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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.



Okay, here's my "controversial" videogame opinion:

Wii Music is a great videogame. It's not a Guitar Hero clone but a true music program that focuses on improvisation and the group dynamic. Yes, you can play the songs as originally written, but the real challenge lies in twisting, bending and reinterpreting them in strange new directions. I can't think of a better software title that teaches the experience of creating music. It's wildly original and daring and Nintendo should be complimented for taking that chance.

It helps a lot if you are a musician yourself, or if you grew up playing the "construction set" games on the home computers. It rewards creativity and playfulness without imposing a lot of rules, and that lack of formal structure is very welcome, even if it did frustrate those looking for the next Rock Band.

Yes, there are a lot of changes and additions that I would make if I were in charge of the sequel, including higher quality music samples and better motion controls on some of the instruments. I'd also add more alternate music scales, greater freedom in assembling your band (like 6 drummers if you wish), and a "reverse mode" for the songs to allow for more improvisation. There should also be a far more involving tutorial mode.

I strongly advise that you watch the Wassi JJ and TIrelat videos on Youtube, where the Wii Music songs are completely smashed to bits and reassembled as original works. I even created a few such songs myself long ago, although I probably wasn't as successful.

Honestly, the only reason I'm not playing Wii Music more is because it would steal all of my time. Also, my Wii disc drive is busted and needs to be replaced and if I get it fixed, Segata Sanshiro will break down my front door.

I always kind of wrote off Wii Music after seeing them goof around on stage at E3, but reading your post makes me want to look more into the game (or at least watch the videos you recommended) to learn more about it.


- Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst is the best game to come out of Japan
- Zelda games are massively overrated
- Hearthstone is still fun in 2019
- XBOX 360 and Nintendo Switch are GOAT
- Dark Souls is shit, Bloodborne is a lot better
- Resident Evil didn't get good till 4, even 6 is vastly better than all of the ps1 games


Nier automata is the most overhyped garbage on this gen, or at least on GAF.

It looks like a ps2 game, at best.
If it at least performed as it looked but no. It's a technical disgrace from the same studio that brought Vanquish and Rising a generation ago.
The drab art is a joke. Did they cheap out on textures and a lighting engine?
The open world structure is atrocious and it makes you wonder why it is what it is.
Also the worst traversal in the genre, let us put bushes everywhere that slow your character down.
The side quests design is on par with the best work of ubisoft.
The story is a convoluted weeab mess.
Replaying the exact same scenario from another character perspective is possibly the worst cop out I've seen since Arkhams Knight final ending hidden behind collectibles.
It's so quirky that it needs to remind you of it every single step of the way. How pretentious.
It's plays like one but it's not an action game, it looks like one but it's also not an jrpg game. Instead it mashes everything together with bullet hell gameplay and prays for the best.
I didn't have a game's ending leave me such a bad taste in my mouth since bioshock infinite.

The only good things: music and the animations.

I won't even bother with the trophy hack, I don't want the platinum. I am so angry I delayed my sekiro playtrough because of this...
MGS Rising is the best game the studio ever did and it will stay like that for a while.


- PS4 exclusives are EXTREMELY overrated. They're the equivalent of oscarbait in the games industry.

- God of War 4's combat isn't good at all.

- Ninja Gaiden > Devil May Cry

- Infamous 2 is the best Playstation exclusive, period.

- I actually want to see a DmC2

- NieR: Automata is fucking boring

- "Art video games" generally fail at the "game" part.


Nintendo games tell me that people have low gaming standards for...

Poly counts
Sound effects
Game depth
Voice acting as there isn't any
Game controllers (no analog triggers)
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I'm all about people doing or watching what they please, like, fuck everyone, i'm going to enjoy wherever i want. With that said It is mind numbing to me how older men can play/watch Pokemon, and they are hardcore fans too. It gives me the same weird vibe like those big dudes with t-shirts of my little pony.


Final Fantasy X , Tidus and Yuna's forced laughing scene is one of it's best moments. Anyone actually paying attention to what is going on in the scenario will understand what a warm heartfelt moment it is. Here you have two people dealing with the reprecussions of their father's impact on their lives. Anyone who takes the piss out of this scene doesn't really remember the game, and are just hating on it because that was trendy ,for whatever reason.
Nintendo's target audience and their games are aimed at children. Gamers aged 30+ still playing Mario and Zelda should grow up.
I don't grow up, I show up. And when I look at you, I throw up. And then you come around the corner and lick it up. So, nyeh.

