Alucrid said:I'm cool with Commander myself. :lol
At the current rate of credits being dispatched, it would take around four months of actual play time to acquire 20 million credits.
No joke...
Alucrid said:I'm cool with Commander myself. :lol
zero margin said:Kinda sad when you've done the 17 games played challenge 3 games ago and STILL need 5 more assists to get that challenge.
Dug said:This is so great, so many people complaining about getting banned for cheating on b.net
Mostly all of them saying how innocent they are, and then Ferrex says how many times they reseted a challenge :lol
Net_Wrecker said:I got the assist challenge with like 4 games to go out of that 17. The Pistol is an assist magnet.
DancingJesus said:At the current rate of credits being dispatched, it would take around four months of actual play time to acquire 20 million credits.
No joke...
Dug said:This is so great, so many people complaining about getting banned for cheating on b.net
Mostly all of them saying how innocent they are, and then Ferrex says how many times they reseted a challenge :lol
http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=49997926&postRepeater1-p=1Alienshogun said:Link?
That forum moves way too fast to try to find it.
Reposting that Grenade launcher overkill 1 more time since it was late on the last page.
zero margin said:I'm sure it could be done if all of the games weren't SWAT, SWAT, snipers, slayer, SWAT, SWAT, etc. If I went to BTB or something and just hung back and shot at people it'd probably go quick.
Dug said:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=49997926&postRepeater1-p=1
Stupid B.net User said:Fine, call me a liar. Since your just like every other troll. I worked hard playing reach every day, call me up ask my parents. They tried to get me to stop because I play it everyday.
Dug said:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=49997926&postRepeater1-p=1
RocketMoose | Bungie Team
Most people don't get to complete the same challenge 21 times in a single day.ZXO Ganjahero:
I never abused. I want unban this instant bungie.
Dug said:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=49997926&postRepeater1-p=1
Im legit and i got reset wow. Post if you did to. im returning my game to gamestop and i know many other poeple that are to. Im never buying halo ever again and am encourgaing stop purchasing halo because people like me get reset for playing the game right. WHAT A JOKE
Your syncs from 9/27/2010 4:49:35 to 9/27/2010 5:33:00 disagree.
Dug said:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=49997926&postRepeater1-p=1
iBOOST Dbl Exp
All i have to say is this is an outrage. I have done nothing. played legit and spent my free time out this incredibly below par game. What do i get for this credit banned reset and sent on my way. What did bungie get from us over 200 million dollars on the first day this is ridicules. I demand my credits, armor, and rank back. You have my money bungie isnt that all that matters its a damn video game get over your selves. If you put score attack as a playlist what cant i play it. You can max out your credits in 60 games. 60 thats it not like thats alot. lower the credit rate or its gonna happen. OR better yet fix the rank system put the number rank back in and let the problem solve its self. I want my credits or my money back or i will start a huge boycott of reach. i know people who run some pretty big tech forums. Wouldnt you just hate if all of them were against you.
Dug said:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=49997926&postRepeater1-p=1
Good evening,
We are in the process of applying credit resets to approximately 15,000 users who we have identified as the most egregious Challenge Reset abusers.
A one day credit earning ban has also been applied, mostly to ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken.
As with any such measure, we have taken the time to carefully select our criteria to eliminate false positives.
A more comprehensive pass will be occuring in the coming week as our automated Banhammer mechanisms grow accurate enough to satisfy our high bar for burden of proof. If you are thinking about getting an easy 50k credits by using this exploit, I would strongly advise you to reconsider.
Thank you, and please direct any discussion of these resets to this thread.
Edit: a point of clarification. No bans were handed out tonight for
a) Playing too much Gruntpocalypse (no such thing!)
b) Using the target locator too much (no such thing!)
Specifically, we targeted an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via itentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.)
Spot checks have revealed the telltale signature of this behavior on every denier so far, so don't be fooled by the protests of innocence. We aren't.
Hello again,
An update:
1) If you have lost your Legendary Helmet or any other downloadable offers, you can re-download them via your Download History. We're not sure this is affecting anyone (we haven't reproduced it internally), but just in case it is, give this a try.
