It was worse in Halo 3. At one point in Team Slayer on Construct during my last moments on that POS map, I viewed theater just to casually count how many grenades were scattered around the gold lift from dead bodies. There were 23 frag grenades just sitting there waiting to be picked up and carelessly tossed around without any train of thought.timetokill said:I don't think nades are too powerful, they're just too plentiful
Drops disappear too quickly in reach, often times when I die with a sniper and run from spawn to get it, it will have disappeared by the time I get there, even if I don't stop.Striker said:It was worse in Halo 3. At one point in Team Slayer on Construct during my last moments on that POS map, I viewed theater just to casually count how many grenades were scattered around the gold lift from dead bodies. There were 23 frag grenades just sitting there waiting to be picked up and carelessly tossed around without any train of thought.
They disappear more frequently in Reach, thankfully, but still isn't completely at a desirable position. Halo 2 never felt horrid in grenade spam (outside Midship and its plasma grenade starts).
You've got 30 seconds. I start a clock in my head if I'm a distance from something.MrBig said:Drops disappear too quickly in reach, often times when I die with a sniper and run from spawn to get it, it will have disappeared by the time I get there, even if I don't stop.
Not true, I've seen it happen plenty of times in MM. At least with plasma grenades that are lying around. Someone (or myself) will hurl out a grenade only to witness all the grenades on the ground set off creating tons of blue explosions. It's pretty crazy.electricpirate said:the last part is correct, but I just tested it in a custom game, and nope. and nades won't detonate other nades that are on the ground.
The only way for a grenade on the ground to explode is if someone shoots it. Grenades (both types) don't set other grenades off.Squall ASF said:Not true, I've seen it happen plenty of times in MM. At least with plasma grenades that are lying around. Someone (or myself) will hurl out a grenade only to witness all the grenades on the ground set off creating tons of blue explosions. It's pretty crazy.
Squall ASF said:Not true, I've seen it happen plenty of times in MM. At least with plasma grenades that are lying around. Someone (or myself) will hurl out a grenade only to witness all the grenades on the ground set off creating tons of blue explosions. It's pretty crazy.
electricpirate said:the last part is correct, but I just tested it in a custom game, and nope. and nades won't detonate other nades that are on the ground.
Epyon MX said:So it's been two months now, so maybe someone knows the answer to this:
On LNoS, when you firstThis bugs me not being able to figure it outboard the Corvette, there's low-gravity and what looks like no O2 (all non-masked Covies are dead). Then when you kill the last Covie in the Hangar, air & grav are restored. Any idea why there's no grav in the first place and why it gets magically restored? UNSC AI attack? A result of the engine damage?![]()
Yes they definitely do in Firefight, I am absolutely sure of this from the times Grunts have thrown plasmas behind me and set off chain reactions with the other plasmas behind me.Alienshogun said:Yeah, just tested it out myself, I guess they disabled it for matchmaking, but I'm 99% sure the grenades still chain react in firefight and campaign.
Alienshogun said:I'm 99% sure the grenades still chain react in firefight and campaign.
Shake Appeal said:Is it a known issue that people can get up on the cliff face of Asylum, or should I send a film to someone at Bungie?
Must have been a glitch then because I've seen it without witnessing any fire. Perhaps the first explosion disguised the line of fire as it hit the other grenades immediately after the first explosion *shrug*Dax01 said:The only way for a grenade on the ground to explode is if someone shoots it. Grenades (both types) don't set other grenades off.
Kuroyume said:Someone please tell me they're going to remove Atom and AL out of Multi Team in the next playlist update.
Striker said:It was worse in Halo 3. At one point in Team Slayer on Construct during my last moments on that POS map
Zeouterlimits said:343 Homies - what's with the resolution? All the new silverlight stuff has been really low res for me 90% of the time.
If it's dynamically changing it's doing a really bad job of it.
Just on the website, never had a problem with the console version, is wonderful.lybertyboy said:Are you only having issues on the website or are you also getting lo-res on the console?
It's supposed to be dynamically changing. I'll check into it.
Zeouterlimits said:And the second 343 Sparkcast is up, featuring said Captain Sexy Beard.
Just on the website, never had a problem with the console version, is wonderful.
Agree totally.Zeouterlimits said:Just on the website, never had a problem with the console version, is wonderful.
Nice. So the gorgeous Tempest (which is on a Halo! didn't realize that before, cool) will also work on 4v4. Hyped!! Please be the Valhalla we need, not the one we deserve (because of all the bitching).Zeouterlimits said:Captain Sexy Beard of the U.S.S. AL giving a Noble Pack interview (Derek Carroll there too).
Quite good actually...
343 Homies - what's with the resolution? All the new silverlight stuff has been really low res for me 90% of the time.
If it's dynamically changing it's doing a really bad job of it.
Gotta have it activated. This will catch you out.Kuroyume said:I know I've killed people while jetpacking and the stupid medal doesn't show up. So far I only have 6 jetpack kills when I should have like 15 or something.
Hydranockz said:Agree totally.
Urk, that interview was super fun. I think the sweet spot was the way you'd keep darting away from the camera as if it was the Spartan Laser and you just forgot to go with Armour Lock. Now until the future.
Edit: It's nice to see that Sage shaved.Lolololololololol
"I'm gonna ask you some questions, but don't look at me. And don't look at the camera, either."Hydranockz said:Agree totally.
Urk, that interview was super fun. I think the sweet spot was the way you'd keep darting away from the camera as if it was the Spartan Laser and you just forgot to go with Armour Lock. Now until the future.
Edit: It's nice to see that Sage shaved.Lolololololololol
Kind of looked like you were dodging DMR shots there for a sec.urk said:"I'm gonna ask you some questions, but don't look at me. And don't look at the camera, either."
Man, I'd had so much caffeine.![]()
GhaleonEB said:How to spot a new father: they sway back and forth while in conversation. I was doing it for two years after #1 came along.
I spammed the interview for automatic headshots.Letters said:Kind of looked like you were dodging DMR shots there for a sec.
Nah, that dance is different. Trust me, I'm an expert.Dani said:Looks to me that he really had to pee.
I just want the gold visor left. I do love my Mark V, but also like the look of the Commando.Kuroyume said:I'm at the first stage of Colonel and looking at the rank thing I have like 1,000,000+ more cR to go before that Security helmet. :lol
Doesn't sound like your doing it right, you can't just be in the air(from jetpacking) to get the kill you have to stay pressing the AA button so that you're still jetpacking so that you get the kill, the best way to do this is to just get the enemy to one shot then start you jetpacking.Kuroyume said:Cheesiest class in the game HAS to be the AL Elite class.
AL + Needler + Stickies
Also, this jetpack challenge is so fucking annoying. Having to use the jetpack is annoying enough, but I know I've killed people while jetpacking and the stupid medal doesn't show up. So far I only have 6 jetpack kills when I should have like 15 or something.
Dont say that!Kuroyume said:I'm at the first stage of Colonel and looking at the rank thing I have like 1,000,000+ more cR to go before that Security helmet. :lol
You sure? You gotta make sure that your jetpack is firing its thrusters when you get the kill. You can't be falling as you get the kill; it won't count.GhaleonEB said:Edit: Challenge is bugged. I killed three guys with the Needler and two more with grenades while jetpacking. Only the grenades counted. Gonna be a long night.
You must be pressing and holding the jetpack button the very instant you get the kill. Feathering it doesn't work most of the time. Just run around with the DMR playing normally, 4-shot the enemy, and press and hold the jetpack button while going for the headshot.GhaleonEB said:Edit: Challenge is bugged. I killed three guys with the Needler and two more with grenades while jetpacking. Only the grenades counted. Gonna be a long night.
Well that's dumb.Dax01 said:You sure? You gotta make sure that your jetpack is firing its thrusters when you get the kill. You can't be falling as you get the kill; it won't count.
Yeah it's seriously lame and not intuitive if you're using the default settings.GhaleonEB said:Well that's dumb.
I got it in one FF game; guys chose Sniperfight (I joined with two randoms) and I said, screw it. Once Rangers dropped they got me fairly decent numbers.Letters said:Missing Heroic Demon, but I'll leave it at 7/16 for today, score attack almost never gives you elites, and no close friends online, I don't really enjoy playing laggy firefight with randoms.
Letters said:Missing Heroic Demon, but I'll leave it at 7/16 for today, score attack almost never gives you elites, and no close friends online, I don't really enjoy playing laggy firefight with randoms.
It's the equivalent of a challenge about sniping, without telling you that you have to be scoped.Plywood said:Yeah it's seriously lame and not intuitive if you're using the default settings.
op_ivy said:apologies if discussed... but what helmet is this?