gofreak said:I'm not so sure. I think the impact of Ghoulies would be minimal. It might have been heartening to know Rare were still there, but I think a lot of people would be wondering what was going on with Rare if all they had released by now was SFA and Ghoulies. In the same way they are now on Xbox..think about it, by this time in the N64's life we had a lot more titles, and of a lot higher quality. If Rare was still on GC, people would expect the same, but Rare haven't delivered in the same way they did last gen...some people ARE downing on Rare because they're still bitter that Rare isn''t with Nintendo, but some of us are just genuinely disappointed as Rare fans. Personally I'm hoping they're still just finding their feet, and next gen will see more frequent, and higher quality output.
Also, my point about Microsoft's investment wasn't assuming Nintendo got all the money. I was simply saying that Microsoft had spent 375m on Rare, and Nintendo had gained 170 or whatever, in the transaction. So from the perspective of that transaction alone, Microsoft was down 375, Nintendo up 170 i.e. roughly a 550m gap (and yes, I know this is simplistic..i'm just looking at the cash flow here, and not even thinking of how much of that 170 was profit for Nintendo on their own investment in Rare etc.). Forgetting about Nintendo, if we're talking about Microsoft's ROI on Rare, it could be quite some time before they see anything. I'd be surprised if they make a return on it next gen. That wasn't an observation from bitter-land, simply something that hit me while reading the thread.
Please don't write off "negative commentary" about Rare as simple Nintendo fan bitterness. I hope, as much if not more than anyone here, that Rare starts delivering the goods, whatever platform they're on. It's just difficult to be positive about Rare's recent past.
This is closer to home.
Sure, a small number of comments might be from bitter Nintendo fans still eaten up inside 2 years later but to hit everyone that comments negatively on the Rare situation with a blanket statement is wrong.
I buy every console going in general to get the best selection on games but with the Xbox, Rare were definitely a big influence in my purchase. I followed them from the 8 bit days back when they were Ultimate and they've been very consistent if slow with quality output. The N64 was saved with a slew of hit Rare titles. This generation, however, they have slipped up in quality and Starfox, GBTG and Banjo have all been fairly average if sometimes charming.
Sure, it might be an investment, but nobody can claim that the buyout has been successful as of right now. And for me personally, having shelled out on an Xbox with Rare being a big reason, right now figures pretty highly in my reckoning. I can't complain with the other Xbox titles I've bought but I'd still kill to see some quality Rare games.
With Rare we can't wait three generations, after MS has thrown $1billion at them, and when they finally throw out a quality PD0 and say, 'Man, what a great investment MS!'. If MS bought Acclaim, I'm sure that with enough time and 'investment' they could get them to churn out a decent title. The point is, with enough money, you could polish a shit and send it to the ball. Rare were class to begin with and shouldn't need two generations of cash or time to produce the goods.
Conker looks great aesthetically, but at heart it's the same game I bought 4/5 years ago. Albeit a great one. And Kameo still has to win me over, as it still doesn't seem to have found a settled look yet. I really hope they turn out great though. They really can turn out some class goods and even smaller titles like Blast Corps on the N64 were class.
I, as a Rare fan, hope they get back to winning ways.