2) We won't be resetting Commendations, as we do not feel that the exploit used affected them. It would not be fair to people who did use the exploit but who wish to retain the record of their playstyle, and we cannot differentiate between the two systematically. Sorry.
We are still investigating reports of mistaken bans, and will continue to do so into the evening. We have not discovered any false positives yet, though.
Metalic Sand said:The target locator check point trick should be credit bannable, If it already isnt.
They say using the target locator too much isnt so i assume it may not be.
We feel that it is important to maintain the integrity of systems that players use to compare their level of advancement and accomplishment in game. We are not always able to do so, but in this case, we are.
And so, we are.
Also, the paddywagon will be around shortly. The more you struggle, the more they'll just beat you. (And to be honest, there'll be a little beating regardless, just so you know.)
Metalic Sand said:The target locator check point trick should be credit bannable, If it already isnt.
They say using the target locator too much isnt so i assume it may not be.
Metalic Sand said:The target locator check point trick should be credit bannable, If it already isnt.
They say using the target locator too much isnt so i assume it may not be.
Sai-kun said:Why? It's cheap sure, but you're only making the game un-fun (i assume) for yourself. :/ I did it for like 5 minutes and I was bored out of my mind.
Alienshogun said:They also dropped how much it gives, it isn't worth the time investment.
Metalic Sand said:ahh this is good.
Hydranockz said:I am reporting in at 4:33am from the lock-in I am at. 40 halo players. Split 50/50 between players who can play well and the really casual players. Downloaded a load of forge variants but sadly haven't been able to test them all.
College has left me personally unwilling to play Reach.
4 player splitscreen is an absolute joke. Upon getting up the ramp of the base in Hemorrhage, the sniper should NOT appear as 3 basic shapes. The drawing distances of vehicles/players is crazy... Totally ruined any game I played. It's quite possibly the most shocking thing I had witnessed.
Crazy offline Firefight bugs tonight too. Zeouterlimits and his gf want to play Firefight on Corvette. They spawn as elites with jetpacks and every single kill counted as a betrayal... Those settings could then not be changed.
Single player Halo Reach is the only way to go :/
Alienshogun said:They are also nerfing gruntpacolypse too, so if anyone wants to do that, they better get on it.
Net_Wrecker said:You won't find much of a difference in BTB. It's just SWAT, and Snipers on larger maps. I'm dying for some Big Team games, but I just can't subject myself to sit through another SWAT match. This playlist update can't come out soon enough.
Also, Oddball Dropshield camping is at an all time high. Literally EVERY match of Oddball I've played this week has had someone from both teams doing it, and it's getting more annoying by the second. The moment they remove that thing is the moment Team Objective becomes the undisputed best list in Reach, especially with Score Attack being toned down.
Metalic Sand said:The target locator check point trick should be credit bannable, If it already isnt.
They say using the target locator too much isnt so i assume it may not be.
TV's are large enough these days that it should be playableRamirez said:In the year 2010, playing split screen on any game is a joke.
Hydranockz said:TV's are large enough these days that it should be playablePlus we have 40 players here playing at one time, that really strains the player to tv ratio.
With the strains it has on performance, I can see why :/Papercuts said:I think he means most games don't even bother to even have splitscreen as an option anymore. It's dying out, sadly.
Two player runs great, both campaign and MP. I can see the differences and compromises they made, but I'd rather have them than not be able to play co-op with my daughter, for instance. I'm so glad Bungie is still doing spitscreen.Hydranockz said:With the strains it has on performance, I can see why :/
cuevas said:Can anyone please render this clip?
GhaleonEB said:A few questions for Forgers.
Does anyone know what the Respawn Zone, Weak and Respawn Zone, Anti do?
I think the plain old Respawn Zone will assign all Neutral Spawns to the Team assigned to the Respawn Zone, correct?
Edit: the required objects guide covers Respawn Zone, Anti. Not sure about the other, though.
GhaleonEB said:Two player runs great, both campaign and MP. I can see the differences and compromises they made, but I'd rather have them than not be able to play co-op with my daughter, for instance. I'm so glad Bungie is still doing spitscreen.
darthbob said:Done.
Ramirez said:In the year 2010, playing split screen on any game is a joke.