Also, I'm rubber and you're glue, so what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.



this doesn't say anything other than Japan came to From with the idea in the first place, then they worked on the game. the idea was tbh an idea From had sort of been working with for years already, remember there are Lovecraftian elements in Demon's Souls as well.

is this opinion based on any facts or is this just some gut feeling we can ignore?
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
this doesn't say anything other than Japan came to From with the idea in the first place, then they worked on the game. the idea was tbh an idea From had sort of been working with for years already, remember there are Lovecraftian elements in Demon's Souls as well.

is this opinion based on any facts or is this just some gut feeling we can ignore?
We could say that both developers did their part.
But Japan Studio did marvelous games.
Videogames have good concepts and subpar stories.

The only reason people cared when Ghost died in modern warfare 2 is because he had a cool mask.

Most open world games are just a big area riddled with mini games. The includes main storyline.

Travelers tales’ LEGO games are some of the best games made.

Battle Royale modes aren’t going anywhere until another game mode knocks it down.

Horde mode is better than Battle Royale and should get more attention.
R* games are so boring that I have to check to see if people who hype up RDR have had a lobotomy or other brain damage.

Kingdom under fire 1 and 2 for the original xbox should have spawned a genre. It didn't, but I have to put up with 100's of "first person military shooters" which have done nothing new since Half-life

Point and click puzzle games died because modern gamers have an IQ equal to that of a sausage.

Party chat ruined online multiplayer games (telling your friends where the enemies are, after your party members have died, is fucking stupid).

Mindjack should have been praised as the most forward thinking game ever to have been created.

Microsoft ruined the game industry by not releasing a new xbox and instead, focused on Kinect, which was shit.
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Gold Member
Gamers don't care about story, but it's that subjective trait of a game that people will claim as victory point. They all want a great story, but likely won't care. Devs and writers claiming they have a great plot are either full of themselves or bullshitting.

- Most games don't even have a storyline
- Games with a plot almost always have a cookie cutter good guy vs. evil lord
- Most dialogue in gaming is either forgettable or memorable and cringe worthy
- Lots of plot is in cut-scenes and text boxes, something many gamers skip
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• Kojima is horribly overrated. He wants to make movies more than games these days, but doesn't have the chops to make movies yet. He's trying to blur the line between movies and games with cinematic games, and interactive movies.... Which could be the death spiral to games in general.

• VR is a gimmick that only has limited appeal. I think if it were going to catch fire, it would've done so by now. Overall VR market penetration, and lack of major developer support suggests that it wont be mainstream. I think people who claim it's the next big thing in gaming are saps that bought into it, and are trying to justify their purchase.

• I think Rainbow Six Siege is GOTG so far.


reason video games are more popular now more than ever does not have to do with less sexism, longer duration, more detailed gfx
The core reason is that they are easier. You see it even today where difficult games either have smaller playerbases or after initial amount of attention they are shoved aside by journalists and players, no matter the technical prowess. To the point where they are considered a bad thing if they are not a nostalgic indie game.
On pc add also hardware and software issues that are ever present. PCs became cheaper than ever compared to the 80s and 90s, Windows are easier and more stable than ever, yet PC still fail to make the same impact as consoles for the same type of games.


Likes moldy games
Crafting in games, ain't got time for that shit, yeah give me a add on for a gun that gives me a alternative fire mode but i don't want have to collect bits of metal or whatever to craft the add on at some table. Having to feed my character, fuck that shit, what a chore, i want to escape the real world not have to all that shit. You really don't have time or interest in this shit when you have kids.


neither western sony exclusives, or most nintendo exclusives. look appealing to me. i prefer sony's japanese or most uk/europe output. for nintendo, i find a lot of sidescrollers/gimmicky-stuff/standard sequels to be tiresome and not very interesting in the slightest.


Old school Resident Evil fans is maybe the worst community of fans on the internet. No, just because I don't like shitty controls, awful "place this item with this item" adventure game puzzles, shitty jump scares, and a story so ridiculously stupid it actually makes the movies make some sense; doesn't mean I'm too young, too stupid, too impatient, too "this generation of gamers" or too 'whatever else the fuck you wanna label me as." Get off your god damn high horse and realize the games aren't as great or smart as you make them out to be. The series didn't actually become good until RE4.


i like JRPGS the way they are, everything from story - characters - setting - writing - humor. is a wonderful cheesefest that i can sit back and relax and not take seriously. they are the definition of video games should be.

give me more japanese idol JRPGS like Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
• Kojima is horribly overrated. He wants to make movies more than games these days, but doesn't have the chops to make movies yet. He's trying to blur the line between movies and games with cinematic games, and interactive movies.... Which could be the death spiral to games in general.

• VR is a gimmick that only has limited appeal. I think if it were going to catch fire, it would've done so by now. Overall VR market penetration, and lack of major developer support suggests that it wont be mainstream. I think people who claim it's the next big thing in gaming are saps that bought into it, and are trying to justify their purchase.

