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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Sure they can but if everyone does it then they should expect to hear how it's overrated.

It's simple. Two people have opinions and both people get to speak them.

Overrated implies that many people are saying it's good. If twenty people say it's good and one person says "nope, not good. it's overrated" then it's not quite the same as two people having different opinions.

IMO "overrated" is a vague term that doesn't really mean anything other than to say "I don't like this thing that a lot of people like".


The nicest person on this forum
Sure they can but if everyone does it then they should expect to hear how it's overrated.

It's simple. Two people have opinions and both people get to speak them.
My problem is calling the game "overrated" add nothing conversation other than saying that "I personally didn't like the game so other people shouldn't either".
I personally don't like most R* games and I have zero hype for RDR2, doest that mean RDR2 is "overhype" just because I personally don't like it?
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My problem is calling the game "overrated" add nothing conversation other than saying that "I personally didn't like the game so other people shouldn't either".
I personally don't like most R* games and I have zero hype for RDR2, doest that mean RDR2 is "overhype" just because I personally don't like it?
Over rated doesn't mean that you don't like a game, it means you don't think as highly of it as most other people do.


The nicest person on this forum
Over rated doesn't mean that you don't like a game, it means you don't think as highly of it as most other people do.
Isnt basically just mean other people shouldn't praise as much because you personally didn't enjoy the game as much as others did?

Question comes why you should care other people enjoyed the game more than you do? How it does calling the game "overrated" really adds to conversation? I personally didn't liked Horizon and I criticized of why I don't like the game but you wont see calling "overrated" or "overhype" because in honestly it does nothing for conversation and If so many people enjoyed the game more than I did then games did something right for its fans.


Isnt basically just mean other people shouldn't praise as much because you personally didn't enjoy the game as much as others did?
No, it means that everyone is entitled to speak their opinion, not just those who call it the GOAT.

Question comes why you should care other people enjoyed the game more than you do?

..because you get tired of hearing about it? Kinda like how you obviously get tired of hearing about how a game is overrated.

How it does calling the game "overrated" really adds to conversation?
How does being the millionth person to praise a game add to the conversation?
I personally didn't liked Horizon and I criticized of why I don't like the game but you wont see calling "overrated" or "overhype" because in honestly it does nothing for conversation and If so many people enjoyed the game more than I did then games did something right for its fans.

You think that your criticism of Horizon added to the conversation but calling it overrated wouldn't?


The nicest person on this forum
You think that your criticism of Horizon added to the conversation but calling it overrated wouldn't?
I would say it does more than just calling the game overrated. Also your logic every game comes out that has good score is overrated.

RDR2 is overrated
DQXI is overrated
Cyberpunk 2077 is overrated
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Could you elaborate on this?

Yes, Platinum Games give us Vanquish that is Amazing is thank you to Shinji MIkami., The Core of the company are the people that are working, Not all Games are amazing, Star Fox Zero was normal, Transformers with the time is getting boring, TMNT Too and worst, Legend of Kora is atrocity. 17 of their games actually... 8 are middle to worst, 1 cancelled and 8 are the amazing one.

Hideki Kamiya, Far from being a genius, of the caliber of Miyamoto, Kojima or Keiichiro Toyama, he is a pedant with the consumers and he is think like a king of gaming
when in reality it is far from being.

Because of their egocentricity, it is what is ruining the company (With talent people). If it were not for Yoko Taro and Nier Automata, Platinum Games would be in another story.

Seeing the personality of Kamiya, I would not doubt that part of the cancellation of Scalebound was his fault.


I would say it does more than just calling the game overrated. Also your logic every game comes out that has good score is overrated.

RDR2 is overrated
DQXI is overrated
Cyberpunk 2077 is overrated

I never used those examples and what I specifically said was that it's overrated when people won't shut up about. For example, I remember when every gaming thread had mentions of Dark Souls for years and Skyrim being the game of the year before it even came out.

Why do you care if people say a game is overrated. It's the same as saying 'I like it less than than most people' and is equal to saying 'I loved it' and 'I hated it'.


