Hypertrooper said:3. Challenge which mission should I choose? The Package? New Alexandria? TotS?
Easy 3800cRs for me.
Winter Contingency, mang.
Hypertrooper said:3. Challenge which mission should I choose? The Package? New Alexandria? TotS?
Easy 3800cRs for me.
Apparently "it" won't be awesome "at first"Plywood said:Explain? :[
edit: Oh wait, Stosh is one of the Bungie web guys, there goes my wild speculation.
It won't be awesome (will be cool tho) at first but will be later...probably...depends on @pound42
Hey You said:
If this is true It would be awesome! Firefight <3electricpirate said:I'm betting some kind of Firefight/Score Attack/Campaign scoring online leaderboards / competitions.
No you.Shake Appeal said:15 assists in one game. The Assault Rifle is a piece of junk, but it gets assists like nothing else!
A lot of the complaining on GAF is about how overpowered the AR is, since it got boosted from the Beta. Though in my experience, the pistol is still better at close range, especially since its recoil was removed (yay!). The AR is quite useful in Firefight and Campaign, though.Shake Appeal said:It's really, really bad. It's like throwing handfuls of pebbles at your enemies
Whereas the magnum is like a scalpel flung right into their eye.
I think the AR is pretty useful in multiplayer, but those two areas are what really matter for me. The AR is beastly in campaign.GhaleonEB said:A lot of the complaining on GAF is about how overpowered the AR is, since it got boosted from the Beta. Though in my experience, the pistol is still better at close range, especially since its recoil was removed (yay!). The AR is quite useful in Firefight and Campaign, though.
You must have not used it at all on Heroic, then. The AR takes down Elites like nobody's business. I was playing Long Night of Solace this morning and it was dropping Elites like rocks.Self Induced said:If I wanted to feel like the AR was powerful I'd play on Normal. Even on Heroic (how Halo is meant to be played, apparently) the AR feels like a pea shooter.
If I wanted to feel like the AR was powerful I'd play on Normal. Even on Heroic (how Halo is meant to be played, apparently) the AR feels like a pea shooter.GhaleonEB said:The AR is quite useful in Firefight and Campaign, though.
Shake Appeal said:I wish it was more like assault rifles in other games, which are invariably more fun to fire. I think it's more that it feels imprecise and unfun to use more than that it's not actually effective. In no way does it need a boost.
The magnum, meanwhile, feels like you are holding all human possibility for love and joy in your sweaty palm.
Wait, you say you wish its effective like in other games, yet you say it shouldn't need a boost?Shake Appeal said:I wish it was more like assault rifles in other games, which are invariably more fun to fire. I think it's more that it feels imprecise and unfun to use more than that it's not actually effective. In no way does it need a boost.
Shake Appeal said:I wish it was more like assault rifles in other games, which are invariably more fun to fire. I think it's more that it feels imprecise and unfun to use more than that it's not actually effective. In no way does it need a boost.
The magnum, meanwhile, feels like you are holding all human possibility for love and joy in your sweaty palm.
*two thumbs up*Bregmann Roche said:I've accepted the AR as a necessary evil. I didn't enjoy it in Halo 3 and I don't really enjoy it in Reach but it has its place. My only real weapons complaints would be that the Plasma Launcher is kind of meh and the Focus Rifle needs more power. And, yes, Dax, the Grenade Launcher should explode on contact regardless of range. It's not as true to "real" grenade launchers, but it is more fun that way.
I really like Atom now but only in Team Slayer. Cliffhanger still feels weak to me but I don't dislike it as much as others seem to. At the very least these two have whet my appetite for future Community Maps.
Any pointers on the GL? I can't seem to do squat with it. I find myself relying on the EMP burst, as I just can't seem to do much otherwise.Shake Appeal said:love the grenade launcher. More kills with it than the AR, 4.25 K/D. :lol
Bounce the shots against the floor.DJ Lushious said:Any pointers on the GL? I can't seem to do squat with it. I find myself relying on the EMP burst, as I just can't seem to do much otherwise.
It's nice to dream is all.TheOddOne said:Never, going, to, happen.
Either would be nice.Ajemsuhgao said::lol
None of these will happen obviously, but, why Campaign Forge? I'd rather have custom settings for campaign(weapon starts, health, movement speed, etc.) than Forge options for it. Hell, I'd rather have Firefight Forge than Campaign. :lol
I use the EMP burst almost exclusively, as you have to be insanely confident about the trajectory otherwise (I fired a straight shot at three guys in the damaged corridor of Sword Base this morning and got a kill, an assist, and then a double kill with a follow-up headshot, but they were pretty tightly packed in a confined space). The EMP burst kills just fine, anyway. Like Letters said, bounce shots up at opponents off the floor. Have a magnum/DMR for headshot cleanup.DJ Lushious said:Any pointers on the GL? I can't seem to do squat with it. I find myself relying on the EMP burst, as I just can't seem to do much otherwise.
