Wellll, tomorrow we don't have to speculate anymore, and we'll be able to find out all the details that need to be known if this game deserves a purchase. I hope its an alright port... lol
CorbieD said:@ShadeoftheChaos I'm really enjoying Rayman 3D. Still one of the great 3D platformers and this is a pretty good version of it.![]()
davidturners David Turners
So yeah cant comment on the game but Rayman 3D makes the best use of 3D I've seen on te console yet. It looks lovely.
Kill The Bat said:I'm stuck between getting this or Ghost Recon as my second launch title.
I've never played Rayman 2 before, but I definitely enjoy that genre, so any way I could go wrong in getting this title?
Kill The Bat said:I'm stuck between getting this or Ghost Recon as my second launch title.
I've never played Rayman 2 before, but I definitely enjoy that genre, so any way I could go wrong in getting this title?
Sipowicz said:i definitely wouldn't. it's supposed to be a horrible port, and ghost recon is far more deserving of your money as a quality original title
it's definitely a good game. i remember the pc version being good and you can probably get it cheap now
NEO0MJ said:Apparently the save file can be corrupted when it is first created, so you might wait a while till you start the game. If it works from the first time(or till you get a non corrupted save file) than you don't have to worry about this problem again. Another issue is that it's frame rate drops sometimes.
Sipowicz said:i definitely wouldn't. it's supposed to be a horrible port, and ghost recon is far more deserving of your money as a quality original title
it's definitely a good game. i remember the pc version being good and you can probably get it cheap now
WonkersTHEWatilla said:No one is saying that except NGamer.
Kill The Bat said:Have there been any other reviews?
Kill The Bat said:Thanks for the input. I'd think it would be a no brainer, but I've never played Advance Wars or Fire Emblem before, so I'm apprehensive about grabbing Ghost Recon at this point.
Have there been any other reviews?
Kill The Bat said:Is this a recurring issue? I saw one person had the issue, but haven't seen it elsewhere.
Thanks for the input. I'd think it would be a no brainer, but I've never played Advance Wars or Fire Emblem before, so I'm apprehensive about grabbing Ghost Recon at this point.
Have there been any other reviews?
Empty said:though rayman 2 is better it's kinda bizarre that they didn't go with rayman 3 for this version given 'the third in the series is also in threee deeee' marketing synergy they could have used and how it would have made this game less of a joke given that three hasn't had a million ports yet.
HNF1 said:I've got it, I've played, I love it.
Ok so I suppose it's a bit dated in places, but for me that just makes it all the more nostalgic and it is over 10 years old. It also still plays wonderfully, and the 3D really does add to the experience. The sound quality on the 3DS is top notch as well, so the awesome music is just as amazing as it was all those years ago when we were first playing it. And the frame rate point brought up is bullcrap - there are no frame rate issues whatsoever. The 3D also is flawless the majority of the time, so for anyone nervous of how well this game serves us technically, you need not worry!
It might be dated and it might be a remake, but it's the damn best remake of TGE and is a fine way of saying Rayman is back... sort of.
Sipowicz said:i'm not sure but games tm gave it a good review and they're notoriously hard to please. if you're apprehensive about it i'd wait for a few more reviews but julian gollop is really good developer and like i said the 3DS version of rayman 2 sounds like it's far from the best version
StickSoldier said:Only one person so far has had the save file mess up on them at the start, that I've seen. Like what has been said earlier, Ngamer reviewer didn't even really want to play Rayman, and he mentioned that one of his fellow workers who likes Rayman, was enjoying Rayman 3D. No other reviews as of yet, most should be coming out later tonight, or early tomorrow, but only one person has been overly negative on the port. Most people have been saying that its an actual decent port.
Pandoracell said:Regardless of what you choose, at least wait another 24 hours or so, if you can, to decide. As long as Rayman doesn't end up being garbage, which is becoming more unlikely as time goes on, there's no reason you shouldn't try it if you're a fan of the genre.
- The graphics are upgraded, but still look aged.
- Framerate has been improved, but not the best it could of been on 3DS hardware.
- 3D works very well, one of the best at launch.
- Camera is upgraded from Dreamcast version
- If you liked Rayman 2, you will like this, but they think its a hollow game.
- Game is linear, fighting is boring.
- Side quests, bonus levels, and time trials.
- "It all sounds perfectly fine on paper but the problem is that the original was flawed enough at the time and everything it was attempting then has been mastered and improved by other, better games in the last decade or so."
In Short: A reasonable effort has been expended on this port of the semi-classic platformer, but it's clear the original has passed its sell-by date.
Pros: The original was highly ambitious for the time and packs in a fair amount of variety and unusual artistic flair. New controls and camera are a definite improvement.
Cons: Despite the refinements the graphics are still very low tech and the whole game design feels equally old-fashioned and restrictive.
Score: 5/10
Read more:
WonkersTHEWatilla said:5/10? Harsh considering the positives the review gave it.
Luigi87 said:Well, minus the number scores, I do feel a lot better about actually choosing this as the game I pick up at launch, as one who has never played a Rayman title before.
AniHawk said:the original's available on the online/dsi store too. it's supposedly easier, but the only version i've played is the gba version.
Fernando Rocker said:Well... you guys convinced me. I'm definitely going to get this game, but in a few months...
Do you guys think the game will be $20 this year?
Ramenman said:I've played for a bit more than an hour yesterday.
Quick stuff :
- I can confirm there's ghosting in the cinematics.
- I can confirm framerate varies between 30 and 60. It never drops to "unplayable piece of shit" levels though.
- One music track kinda sucked at some point. Don't know if it was a one time bug or just a crappy encoding or something else (I was playing through the system's speakers, no headphones). I'll keep you posted.