Maybe I don't like games anymore, but after giving Chrono Trigger a try for a few hours got up to
the bit where you can travel freely between multiple eras in time
, I found it boring. Sure there were a few cool moments and I can see why the game would have been very impressive for its time, but today this is just a boring game. Character development was non-existant, gameplay was so reptitive and story was scarce and really simple... the story to gameplay ratio is so out of balance, way too much reptitive gameplay and not enough story to reward you. It's so exciting when you get to a new area, but then it all quickly gets boring as the NPCs have minimal dialogue and the rest is just shops and inns. People praise this game as if it's better or on par with something like FF7 but it comes nowhere near close, it just feels lifeless.
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The nicest person on this forum
I never used those examples and what I specifically said was that it's overrated when people won't shut up about. For example, I remember when every gaming thread had mentions of Dark Souls for years and Skyrim being the game of the year before it even came out.

Why do you care if people say a game is overrated. It's the same as saying 'I like it less than than most people' and is equal to saying 'I loved it' and 'I hated it'.
Okay I see, we might have different opinion on this but we both have same issue. You are sick of people gushing over games too much same way I'm sick of people calling everything overrated.
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Everytime I see sometime type that I think 'You need to get good at spelling first'.
Excellent orthography burn on the internet, colleague.



Yes, Platinum Games give us Vanquish that is Amazing is thank you to Shinji MIkami., The Core of the company are the people that are working, Not all Games are amazing, Star Fox Zero was normal, Transformers with the time is getting boring, TMNT Too and worst, Legend of Kora is atrocity. 17 of their games actually... 8 are middle to worst, 1 cancelled and 8 are the amazing one.

Hideki Kamiya, Far from being a genius, of the caliber of Miyamoto, Kojima or Keiichiro Toyama, he is a pedant with the consumers and he is think like a king of gaming
when in reality it is far from being.

Because of their egocentricity, it is what is ruining the company (With talent people). If it were not for Yoko Taro and Nier Automata, Platinum Games would be in another story.

Seeing the personality of Kamiya, I would not doubt that part of the cancellation of Scalebound was his fault.
It seems like the only games you dislike from them are the ones published by Activision. None of the released games you mentioned were developed by Kamiya, btw.


But FPS games are simple for the most part. Especially nowadays when devs barely bother putting in a jump button, let alone rocket-jumping or bunny-hopping.
Forgot to mention to a lot of new FPS games with give you arrows to tell you were to go. I don't know whats wrong with just giving players a map, instead of just giving a arrow to solve the game. Just image if Rpgs did this, lost just press a button and it will tell what to do next no matter what.


Hideki Kamiya, Far from being a genius, of the caliber of Miyamoto, Kojima or Keiichiro Toyama, he is a pedant with the consumers and he is think like a king of gaming when in reality it is far from being.

Miyamoto's far more overrated than Kamiya. He didn't program any of the games. He didn't write the specific implementation of any of the mechanics. He was always just a vague idea guy. He barely had anything to do with the best 2D Mario game. He's lucky that he was surrounded by good people at Nintendo.

Miyamoto is the typical manager who takes credit for all the grunts' work. People act like he wrote every line of code in every game. That's where the real genius lies.

Someone like Satoru Iwata is the real deal. Designed, coded. He actually knew games. He didn't just tell a team to make something that felt like exploring a cave and take credit for it.
I think penalizing players for quitting early adds on to the many things that makes multiplayer games toxic. It’s a blanket penalization that hurts players that quit for justifiable reasons. It doesn’t help that losing power or internet counts as quitting early.
Spirit Tracks is one of the worst games of all time, it's the only Zelda game I have purchased and hated. I challenge anyone to finish the game on public transport like I tried to do and tell me it's fun. Tell me you are having fun when the game tells to say out loud and guess the gender of a little boy or girl and then immediately say out loud that they are cute. Tell me that doesn't make you feel like a pedo when you are sitting next to school kids on your ride home from work. Tell me how well the mic works when you are trying to play a song on a train or ferry over Sydney harbour and can't progress for an hour until you get home and things are dead quit so you can get out of the room you are trapped in, tell me you don't feel like a goose trying to blow on a game boy like it's a flute in public. The train sections are insanely boring, switching tracks and shooting rocks for coins was a lazy as hell way to avoid building an overworld. Awful boss fights, boring dungeons, recycled puzzles from phantom hour glass. The stupidest main antagonist in any Zelda game ever. It's a leprechaun with two hats to cover his two stupid horns. Absolutely non of the areas are worth exploring nor were they exciting. Moving between locations was a boring chore and I just couldn't finish I hit a mission where I could work out where to take a goron. "take me to a spring" I took him to every location on the map with water took ages and gave up when I refused to look at a guide. Terrible terrible game I can't believe any review site gave it anything over a 4-5/10 let alone the fact that they were giving it 9-10/10, I remember visiting the few reviews that hammered it and being appalled at the Nintendo defence force slamming the author for hating Zelda games and that they should quit their jobs. Train rides sucks. The only good thing about this game is the main theme song was good.
Uncharted 4 was boring. Not a bad game by any means but dose not deserve the master piece it got and how dare you give Uncharted 4 a 9 out of 10. If I was a game reviewer I would be worried to give my honest opinion on the game after seening the playstation fanboy fanaticism.

