The Interrobanger
Our Review is posted
Holy fuck, please stop with the jokes. It was like an even shittier and unfunny version of this guy:
Our Review is posted
Our Review is posted
The overall consensus was that all 10 gaffers(actually only 6 of them are the other 4 are from other forums or review sites) rated their experience as follows-
6 said it was amazing
2 thought it looked great but wanted to borrow or buy cheaper to make a clearer decision
1 Wasn't impressed at all
1 is drunk on my kitchen floor and I will ask tomorrow
All of those who will be playing it next will post video replies on the website so I am excited to see what they say after spending more time with it 1 on 1. All in all I feel like it was worth the money by a long shot.
Our Review is posted
The overall consensus was that all 10 gaffers(actually only 6 of them are the other 4 are from other forums or review sites) rated their experience as follows-
6 said it was amazing
2 thought it looked great but wanted to borrow or buy cheaper to make a clearer decision
1 Wasn't impressed at all
1 is drunk on my kitchen floor and I will ask tomorrow
All of those who will be playing it next will post video replies on the website so I am excited to see what they say after spending more time with it 1 on 1. All in all I feel like it was worth the money by a long shot.
Our Review is posted
The overall consensus was that all 10 gaffers(actually only 6 of them are the other 4 are from other forums or review sites) rated their experience as follows-
6 said it was amazing
2 thought it looked great but wanted to borrow or buy cheaper to make a clearer decision
1 Wasn't impressed at all
1 is drunk on my kitchen floor and I will ask tomorrow
All of those who will be playing it next will post video replies on the website so I am excited to see what they say after spending more time with it 1 on 1. All in all I feel like it was worth the money by a long shot.
You can get it for $37.50 on GMG right now by using a code. Still too high if your on the fence though.This game is looking awesome but I'll probably wait for the Steam sale and get it in the twenty dollar range.
The world design is sick, pretty flawless but WHAT is going on with those fried eggs on the back of people's heads? That is honestly just goofy as fuck
Our Review is posted
Our Review is posted
The overall consensus was that all 10 gaffers(actually only 6 of them are the other 4 are from other forums or review sites) rated their experience as follows-
6 said it was amazing
2 thought it looked great but wanted to borrow or buy cheaper to make a clearer decision
1 Wasn't impressed at all
1 is drunk on my kitchen floor and I will ask tomorrow
All of those who will be playing it next will post video replies on the website so I am excited to see what they say after spending more time with it 1 on 1. All in all I feel like it was worth the money by a long shot.
Has anyone messed around with that journal and unlocked the exclusive content? What is it? I was only able to find 2 of the 4 memory unlocks.
I hope the PS3 version doesn't suck. I think I might actually pay $60 for this because I have absolutely nothing to play right now.
People saying it gives off Longest Journey vibes is pretty surprising and awesome.
Noted i-Lo thanks.One point I'd like critique (and there's only one) is somewhat excessive usage of the word "shit".
Yeah, here's what I found:
1.2.Chapter one, chess board near the end. Move the black Knight from B8 to C6 (leftmost column is 8, 6 is the third one from the left. You can see the letters on the board, A is the bottom one and so on. The hint is the NC6 move on the paper, you need to play some chess to get this one).3.Chapter two, very beginning. Drag the picture of Molly and put it in the empty slot of the album.4.Chapter 3, near the end (2033). You can click "update status" and post an update.Chapter 4, at the end (2065). Listen to the audio clips until the end in that order: 1 3 6 4. It's hinted on the window
You geta bunch of artworks
It's June 2. The game comes out June 4 US. I haven't seen any advance reviews...this can't be a good sign, can it?
It's June 2. The game comes out June 4 US. I haven't seen any advance reviews...this can't be a good sign, can it?
It's June 2. The game comes out June 4 US. I haven't seen any advance reviews...this can't be a good sign, can it?
When the press doesn't get review copies for a game, that's when you know there's something wrong.
Luckily that isn't the case here.
So Karak, forgive me if you covered this in your review, but how is the replay value for Remember Me? Can you see yourself wanting to play it through again? Are there different ways of approaching situations? 10 hrs for a single play is pretty meaty for this type of game, but I'd love some incentive to tackle it twice. Thanks!
No and they never will be.Is Karak's review spoilerish?
Though you did really enjoy the recent Star Trek game and everyone hated it. So people might want to wait for further reviews that are a bit more critical of their gaming experiences. I think I'll enjoy Remember Me alot from a visual standpoint alone.
Is Karak's review spoilerish?
Noted i-Lo thanks.
No and they never will be.
I like the longest journey feel. I'll grab this on a steam sale.Our Review is posted
The overall consensus was that all 10 gaffers(actually only 6 of them are the other 4 are from other forums or review sites) rated their experience as follows-
6 said it was amazing
2 thought it looked great but wanted to borrow or buy cheaper to make a clearer decision
1 Wasn't impressed at all
1 is drunk on my kitchen floor and I will ask tomorrow
All of those who will be playing it next will post video replies on the website so I am excited to see what they say after spending more time with it 1 on 1. All in all I feel like it was worth the money by a long shot.
Thats a bit hyperbolish as many people actually really liked Star Trek though I am sure the majority didn't. I would think that it would be better to say I was in the minority of those who enjoyed it and not pretending that "everyone hated it". One of the issues is I can't fake that I had a bad experience with a game. Others join the bandwagon but I never will I either like it or don't like it or something in between. But faking that I had a bad or good experience is beyond me. Then I will post about it.
And I am not sure if this is a shot across the bow concerning waiting for people to be "critical" I am highly critical but I am also interested in enjoyment and fun. As it appears some of the foreign reviews were just as high, and those doing some walkthroughs seem to hold it in good regard, I am sure that a "buy or wait for sale" score that I gave...can't be considered overly positive. The points about combat and platforming I had for the game and made clear in the review are also a good example of this.
Hmmm.No your preaching to the choir man. Anyone that follows my content knows I enjoy most games that get slammed, and I have myself been told that I'm not either critical enough and don't cater to the average gamer who can't afford or play every game. This is coming from someone who is currently playing Fuse and loving it, yet can point out flaws in any game I still have a good time with. So I totally know what you mean.I just saying, people could see your review, see your other reviews for say Star Trek and Fuse and totally think "This guy likes anything" and I say that because it's often the picture painted on myself.
Anyone know where I can buy the soundtrack?
I sounds fantastic.
I like the longest journey feel. I'll grab this on a steam sale.
The review embargo lifts tomorrow, right? Very very interested to see what the early consensus is among journos.
Anyone know where I can buy the soundtrack?
I sounds fantastic.
It releases June 4th on iTunes, Amazon and all your other regular outlets.
It releases June 4th on iTunes, Amazon and all your other regular outlets.
It would be a none starter and since, for the most part, I am considered a person who usually hates everything...a bit of positive would be fine, as long as they checked the other reviews at some later time. Riptide, Fast and Furious and so on.
Our Review is posted
The overall consensus was that all 10 gaffers(actually only 6 of them are the other 4 are from other forums or review sites) rated their experience as follows-
6 said it was amazing
2 thought it looked great but wanted to borrow or buy cheaper to make a clearer decision
1 Wasn't impressed at all
1 is drunk on my kitchen floor and I will ask tomorrow
All of those who will be playing it next will post video replies on the website so I am excited to see what they say after spending more time with it 1 on 1. All in all I feel like it was worth the money by a long shot.
Holy fuck, please stop with the jokes. It was like an even shittier and unfunny version of this guy: