Kuroyume said:Why the hell is Tempest not DMR starts? This is so stupid.
I just finished a game CTF on there with DMR starts.
Kuroyume said:Why the hell is Tempest not DMR starts? This is so stupid.
Kuroyume said:Oh yay... Team Snipers...
Because it works just fine with AR/Pistol starts.Kuroyume said:Why the hell is Tempest not DMR starts? This is so stupid.
Kuroyume said:Why the hell is Tempest not DMR starts? This is so stupid.
Would love this.Kuroyume said:It really doesn't.
Kind of disappointed with these maps to be honest. In retrospect maybe it would have been better to get some smaller symmetrical maps because I can't stand vehicles.
Striker said:Would love this.
Bungie's best 4v4 map to date. Though I do like Breakpoint and Tempest in my times in the games. Anchor 9 seems to be getting good feedback, but I have yet to get it so far. Not anxious to play 12 players on there, however.
Striker said:Would love this.
Bungie's best 4v4 map to date. Though I do like Breakpoint and Tempest in my times in the games. Anchor 9 seems to be getting good feedback, but I have yet to get it so far. Not anxious to play 12 players on there, however.
Why look what's in his file share. :lolTashi0106 said:Mmmmmmm
Where's EazyB when you need him?
BlueScrote said:GGs tonight MMarsu, thechapel, and Sinister Youth (The latter two of whom I think are gaffers).
Booties said:Noble Map pack showdown. Team Something Awful halo reach thread VS. Team NEOGAF halo reach thread.
Ramirez said:Why would you all want to get pooped on so bad? We wouldn't send teams 1 or 3 ya know.
That's why I like that it's in the weekly playlist. Bungie can tweak it out and then make it a permanent playlist when its kinks have been figured out.Dax01 said:Not a fan of Firefight VS in its current state. Bungie needs to adjust the mode.
I'd say bring Shishka back!!!MMaRsu said:Loving the new maps, Tempest is amazing but AL is so shitty. I hope to god Bungie will address it in the future.. hopefully.
I've heard that it is, but comes up rarely. On a similar note, I played 10+ games today in Rumble Pit and BTB (my preferred playlists) and didn't see any of the new maps come up at all (and most lobbies even went to a second round of voting). I was pretty surprised by this, considering how the matchmaking is supposed to be working maybe it's just that everyone who downloaded the maps is playing the DLC playlist.ZayneH said:So, is Breakpoint not in Invasion yet? I'd think they'd weigh it heavily for now, or something.
This joke poster still posts here? How are you doing selling your Halo lessons man?Booties said:Noble Map pack showdown. Team Something Awful halo reach thread VS. Team NEOGAF halo reach thread.
Alienshogun said:Team 2 to take a number 2 on something awful?
Letters said:I'd say bring Shishka back!!!
I bet he hates AL.
Blueblur1 said:Did I read that correctly?
Something Awful is good?kylej said:uhhh doubtful. Very very doubtful.
Ahhhhh I see.Trasher said:Something Awful is good?
Don't care if Booties is a good player. Dude is a complete asshole. Pretty sure most of everyone has him on ignore.Tashi0106 said:Ahhhhh I see.
KyleJ is a member of somethingawful. His buddy is booties. Booties is a good player for sure, just played with him yesterday actually.
If there's someone else that wants it, you can give it to them. I can afford the maps. There's probably a HaloGAF'er who can't.Domino Theory said:You still need the code or do you have the maps by now (sorry, was in class again until now)?
Blueblur1 said:If there's someone else that wants it, you can give it to them. I can afford the maps. There's probably a HaloGAF'er who can't.
Waterworks was pretty forgettable to begin with. And Colossus would just end up like Reflection where everyone just migrates to a single spot to battle in. Colossus was a good concept with some unforseen tradgedies that made it less than fun to play most of the time.Kuroyume said:Yeah. Anything that doesn't have vehicles please. I've already forgotten about Waterworks. There's no hope for it in Halo Reach. They'll just stick for 6 warthogs, 4 wraiths, 2 mini wraiths, 4 ghosts, and set the respawn time to 10 seconds. They'll ruin it. Give me Colossus and Beaver Creek.
Thank you, again.Sai-kun said:I did :lol
Couldnt agree more. I didn't know about Spartan weapons doing extra damage, but that fits some WTF moments I had tonight. I got the drop on one spartan and spammed my concussion rifle at him at close range. I hit him a few times dead on but didn't drop him, while he just turned around and breathed on me with his AR and dropped me in a flat second.Dax01 said:2. I tried out Firefight VS and...it's a great idea, but so far, what Bungie has done with it, the execution is terrible and it just leaves you with a sour taste in your mouth. I tried out VS Skirmishers and VS Grunts. Both gametypes give the Spartans overshields and both gametypes allow you to kill the human-controlled Elites in half a clip of AR ammo. That's right: half a clip. This is really, really unfair to the Elites, and discourages the player from trying to go up against the Spartans. Why give them overshields? Why give their weapons extra damage? Not only that, but the Elites can just hang back and force the Spartans to come to them when it should be the other way around. When the Elites hang back, this deprives the Spartans of their main source of revenue for points, making it hard for either team to win the game. It's an exploit, and exploits are never fun.
Domino Theory said:Alright.
Edit: Codes are all gone. Hope everyone enjoys. I know I absolutely LOVE Anchor 9. I have my flaming helmet codes but I'll give those out tomorrow.![]()
I don't care I could beat them all with my left hand... and my right hand, I need both hands to hold a controller of course. Also Team 2+me > Something Awful, yeah I went there.Tashi0106 said:Ahhhhh I see.
KyleJ is a member of somethingawful. His buddy is booties. Booties is a good player for sure, just played with him yesterday actually.
*starts a standing ovation*Domino Theory said:Edit: Codes are all gone. Hope everyone enjoys.![]()
Grimm Fandango said:Got so close with destroying a vehicle with AL today. Couple of times a Banshee just slowed down against it, not taking any damage. What the fuck.
There was one time a Warthog was barreling down a teammate and me, we both popped it, and the hog just ramped over both of us a good distance. Pretty lolzy.
kylej said:uhhh doubtful. Very very doubtful.
I laughed. Where did Sisqo go btw? Hopefully he's not at 343.
Devin Olsen said:Hah... Well I chose the winners at random for the giveaway of the Map Pack codes... and Eazy B & Kapura's names came up :lol
GhaleonEB said: