Every time I hear the term "corridor racing" I throw up a little bit in my mouth.
I haven't seen this phrase before but this is a fucking nightmare. Please tell me you just made this up.
I absolutely detest video walkthrough. I hate how youtube guides killed the written ones. Guess everyone's got Pewdiepie envy and are trying to monetize...
Video guides are incredibly unpractical and time wasting compared to the good old text ones, where you could have skimmed over to the point you needed extremely fast.
I absolutely detest video walkthrough. I hate how youtube guides killed the written ones. Guess everyone's got Pewdiepie envy and are trying to monetize...
Video guides are incredibly unpractical and time wasting compared to the good old text ones, where you could have skimmed over to the point you needed extremely fast.
Also (again), fuck shoulder camera. That stupid trend is getting worse.
Totally agree with this, 99 times out of 100 I'd vastly prefer quickly skimming to the part I want in text. Videos are only occasionally useful for stuff thats hard to describe.
I love Ubisoft open worlds and enjoy collecting all the pointless stuff in them.
- PS4 sucks
- E3 2016 sucked (except for Zelda)
- The only good thing game-related on youtube is classic game room. The rest is pure shit (kinda funny, IGN podcast, TotalBiscuit).
Have fun with your Vectrex, old man.
- The only good thing game-related on youtube is classic game room. The rest is pure shit (kinda funny, IGN podcast, TotalBiscuit).
Microsoft just wrote its own suicide note in the console arena this E3, and the XBox name will only be tied to a service in the very near future. Going in both directions on new consoles seems to be a problem, especially since the slim model is $400 when it really should be half. I'm actually interested in the beefed up Scorpio, but not at the price that it'll likely be (I'm assuming more than $400). Also where is the incentive for me to get a Scorpio if all the games will be on PC?
Sony is continuing to rest on their laurels. They've used up the good will and now its time to deliver the goods. PSN still isn't as good as Xbox live. I've had fun with the PS4, but I'm not excited about it, outside of No Man's Sky and Horizon.
Nintendo has Zelda, which has a great style and shitty last-gen fucking graphics. I like how people think that they are holding back some treasure trove of goodies for the NX in the face of the very real possibility that this new Zelda, if its a masterpiece, could likely be their last, dying breath of greatness.
Steam is a dumpster fire that I only use begrudgingly because its the defacto standard in the PC arena.
VR seems DOA.
Since we already got The Witness, Doom, Stardew Valley, Dark Souls 3 and Overwatch this year, I'm thinking that E3 didn't really matter, since 2016 has already been a great year for games.
I never like God of War. No matter how much I tried to like it, I never could. I'm not excited for the new one.
I also think Horizon Zero Dawn looks stupid...
So basically everything is doom and gloom.
Do you perchance like to play video games? Lol
Zelda has made Nintendo fans insufferable again.
This x the power of the sun
The God of War 4 footage from E3 looked awful. It looked way too scripted, and it reminded me of The Order. The combat from the other games was quite fun. What I saw at E3 didn't look fun at all.
Heaven forbid people should get excited by a game that isn't on your console.
I love Ubisoft open worlds and enjoy collecting all the pointless stuff in them.
Not just of Ubisoft ones but I enjoy collecting pointless stuff in any game, in fact I consider a game bad if it doesnt have pointless collectibles to find.
Its a joke term, but it might have caught on and taken seriously now by some.Every time I hear the term "corridor racing" I throw up a little bit in my mouth.
so yeah Picasso's own father -- a professor of art -- taught Picasso how to paint
Oh HELL YES.Steam is a dumpster fire that I only use begrudgingly because its the defacto standard in the PC arena.
Lmao. You don't know what consoles we have.Heaven forbid people should get excited by a game that isn't on your console.
Someone is going to have to explain mechanical dinosaurs in Horizon for me. How the fuck is that a thing? So we have the tech for that and high tech weapons but we rolling around in loin cloths?
Looks great. Makes no sense.
Doom 4 is exceptionally over-rated game that doesn't do anything better than other FPS games around. It is just an ok arena shooter with pretty terrible weapons, extremely poor gore, mind-numbing "glory kills" and no story line or anything to keep you going. Just an arena after arena with boring predictable enemies with constant health drops that make you invincible. The game has extremely poor colour pallet and everything looks the same, the ground textures are insanely bad and most environmental details are pre-historic in their graphical fidelity. Most weapons feel dull, boring and weak and some of the alpha effects on them (specifically on the plasma rifle) are beyond terrible. I am so mad at this game, SO MAD!
Its a joke term, but it might have caught on and taken seriously now by some.
I absolutely detest video walkthrough. I hate how youtube guides killed the written ones. Guess everyone's got Pewdiepie envy and are trying to monetize...
Video guides are incredibly unpractical and time wasting compared to the good old text ones, where you could have skimmed over to the point you needed extremely fast.
Every time I hear the term "corridor racing" I throw up a little bit in my mouth.
I'll post this here:
The new Zelda does nothing for me. Don't care for the gameplay shown, the art style, characters, the graphics... everything. Everything about it is underwhelming to me.
Is 2016 and smoke effects have not improved since 2003
is 2016 and still some games presented for the Xbox360 and PS3 unveil can´t look that good with current hardware
With not having a female option I won't play the new Zelda.
LOL I have enough quality games that I won't mind missing on one.Your lost.
LOL I have enough quality games that I won't mind missing on one.
Between no gender choice and what I feel is an ugly art style I think this "lost" isn't really an issue.
With not having a female option I won't play the new Zelda.
I enjoy Battleborn far more thenjoyable Overwatch...though they are different enough I can like both.
Detroit was Game of e3 for me.
Heh. Just messing with you. I feel that way too somewhat. I mean, I don't think I would be interested in Horizon if Aloy was a guy, y'know?