- The 3D is subtle but has its moments. Sometimes you will really feel the depth, sometimes it will help you gather lums when hovering in the air with your hair, sometimes it will make the levels feel more real (especially indoors). It's nice overall.
Aside from that, the controls are awesome, the slide pad too, and from a game standpoint : it's rayman 2.
Most def.Fernando Rocker said:Well... you guys convinced me. I'm definitely going to get this game, but in a few months...
Do you guys think the game will be $20 this year?
Pandoracell said:Looks like i'll be keeping this. Disappointed about the ghosting, but i'll deal.
jarosh said:alright, played it for an hour. let's get one thing out of the way: this game does NOT hover between 30 and 60 fps. i don't know who originally said that. it never even comes CLOSE to hitting 60. i was convinced it was locked at <30 until i went into first person in a narrow cave with no other models around, when suddenly it seemed to briefly jump to 60 fps. this was the ONLY instance of this happening and it went back to 30 fps as soon as i changed the camera back to normal. whenever rayman is on screen (which is 99% of the time) the game will be at 30 fps and below. the framerate drops quite frequently and not just in certain areas. so be prepared for that. it's not what i would call a stable framerate.
i bought the game because i'd never played the original, so i figured it'd be worth it even if it turned out to be just a subpar port... which it is in a lot of ways. it plays fine, the controls work great and i'm definitely having fun with it and it's pretty for the most part as well. but from the moment the title screen loads it's clear that this is just another ubisoft rush job. the hud, the loading screens, the cutscenes, the barebones use of the lower screen are just the first signs. then there's the strange audio glitches and the music that was obviously mixed too loud and sounds noticably distorted at times (turn down the music - not the sound fx - in the options menu right away!). some effects are still much quieter than others and unless you turn down the music almost all the way you can barely hear them, but rayman's steps and voice for example are always fairly loud. just a poorly balanced audio mix i guess. the music also tends to suddenly cut out from time to time. of course i have no way of knowing whether some of these audio glitches were present in the original, so take this whole thing with a grain of salt.
one more thing about the visuals: they are definitely darker overall than in the original. i just looked at a youtube video of the ps2 version which seems quite a big brighter. it has nothing to do with any sort of dimming effect from the 3d screen though, since a) the screen is just as bright with the 3d turned off and b) other 3ds games can be extremely bright, with colors that really pop (pilotwings resort etc.)
i'm probably making it sound worse than it is, as i'm really enjoying my time with the game. the problems i described are probably not that noticable to most people. it's NOT a broken game, far from it. but it does have a handful of flaws. just be aware of that if you intend to buy it. (it's definitely about a 1000 times better than the horrific ds port, which i bought too and couldn't stand to play for more than 20 minutes.)
StickSoldier said:
A set number of lums is required at the end of each world, and the player must find collect each lum by taking part in a specific challenge. Challenges can range from simply reaching a high ledge to defeating a boss, and some even require obtaining a new ability.
jarosh said:i should probably also mention that the 3d is VERY subtle in rayman. it's night and day compared to something like nintendogs, which has amazing depth. if you move the 3ds left and right you can really see how far apart the two different viewpoints in nintendogs are. rayman is very conservative in that regard. sometimes the 3d is barely noticeable. only when there's objects really close to the camera and you're looking down a long hallway it gets really apparent.
StickSoldier said:Damnnn, thats like buying an old school n64 game. Eh fuck it, I'll keep the game. I like adventure games, so might as well play it.
jarosh said:alright, played it for an hour. let's get one thing out of the way: this game does NOT hover between 30 and 60 fps. i don't know who originally said that. it never even comes CLOSE to hitting 60. i was convinced it was locked at <30 until i went into first person in a narrow cave with no other models around, when suddenly it seemed to briefly jump to 60 fps. this was the ONLY instance of this happening and it went back to 30 fps as soon as i changed the camera back to normal. whenever rayman is on screen (which is 99% of the time) the game will be at 30 fps and below. the framerate drops quite frequently and not just in certain areas. so be prepared for that. it's not what i would call a stable framerate.
i bought the game because i'd never played the original, so i figured it'd be worth it even if it turned out to be just a subpar port... which it is in a lot of ways. it plays fine, the controls work great and i'm definitely having fun with it and it's pretty for the most part as well. but from the moment the title screen loads it's clear that this is just another ubisoft rush job. the hud, the loading screens, the cutscenes, the barebones use of the lower screen are just the first signs. then there's the strange audio glitches and the music that was obviously mixed too loud and sounds noticably distorted at times (turn down the music - not the sound fx - in the options menu right away!). some effects are still much quieter than others and unless you turn down the music almost all the way you can barely hear them, but rayman's steps and voice for example are always fairly loud. just a poorly balanced audio mix i guess. the music also tends to suddenly cut out from time to time. of course i have no way of knowing whether some of these audio glitches were present in the original, so take this whole thing with a grain of salt.
one more thing about the visuals: they are definitely darker overall than in the original. i just looked at a youtube video of the ps2 version which seems quite a big brighter. it has nothing to do with any sort of dimming effect from the 3d screen though, since a) the screen is just as bright with the 3d turned off and b) other 3ds games can be extremely bright, with colors that really pop (pilotwings resort etc.)
i'm probably making it sound worse than it is, as i'm really enjoying my time with the game. the problems i described are probably not that noticable to most people. it's NOT a broken game, far from it. but it does have a handful of flaws. just be aware of that if you intend to buy it. (it's definitely about a 1000 times better than the horrific ds port, which i bought too and couldn't stand to play for more than 20 minutes.)