Heh. The magnum is the only gun that I don't like the feedback loop on. Visually it just looks chunky, and feels weak to fire. The impact is nice of course (parity with the DMR), but I just don't like using it. Its efficacy feels out of proportion with the feedback.Shake Appeal said:I wish it was more like assault rifles in other games, which are invariably more fun to fire. I think it's more that it feels imprecise and unfun to use more than that it's not actually effective. In no way does it need a boost.
The magnum, meanwhile, feels like you are holding all human possibility for love and joy in your sweaty palm.
I feel like they reduced the fire rate on it a few weeks back though... I couldn't spam the trigger nearly as fast.Shake Appeal said:The Concussion Rifle is so cheap that way. Against Covenant it seems to do almost nothing apart from the knockback effect.
One of the best trolling weapons in MP, though, just because you can juggle people with it.
GhaleonEB said:Heh. The magnum is the only gun that I don't like the feedback loop on. Visually it just looks chunky, and feels weak to fire.
Yeah I really like how it's balanced. It just feels pew pew pew to fire to me. No biggie though.Bregmann Roche said:Getting the headshot with the last bullet then casually dropping the magazine and reloading is one of the moments in Reach that makes me feel strongest. Which I guess doesn't address your concern that actually firing the weapon feels weak...but I wouldn't change a thing about it.
OMG, this is so true. Streams of plasma death on Legendary. Nightfall and the beginning of The Package just destroyed me on my solo run. :lolAs for the Covenant using secret techniques to make their weapons do more damage against us: what about the Shade Turret???? My GOD. On Legendary that thing fires a stream of plasma death at me. When I try to turn the infernal contraption against its makers? Nothing.
Major Williams said:I feel like I'm doing a Game A vs Game B, but I feel this may be different.
I enjoyed MW2 as a break from Halo-style of shooting (quick kill, look down-sight, etc), but Black Ops makes me wonder why I ever liked COD in the first place.
I simply appreciate the sheer talent and devotion Bungie has put into Reach. Sure it has it's bugs, but it is more fun to play and has a billion times better netcode than Treyarch's latest offering - Reach just feels more... elegant.
I was so first and you know it. The challenges weren't even up at 4:40! I know you editedFalt said:A fully functional Armoury on b.net would be my guess at "it".
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts - 5000cR
Win 50 games in multiplayer Matchmaking this week
Shootin' and Lootin' - 2500cR
Kill 250 enemies in any game mode in Reach.
A Great Friend - 2000cR
Earn 30 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking.
I Need Some Ammo - 500cR
Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic or harder with the Famine Skull on.
Watersports - 800cR
Kill 100 enemies on Waterfront on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking
Oh, I edited. I edited hard.Sai-kun said:I was so first and you know it. The challenges weren't even up at 4:40! I know you edited![]()
Falt said:Pistol feels solid, if it weren't for melee it would be my number 2. As for the AR, I always feel unsure at anything past spitting distance.
Oh, I edited. I edited hard.
Rendering now.Tashi0106 said:Can I get some render lovin'?
Played a bunch of Arena last night and this happened then. I think I'll call this one, "Well don't just stand there!"
Noice.Tashi0106 said:Can I get some render lovin'?
Played a bunch of Arena last night and this happened then. I think I'll call this one, "Well don't just stand there!"
45 Degree no-scope!Tashi0106 said:
Louis Wu said:Rendering now.
...and... baked.
You were so casual...:lol
Self Induced said:If I wanted to feel like the AR was powerful I'd play on Normal. Even on Heroic (how Halo is meant to be played, apparently) the AR feels like a pea shooter.
wat. I played some campaign today and all this talk about the AR made me use it and it sucked. I kept using it through out the level to see if I was doing something wrong (and because famine was on and I start with 600 bullets) but nope the gun is just not as good as the other options. Yes it can kill grunts but why spray a grunt for about 3 secs when you can kill one in an instant with one pistol shot and f you're hurting for ammo then just use the plasma pistol you should always have in your other weapon slot it kills grunts just as fast (if not faster).cuevas said:Even on legendary the AR is great at taking down grunts, so...no.