Sibersk Esto
The whole "make Link a girl" is a shitty bandwagon meme that only caught on because someone thought Link looked too girly in the og reveal (which is totally fine for some reason).
Nope.With no male option in Horizon you won't play it either right?
Again I'm on a limited budget. I focus my money on dev's who do things that speak to me. As a woman I value playing as a woman and it makes me more likely to play something.
I said along time ago the art was awful in the new Zelda and the only way id play it was if the rumors of Fem Link came true. It didn't so I'll pass.
GameCube-level graphics are good enough. I think Nintendo had the right idea not to compete with Sony and Microsoft in terms of console power the past few gens.
If we want video games to be art, then we have to stop censoring them and adding our values or beliefs to the works in question. No one told Picasso how to paint. Video game companies should be the same. That means if they want to make games with nothing but blue skinned naked females then they make a game with nothing but blue skinned naked females and we let the market decide if that's something the market wants. It's capitalism and it needs to be allowed to work without societal restrictions. If another company has a problem with blue skinned females in the buff and they make a game with nothing but orange males in the buff then it is what it is and we let the market decide if that will be successful. In short the market gets to decide what is successful and what isn't. Let the companies make what they want without society bashing on them for not being "inclusive."
The new Zelda will have the biggest backlash yet once people notice they're just playing that same old open world that "sucks". Game that people who don't only own Nintendo systems have been playing for the last 10 years or so.
I'm going to make a thread about this in a couple of days, but I absolutely believe Aonuma's comments about they couldn't figure out what to do with Zelda and Link as to why there couldn't be a female playable character were in relation to THAT SPECIFIC GAME. As in they realized all the rumors and desire for a female character, thought about it, decided Link was a boy so it would have to be Zelda, but couldn't retroactively switch that around by the point the rumors started (after the initial trailer).
Likewise, I believe he wants to have a game with Zelda as the main character and within the next couple of titles we will get it.
GameCube-level graphics are good enough. I think Nintendo had the right idea not to compete with Sony and Microsoft in terms of console power the past few gens.
Again I'm on a limited budget. I focus my money on dev's who do things that speak to me. As a woman I value playing as a woman and it makes me more likely to play something.
I said along time ago the art was awful in the new Zelda and the only way id play it was if the rumors of Fem Link came true. It didn't so I'll pass.
Here's my controversial opinion: Neogaf is insufferable when the topic of most things comes up. Fan-wise and hater-wise.
Here's my controversial opinion: Neogaf is insufferable when the topic of Nintendo comes up. Fan-wise and hater-wise.
It doesn't make sense to me why it's so massively important to so many people that the Legend of Zelda of all games must have a female character option when Link is barely a character and is also one of the most androgynous looking male protagonists in videogames, ESPECIALLY in the new game.
It seems to me that the Link in Breath of the Wild, though technically male, would still be easier for female players to identify with than the majority of burly mandude protags we see in so many AAA games these days.
I really like the look of Days Gone.
Japanese games are rarely good.
Totally my opinion, I just can't get into most JRPG games that come out. Notable exception being the Soulsborne games.
Doom 4 is exceptionally over-rated game that doesn't do anything better than other FPS games around. It is just an ok arena shooter with pretty terrible weapons, extremely poor gore, mind-numbing "glory kills" and no story line or anything to keep you going. Just an arena after arena with boring predictable enemies with constant health drops that make you invincible. The game has extremely poor colour pallet and everything looks the same, the ground textures are insanely bad and most environmental details are pre-historic in their graphical fidelity. Most weapons feel dull, boring and weak and some of the alpha effects on them (specifically on the plasma rifle) are beyond terrible. I am so mad at this game, SO MAD!
Well, now that I got that out of my system, the game is ok, it doesn't impress me on any front but it can be fun at times. I just can't play it for more than 30 minutes at a time, it is just too soulless.
Don't hate me, guys, ok? I don't think it was a (total) waste of money, but I expected a lot more.
Do people genuinely believe that the only reason you can be impressed with the new Zelda is if you haven't played an open world game on another console?
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks like an 8 year old game, the world is mainly devoid of interesting elements in the landscape & the combat dull, most of the "innovative" features have been seen before in other games. Most of the gameplay elements seem like what developers add when they're toying around with new mechanics before making substantial improvements & removing the busy work.
I've left this out of the other threads because if people enjoy it fair enough, but I honestly think 3/4 of the fanbase must only play Nintendo games and this is a case of....
There's a contraversial opinion for you, and this is coming from a day 1 Wii U owner.
Not to mention alot of the same open world games have already been on WiiU in some capacity, which includes the likes of AC and the batman arkham games.
And lets not forget xenoblade, its a really really dumb argument.
Good enough for what? To go bankrupt? Sure.
If you are on a limited budget just buy games on sale or with price cuts. Obviously you will probably have to avoid Zelda BC it won't cheap for a long time. I can see the same being for horizon.
ShrugPlease. I'm talking about the tendency for people to dismiss perfectly fine-looking games as looking like "trash" because of textures or comparatively low resolution or whatever.
If a developer announces a game at E3 but there's no stated release date, that things coming out next year at the earliest guarenteed.
South park stick of truth is the funniest game so far ever.
PS2 level graphics
I want to believe that my opinion is unbiased
Good enough for what? To go bankrupt? Sure.
Doom 4 is exceptionally over-rated game that doesn't do anything better than other FPS games around. It is just an ok arena shooter with pretty terrible weapons, extremely poor gore, mind-numbing "glory kills" and no story line or anything to keep you going. Just an arena after arena with boring predictable enemies with constant health drops that make you invincible. The game has extremely poor colour pallet and everything looks the same, the ground textures are insanely bad and most environmental details are pre-historic in their graphical fidelity. Most weapons feel dull, boring and weak and some of the alpha effects on them (specifically on the plasma rifle) are beyond terrible. I am so mad at this game, SO MAD!
Well, now that I got that out of my system, the game is ok, it doesn't impress me on any front but it can be fun at times. I just can't play it for more than 30 minutes at a time, it is just too soulless.
Don't hate me, guys, ok? I don't think it was a (total) waste of money, but I expected a lot more.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks like an 8 year old game, the world is mainly devoid of interesting elements in the landscape & the combat dull, most of the "innovative" features have been seen before in other games. Most of the gameplay elements seem like what developers add when they're toying around with new mechanics before making substantial improvements & removing the busy work.
I've left this out of the other threads because if people enjoy it fair enough, but I honestly think 3/4 of the fanbase must only play Nintendo games and this is a case of....
There's a contraversial opinion for you, and this is coming from a day 1 Wii U owner.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks like an 8 year old game, the world is mainly devoid of interesting elements in the landscape & the combat dull, most of the "innovative" features have been seen before in other games. Most of the gameplay elements seem like what developers add when they're toying around with new mechanics before making substantial improvements & removing the busy work.
I've left this out of the other threads because if people enjoy it fair enough, but I honestly think 3/4 of the fanbase must only play Nintendo games and this is a case of....
There's a contraversial opinion for you, and this is coming from a day 1 Wii U owner.
Game platform exclusivity is bullshit that needs to go away and I immediately assume that anyone who argues otherwise is doing it entirely out of "fanboyism" and a need to protect their weird emotional connection to a consumer product.
In a better world, people would sound their displeasure of any product launched that is platform-exclusive, like we're seeing with VR-exclusivity.
Tell me a hardware product that doesn't have exclusive Software? Mac, Windows, iOS devices, Android devices, Samsung TVs and etc they all have exclusive software and apps. Exclusivity has existed since the dawn of computers and Video games. I'm not arguing it's pro consumer or anything like that but I do wonder why this question is being raised more recently by a lot of people. I can't help but feel that it coincide with the rise of PC Master Race people and the whole Valve doesn't like exclusivity therefore Steam and Valve "fanboys" are the one who started raising that question recently because of their emotional connection to a consumer product.
Great argument!