its for my one of the worst indie game ever created.
- Call of Duty, PUBGS and Fortnite is for my a Cancer in the Gaming industry that must be erradicated.
- The New Saga Wolfenstein ( The new order and wolfenstein 2 the new colossus) is disgusting.
-Keiichiro Toyama is the best Designer Videogame ever, more than Hideo Kojima.
- Bloodborne is a overrated Ps4 Game.


The nicest person on this forum
Ok Guys, here go !!=(. (Dont take personal):p

- I hate No man´s sky with all my soul, its for my one of the worst indie game ever created.
- Call of Duty, PUBGS and Fortnite is for my a Cancer in the Gaming industry that must be erradicated.
- The New Saga Wolfenstein ( The new order and wolfenstein 2 the new colossus) is disgusting.
-Keiichiro Toyama is the best Designer Videogame ever, more than Hideo Kojima.
- Bloodborne is a overrated Ps4 Game.
I'd like to see platformers become the dominant genre again, like the good old days. 2D or 3D, doesn't matter. Now, I want other genres to have plenty of representation, as variety is the spice of life, but platformers are my favorite kind of game, so I'd be super happy if they could be on top again. I know not everyone loves them as much as me, so I understand if not everyone wants this. For me though, that would be the situation in a perfect world.


I've posted a couple of times now, but realize this may be my biggest one:

I love Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, Dark Souls and Devil May Cry, but Bloodborne is like a Goober Peanut Butter of games that has too much From Software jank & repetitive design to confidently stand alongside any of them. It doesn't bring over the best elements of either world and if it were a PS2 game it would be Genji or Onimusha 3-tier; solid, respectable but sorta forgotten (In my mind, the culling of those games throughout the past decade is the reason it has become a sacred cow).
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Die-hard Nintendo fans tend to be the creepiest of the big three. I've owned everything the company has ever released since '88 (yeah, even the Virtual Boy), but you get a weird level of religiosity with Nintendo-biases that you don't get with the other two; no matter how strong.

Pro-Sony and Pro-MS biases tend to be the same boring, dumb, cut & dry stuff you've heard since grade school; one of them may even be "gay". R/Nintendo around the time of a Direct is some crazy shit right out of Jesus Camp. Everyone's licking cartridges, preferring Doom at sub-30FPS and talking about how the latest QoL omission is actually a brilliant feature that got their dead grandmother back into gaming.

I love my Switch, but...

I have to second this as well. A friend of mine that had a PS4 kept talking about how it had no games and only collected dust. I'm a huge Souls fans so I suggested those. He eventually just sold it off. Now he's excited to play Dark Souls on Switch and hopes they release the whole franchise on it.
I actually really love prerendered graphics, digitized graphics, and 2.5D. Also, I love early 3D from I, Robot (the very first game to use polygonal graphics, way back in 1983!) to the 5th generation. It's like playing origami video games.
Both FFVI and FFVII are overrated. Cowboy Bebop is also overrated.

I didn't say any of the above are bad though. Just overrated.

Breath of the Wild has a ridiculous metacritic score for being an average open world game in my opinion
I like FFVIII a lot


I have to second this as well. A friend of mine that had a PS4 kept talking about how it had no games and only collected dust. I'm a huge Souls fans so I suggested those. He eventually just sold it off. Now he's excited to play Dark Souls on Switch and hopes they release the whole franchise on it.

That's fucking hilarious

My one;

Kick off 2 is infinitely more fun than any fifa game.
Resident Evil 7 is where the series has truly dropped off of being good, and instead is the worst of the series whereas RE6 is a brilliant game that makes perfect use of what the Resident Evil series had done up to that point.


This thread is my jam, i have quite a few edgy opinions:
-all games by NaughtyDog are mediocore (same goes for Bioware)
-Microsoft or EA's not the biggest studio/ip killer, Sony actually is the grim reaper (Zipper Interactive, Studio Liverpool, Evolution Studios, Guerilla Cambridge, basically some of my favourite 1st party studios. I'm worried about Media Molecule)
-PS3 is the best home console ever, PSP is the best handheld. PS4 is so far the worst console by Sony, it made me switch to xbox, never thought that's gonna happen after how awesome PS3 was. My reasoning? PS3 had: awesome design, solid build quality, FREE online, ps1 compatibility + some great ps2 games on psstore like fatal frame 1-3 or god hand; great ps+ line-up, best exclusives (Warhawk, Wipeout HD, Motorstorm series, Resistance series, Killzone 2, Demon's Souls, Socom Confrontation, 3d dot game heroes, LBP2, Ridge Racer 7, MGS4, Siren Blood Curse). On PS4 i only enjoyed Bloodborne and Driveclub, and from the coming titles just Death's Stranding and Dreams are somewhat exciting
-GTA IV > GTA V; Doom 3 > Doom 2016
-MGS V would so much better if it wasn't open world. Actually that applies to 95% of open world games, most of them are sandboxes with stupid filler and no thought put in level design
-Resident Evil 4's gameplay is still fun, but the atmosphere, artstyle, characters and plot always sucked, a 7/10 game max
-last good game by Blizzard was Diablo II