I agree. I loved the franchise. Had platinumed every single game in the franchise (including the Vita game) but yeah Uncharted 4 just didn't do it for me. I think they tried to employ too much from The Last of Us into Uncharted without realising that they're very different games. Uncharted is also about the breezy pace. It's a story that flows from set piece to set piece. It's a summer blockbuster. I think the pacing was just too bogged down in Uncharted 4. Also the stealth gameplay wasn't particularly great either. I felt like the Uncharted games played best when you were forced to keep moving and thinking on your toes. The stealth just felt slow and clunky to me.

Yeah, Uncharted 4 suffered way too much from it trying to take too many cues from The Last of Us and it shouldn't have. They're very different games.

As for my controversial opinion?

I don't know if it's a controversial opinion but it does get a reaction out of Nintendo diehards. I'm not really much of a Nintendo guy. I know that they're staple franchises are very good and I certainly recognise the quality they put out but I got be honest. Nintendo doesn't really do much for me as a whole. I think most modern Mario games are kinda dull and lack any real challenge (especially compare them to Mario's heyday). Breath of the Wild didn't do much for me. I think most of the N64's library was kinda garbage (with exception of Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time)

I'm really not much of a Nintendo guy. I don't know if that is controversial but when you do mention it to friends who are all Nintendo diehards, they do look at you sideways for it but yeah, I've always found Nintendo to be not my cup of tea. Every now and then they do something I really like but I feel rest too hard on their laurels and haven't really innovated in a long time. In terms of gameplay or hardware.

I don't know, Nintendo just doesn't do much for me. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I didn't grow up a Nintendo kid as well. Most Nintendo diehards are usually the ones who grew up with Nintendo I've noticed, so yeah, maybe that's why. Maybe I just don't have the nostalgia goggles on.
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I'm really not much of a Nintendo guy. I don't know if that is controversial but when you do mention it to friends who are all Nintendo diehards, they do look at you sideways for it but yeah, I've always found Nintendo to be not my cup of tea. Every now and then they do something I really like but I feel rest too hard on their laurels and haven't really innovated in a long time. In terms of gameplay or hardware.

I think you're spot on. I really haven't been impressed by a Nintendo published game since Metroid Prime. That was 16 years ago, and it wasn't even made by Nintendo of Japan technically. They're really back-loaded. Almost everything I like by them was done in the 20th century. People get excited by new Smash Bros. releases, and as someone who likes real fighting games, the look on my face is always:



Gaf > Era

ahah how is it controversial to say that here?

I was banned from GAF for saying I hope Nintendo goes software only. I never came back. Once the meltdown happened I noticed all the dickheads ended up over there, I don't see why that's controversial.

The cynic in me suspects that the current NeoGAF moderation is only better now because the membership was gutted by the split, and if they maintained the same draconian moderation they had before the split this place be a ghost town today. Even though the enforcement of it is half-assed here now, you'll still occasionally see someone silenced for horseshit like "lazy dev rhetoric" even when it's laughably and blatantly true, so the seeds of that garbage are still present.

I was never impressed by the "ooooooooh industry employees post here once every 6 months to market their games, let's get on our backs and spread eagle for them" air that NeoGAF used to have, and luckily, that's been almost entirely transferred to the other forum.


Im also one of the few that hates undertale, found nothing funny about it at all. Trying watching some people play it on stream, everyone was laughing , but I just fell a sleep.

Also I hate dark souls 2 pvp.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Even though the enforcement of it is half-assed here now, you'll still occasionally see someone silenced for horseshit like "lazy dev rhetoric" even when it's laughably and blatantly true, so the seeds of that garbage are still present.
Yeah.. except it isnt. Even shoddy games that get this moniker are still developed by people who may or may not put a lot of effort into the game, and how the game is recieved as is usually a combination of multiple factors than ''Top kek lazy devs amirite''. Something something publishers, licensees, crunch times, external factors, and so on.