• I think Rainbow Six Siege is GOTG so far.
First of all, by definition it can't be a gimmick. But if you look at the history of every large-scale technology ever, none of them have been mainstream this fast. VR was never supposed to be mainstream overnight as not even smartphones have managed that. Typically technologies take at least 10-15 years from first hitting the consumer market.


Sonic Kneejerk reactionaries (ironic memeposters/people who post awful sonic art/Sonic fans who claim Mania is the first good Sonic game since 1994/people with a superiority complex trying act smart while delivering "harsh truths" blahblablahthissonicrelatedthingsucksblahblahblah) houses the worst kind of people in gaming. (steeping on eggshells here but i don't give a crap)

Sonic Team (or CS2, whatever they are called now) isn't the problem with Sonic, it's more like Sega of all things given the shadiness of japanese video game companies that wish to fix their problems but can't for some reason.

we will never have another golden age of gaming (4th-6th console gen)


The Tribe Has Spoken
Not every game has to come to the Switch.

IE: Persona 5.

I feel that switch owners can come off as "greedy". I own one as a secondary.
I don’t understand why this bothers people.

If you bought a Bluray player, would you hope that more movies were released on Bluray or less movies?

It’s common sense that if there is a popular device on the market that many people enjoy, they are naturally going to want more and more content for it.

A lot of people (not necessarily you) seem to have a permanent chip on their shoulder when it comes to Nintendo and I find it frankly, very immature. Just enjoy all good games. Who gives a fuck what logo is on the box?

Not everyone can afford multiple current gen consoles. Maybe a lot of these people only have a Switch. In which case, why hate on them for wishing for certain games?

So weird.
Old school Resident Evil fans is maybe the worst community of fans on the internet. No, just because I don't like shitty controls, awful "place this item with this item" adventure game puzzles, shitty jump scares, and a story so ridiculously stupid it actually makes the movies make some sense; doesn't mean I'm too young, too stupid, too impatient, too "this generation of gamers" or too 'whatever else the fuck you wanna label me as." Get off your god damn high horse and realize the games aren't as great or smart as you make them out to be. The series didn't actually become good until RE4.

I'm not attacking you but what's so bad about the controls of the older RE games compared to RE4?


The nicest person on this forum
I don’t understand why this bothers people.

If you bought a Bluray player, would you hope that more movies were released on Bluray or less movies?

It’s common sense that if there is a popular device on the market that many people enjoy, they are naturally going to want more and more content for it.

A lot of people (not necessarily you) seem to have a permanent chip on their shoulder when it comes to Nintendo and I find it frankly, very immature. Just enjoy all good games. Who gives a fuck what logo is on the box?

Not everyone can afford multiple current gen consoles. Maybe a lot of these people only have a Switch. In which case, why hate on them for wishing for certain games?

So weird.
This and also what’s big deal? It just means Persona 5 is a great game and more people want experience it on their system. Like Scopa Scopa said, not everyone can effort to get all systems and Persona series is a third party game and Sony is not funding it like Nintendo did with Bayonetta so I don’t see any reason why it should be exclusive.


Nier automata is the most overhyped garbage on this gen, or at least on GAF.

It looks like a ps2 game, at best.
If it at least performed as it looked but no. It's a technical disgrace from the same studio that brought Vanquish and Rising a generation ago.
The drab art is a joke. Did they cheap out on textures and a lighting engine?
The open world structure is atrocious and it makes you wonder why it is what it is.
Also the worst traversal in the genre, let us put bushes everywhere that slow your character down.
The side quests design is on par with the best work of ubisoft.
The story is a convoluted weeab mess.
Replaying the exact same scenario from another character perspective is possibly the worst cop out I've seen since Arkhams Knight final ending hidden behind collectibles.
It's so quirky that it needs to remind you of it every single step of the way. How pretentious.
It's plays like one but it's not an action game, it looks like one but it's also not an jrpg game. Instead it mashes everything together with bullet hell gameplay and prays for the best.
I didn't have a game's ending leave me such a bad taste in my mouth since bioshock infinite.

The only good things: music and the animations.

I won't even bother with the trophy hack, I don't want the platinum. I am so angry I delayed my sekiro playtrough because of this...
MGS Rising is the best game the studio ever did and it will stay like that for a while.

Glad someone else said it. And it has all the hallmarks of the kind of game I should and usually do enjoy. I found it utterly ordinary.


Gold Member
Black Desert Online's Microtransactions don't fill me with unbridled rage.

It feels like GTA V did...You need shit...buy it.
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