Now let's try the other way, positive ones:
-Driveclub is one of the best racing games ever made
-The Evil Within 1 is one of the best games ever made
-Duke Nukem Forever was fun, same goes for Gears of War Judgement
-Silent Hill 4 is amazing and underrated
-don't know if that controversial, but F.E.A.R. from 2005 still has the best shooting mechanics and AI in FPS genre (yup, better ,,gun feel'' than destiny)
-Bethesda is the best publisher on the market right now, TEW1, Prey and Dishonored 2 (along with Bloodborne and The Witness) are in my top5 of this gen so far
-Carmageddon Max Damage should have at least 80% metascore
-Ubisoft ain't as bad as people portray them, in last couple of years they released gems like Valiant Hearts, Trackmania Turbo, South Park games, CoJ: Gunslinger, Rayman Legends and R6: Siege.


Assassin's Creed: Origins is the worst in the series.

I know some people are probably reading that and wanting to physically harm me right now, but I actually liked what AC was including the combat. that you all apparently hated.

Going from the traversal system of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate with the rope thingy to Origins was rough and as I type this, I literally don't remember the name of a single character in Origins. including the guy I played as. That's how forgettable everything was.

After forcing myself through Origins, I'm not sure I want to continue the series if it remains like what they've made it because it's no longer Assassin's Creed.


I have probably said most of these already in this or another thread before, but let's do it again.

-Gen 6 was the worst console generation (PS2, Xbox, GC, DC).
-Despite Gen 6 being the worst, I loved Smash Bros Melee but mostly just because of the minigames. That said, I bought and tried to get into Brawl and Smash Wii U, but both were huge disappointments. The minigames are way worse and even the actual fighting has become worse and worse with each new Smash game.
-I can't stand Assassin's Creed games.
-I can't stand Mass Effect games. "Alien species" scifi is the worst scifi subgenre there is. Hey, let's give that species blue skin and let's give that species fish heads and let's give that species scales and let's.... etc etc etc. The most unimaginative things alien species can be are these things that either look like your regular human mutants or some weird animal hybrids.
-I can't stand Bayonetta games (seems like I can't stand any of Platinum games).
-FPS games have gone downhill after Duke Nukem 3D. For me the perfect first person movement is when it feels more like you are driving a car. Being able to quickly look up and down and around ruined first person games for me.
-A separate button for dodging is stupid. One example is Shantae and the Pirate's Curse where you were able to purchase a new ability which was this stupid dodging move. I used it a few times, got annoyed by it and noticed how much more fun it was to dodge with your basic movements.
-Combos are stupid.
-Crafting is stupid.
-I would love to love Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X but both games were ruined by the combat systems.
-Controllers have way too many buttons. Hell, even the control sticks have been turned into buttons! I have a soft spot for the Atari Jaguar controller though. If you are going to put tons of buttons on your controller you should go completely crazy with it.
-The screenshots in video game boxes have gone downhill since Final Fantasy 8 where all they showed were either images from cutscenes or images of flashy summon monster effects. I want to see how the GAME looks like and not things that only happen when you aren't doing anything. That said, video games in general have been ruined to the point where you often can't understand what the hell is going on by looking at the screenshots. Even some simple 2D platformers have all kinds of light effects and other completely unnecessary things going on. I used to love looking at screenshots back in the day when you could instantly see what you were supposed to do in a game. I even loved to draw my own fictional "video game screens" when I was a kid, but can kids even do that these days? I mean, the screens are filled with all kinds of flashy animations and effects and have tons of text in HUDs.
-...which reminds me that "moody atmospheric" light effects in platformers are stupid.
-...which reminds me that the most overused visual trick for a platformer is to make the whole world with silhouette aesthetics.
-Shiny magic forest aesthetics annoy me. It's the reason I just can't get myself to play Ori and the Blind Forest.
-I would love to like Guacamelee, but I have never ever thought the mexican wrestler thing is funny or even remotely appealing in any way or form. I gave it one shot and I kinda was able to look beyond that for a while, but then the combat system with all the combos ruined it for me.
-Tank controls are great.
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