There are only very few developers that would actually adher to a lazy dev moniker - And even then i still would recognize that they worked a lot on a certain title to get to where it is - Despite it being terrible. I would wager attitude is far more of a factor into whether or not a developer gets leeway on a shoddy game or not. An example of this would be Overkill Software.

Considering you have written that you developed games yourself aswell as participating in some shape on the MAME project, you out of all people ought to know how it is like. The fact that the bolded statement right here says otherwise, speaks little in your favor as to how actual game development usually is in practice.
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Sony fans this gen, can't be happy with Sony's success they always gotta troll and shit up every gaming forum with their crap, always playing the Sales comparison game and meta score game to make themselves feel better, also defending Sony no matter what even if Sony does things against gamers best interest and always moving goal posts as to what is important based on what Sony does well at that particular time.

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ahah how is it controversial to say that here?

The cynic in me suspects that the current NeoGAF moderation is only better now because the membership was gutted by the split, and if they maintained the same draconian moderation they had before the split this place be a ghost town today. Even though the enforcement of it is half-assed here now, you'll still occasionally see someone silenced for horseshit like "lazy dev rhetoric" even when it's laughably and blatantly true, so the seeds of that garbage are still present.

I was never impressed by the "ooooooooh industry employees post here once every 6 months to market their games, let's get on our backs and spread eagle for them" air that NeoGAF used to have, and luckily, that's been almost entirely transferred to the other forum.

I have a story about Era, actually. I suspect I'm not the only one.

But I was banned for sharing my honest opinions and criticisms towards Nintendo and the Switch. It was ridiculous! Gaf doesn't really do that, in my opinion.

I think all of the toxic people left Gaf and formed ResetERA. The ONLY nice thing I can say about ResetERA is that Emily Rogers is great, as always. But the majority of the staff there? Miscommunication out the ass.


Nier Automata has interesting lore but it's narrated in a terrible and boring way. Gameplay is fine but also plagued by idiotic design choices.
During the interactive ending credits of route D, I wished to die more than once.


Likes moldy games
Nier Automata has interesting lore but it's narrated in a terrible and boring way. Gameplay is fine but also plagued by idiotic design choices.
During the interactive ending credits of route D, I wished to die more than once.
I've only played the demo but came across like a indie game and the controls felt like they were too light, but anyway i'm thinking about picking it up cheap for all positive reviews it got and maybe i got the wrong impression from the demo. Would you recommend ?
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I've only played the demo but came across like a indie game and the controls felt like they were too light, but anyway i'm thinking about picking it up cheap for all positive reviews it got and maybe i got the wrong impression from the demo. Would you recommend ?

Honestly, yes.
At the end of the day, despite my will to slowly strangle Yoko Taro for some terrible design choices, it's a fun game with a nice story, good english voices and a fun combat system. And the music, something I love in games, are absolutely incredible.
Add +1 if you like big butts


MGSV is a masterpiece with a great story (and 5 endings) and even "unfinished" (oh no we didn't get to fight Sahelanthropus for the 3rd time!) is 10x the experience that MGS4 was.


Yeah.. except it isnt. Even shoddy games that get this moniker are still developed by people who may or may not put a lot of effort into the game, and how the game is recieved as is usually a combination of multiple factors than ''Top kek lazy devs amirite''. Something something publishers, licensees, crunch times, external factors, and so on.

There are only very few developers that would actually adher to a lazy dev moniker - And even then i still would recognize that they worked a lot on a certain title to get to where it is - Despite it being terrible. I would wager attitude is far more of a factor into whether or not a developer gets leeway on a shoddy game or not. An example of this would be Overkill Software.

Considering you have written that you developed games yourself aswell as participating in some shape on the MAME project, you out of all people ought to know how it is like. The fact that the bolded statement right here says otherwise, speaks little in your favor as to how actual game development usually is in practice.

On the contrary, if you charge money for a game that only works at 60hz, I will throw the book at you, because I know how easy it is to do it properly. I agree that some games are bad despite the people who worked on them, but there are many "lazy dev" games where it's just painfully obvious that they didn't put even the smallest bit of effort into them.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
On the contrary, if you charge money for a game that only works at 60hz, I will throw the book at you, because I know how easy it is to do it properly.
Not all code is created equal. Where a thing like 60hz might be a walk in the park in one framework, may prove to be a challenge in another.
Its not really comparable, let alone using this as a gateway to saying ''Lazy devs''.

I agree that some games are bad despite the people who worked on them, but there are many "lazy dev" games where it's just painfully obvious that they didn't put even the smallest bit of effort into them.
Every game puts effort into them except for Digital Homicide-tier copy paste jobs. Then again, i don't rate those as games. Assuming we talk games that are in the stores, i still wouldnt throw that rhetoric around, or you would have to outline what constitutes a lazy dev to you.


Uncharted 4 was boring. Not a bad game by any means but dose not deserve the master piece it got and how dare you give Uncharted 4 a 9 out of 10. If I was a game reviewer I would be worried to give my honest opinion on the game after seening the playstation fanboy fanaticism.

I have to agree. It had spectacular set pieces but it just never managed to engage me.
Wow, yet another super expensive abandoned and old village in the middle of nowhere?

I didn't really feel much like replaying U3 either since it was so, unengaging? Or bland, or I don't know
it too was like Batman HUSH. Every second page was a hero shot with huge set pieces but a few days after reading it I
couldn't remember what it was about. Impressive on the surface but shallow and forgettable.
That is how I see U3 and U4.
U2, and to some extend U1, still love and replay to this day. The story is engaging.

(U3 was not all bad, I REALLY REALLY liked the multiplayer in it. U4 MP I tried for about 5-10 minutes. It contained some weird stuff with skulls becoming deamons you fight or whatever.
I really just didn't jibe with U4 multiplayer at all. It just felt bad/off. I lasted less than 10 minutes and I never tried it again.)


Love the work and collaborations of Kojima Productions and the spirit and vision of Hideo Kojima, got a various limited and collectors edition of Metal Gear, one of my favorites videogames ever, i think ive never had the level of hype on a game than i had with Metal Gear Solid 4, ive got a PS3 with the launch of this game. With all of this said...after the separation between konami and Kojima, and for different reasons, i started to think (and that started to grown huge on me) that Kojima its so so so overrated.

I dont know what bothers me the most but, hanging out with celebrities, his cuestionable methods of work, his cuestionable decisions like put aside David Hayter and bring Kiefer Sutherland a AAA Hollywood actor to just do some lines (not more than 30 pages of dialogue). I dunno, maybe im wrong but, the last 2 years with all of his pics with his hollywood friends, he just wanna mix Movies with Videogames be part of that world. Its not wrong, Kojima its a big fan of Movies (Western in particular i think), but i cant stand him right now. Years ago, a proyect like Death Stranding would have got me aboard on the hype train just with the first trailer....but now. Death Stranding seems to me like a huge amount of smoke. Nothing real, mostly conceptual ala David Lynch and im getting tired of that.


A lot of Xbox fans on here are incredibly sensitive if you say anything not 100% positive about the Xbox One, Microsoft or Phil Spencer. It's quite something...

Also some of them are so paranoid they even whine to mods at the start of threads looking for them for help in silencing people.

You can say the same about PS4 fanboys though. I see plenty of whining from that side of the fence too.

Fanboyism in general is just a cancer. I've never understood the idea of getting one control and hating the others. I've got PS4, Xbone and Switch and I love all three of them. They each have their strengths and weaknesses.
i dont think my opinion on this is that controversial but darksiders is an complete and utter piece of garbage series. thats one i dont get why people like "its like zelda maaaaan" like nothing of those games are particularly good and at best its just so average


Wipeout is the Madden of futuristic racers. Outside of graphical leaps throughout the generations the game has had minor changes in each version and fans like it that way.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Then they used an awful framework and should be called out on it.
Way too much of a generalization to make. I know that you love to exclude nuance in your posts and the need to call everything and everyone out that isnt up to your standards but not all code is made equal. Destiny might be a good starting point for that in relation to how frameworks need to evolve over time. - http://twvideo01.ubm-us.net/o1/vault/gdc2015/presentations/Butcher_DestinyEngine_GDC2015_final.pdf

There are a dozen ways to achieve goal X.


Bayonetta is a poor man's God of War. God of War is a poorer man's Ninja Gaiden. And Ninja Gaiden can't even be COMPARED TO THE MAJESTY that is DMC.
Third party publishers selling games only on one platform (timed exclusive or permanent) can be beneficial to the game's sales.

The platform holder will be more inclined to market the game and make it more attractive to consumers.


i dont think my opinion on this is that controversial but darksiders is an complete and utter piece of garbage series. thats one i dont get why people like "its like zelda maaaaan" like nothing of those games are particularly good and at best its just so average

I bought the first one based off the hype on this forum and hated every second I played until I gave it up. Thankfully it was peanuts in a sale so I didn't waste too much money.
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