Ooh I’ll try that next run.You definitely can, but it needs to be on the inside of their mandibles, you can see it give off the weak point glow with the thermal scope.
Ooh I’ll try that next run.You definitely can, but it needs to be on the inside of their mandibles, you can see it give off the weak point glow with the thermal scope.
Yeah I had read about that in this thread.You're already past it so it's a bit late. But that boss is weak to golden eggs, yes, not a joke. Hitting him with a golden egg will cause a lot of damage.
Watch Leon Kennedy actor read Resident Evil 4 cheesy lines. We got everyone's favourite rookie cop, Leon S. Kennedy, voiced and mo-capped by actor Nick Apostolides, to perform cheesy and famous Resident Evil 4 quotes from the original RE4! From Leon screaming about his favourite helicopter pilot, to Saddler and his senior moment, and Salazar with his detachable right hand, here's Leon reading some of the most iconic RE4 cut dialogue. What are your favourite Resident Evil 4 Leon voice lines?
Isn’t there an auto sort function for the inventory? Do you prefer to sort them manually? Time between chapters doesn’t count.Question: I'm trying to finish the game as quick as possible. Inventory management can take quite a few moments from time to time. There is a option to manage your attache case between chapters. Does that time between chapters count towards your total playtime or only the time you really spend playing within a specific chapter?
I'm not sure how I feel about this fight either. I think it drags on a bit tbh, even unloading on his exposed face it feels like a bit too much rinse and repeat. Original might have been a bit annoying at times but it didn't outstay its welcome. Plus, you knew where the other Verdugo went.Well I beat Salazar after a couple tries. What a bitchy little fight that is. I'm not sure if this is more or less annoying than his fight in the original.
Anyway, onto the island!
I still wish they would go back and fix 3. Director's Cut, extended edition, anything. Redo the bosses and add Clock Tower, and make it more like the opening area where you get to explore rather than the corridors the game turns into.Just finished it and it was better than I thought it would be. Not perfect but probably the best remake so far. Just makes me feel more annoyed about the Resident Evil 3 Remake. Not that it was bad but rather so much of the content was cut. Resident Evil 4 shows what Capcom are capable of. I really hope this team makes the next remake, but I have a feeling it won't be.
That's weird, even excluding armoured head ones? I hope Capcom didn't really give different crit rates to different stages, that's unnecessary.Yeah I ran minimalist on Pro with the Silver Ghost for regular enemies, and Red 9 for tougher enemies and bosses. It's a good combo. Only thing I noticed about the SG crit chance is that it falls off at the Island. Enemies heads pop way less in that section of the game.
I still prefer the original for the VA performance, and oddly I like the mysterious dude from Leon's time skip that lets slip Umbrella's name, answering one question but asking more at the same time. Maybe because it was so unusual to see presentation like that.I appreciate how the voice actor for Krauser went for a totally different take. OG Krauser sounded like a cold blooded merc for hire, whereas the new Krauser sound far more unhinged, driven insane by his experiences. When I first heard his voice in the trailer I wasn't sold, but after seeing the type of character they were going for this time, I thought it was perfect.
It's not about the sorting, it's about managing the space. But if the time between chapters does not count, I'm good anyway.Isn’t there an auto sort function for the inventory? Do you prefer to sort them manually? Time between chapters doesn’t count.
have you tried not dying?I was recently made aware that Capcom still haven't fixed the issue from 2R where you not only can't continue from death, but you can't load from death if you want the timer to reset.
Shiiiiit, I didn't think of that.have you tried not dying?
Question: I'm trying to finish the game as quick as possible. Inventory management can take quite a few moments from time to time. There is a option to manage your attache case between chapters. Does that time between chapters count towards your total playtime or only the time you really spend playing within a specific chapter?
Typewriter pauses the time. So do your inventory management at the type writer storage.Question: I'm trying to finish the game as quick as possible. Inventory management can take quite a few moments from time to time. There is a option to manage your attache case between chapters. Does that time between chapters count towards your total playtime or only the time you really spend playing within a specific chapter?
You can always use spinels to buy gunpowder and pesetas to buy resources. Equip craft charms and save before crafting to ensure crafting bonus. Last resort kinda thing. Maybe even sell some weapons you don’t use.Man, that Harcore run is getting rough on the island. God damn it…. No… Ammo…
Can’t tell you how often I’ve run into new encounters with only a few bullets basically praying after every killed enemy he would drop some ammo…
you can ignore the no special weapons professional run now as the handcannon can be scored by S ranking mercenaries, very easy with platinum run going smoothly so far.
Just completed the following trophies in a single run -
* complete the game using only handguns and knifes
* collect all treasures on each map in a single playthrough
*do not talk to the merchant once
*kill the verdigo or whatever it was called. Missed this on my first run.
*complete the game in under 8 hours
5 trophies down.
Only have the difficulty run trophies to get now, and collect all guns (need the chicago sweeper from completing Professional mode with an A rank to unlock both those trophies).
Then the real challenge begins - get the S+ ranks on a new game with no special weapons etc and complete it within 7 hours for S rank. Fuck. This one will test my dinosaur hands.
throw a golden egg at himAny tips on beating Ramon? I'm stuck on him, first real trouble I've had. Never played the original so it's new to me.
Its just a dps boss fight. Shoot at him until he dies. Not much to it.Any tips on beating Ramon? I'm stuck on him, first real trouble I've had. Never played the original so it's new to me.
Edit: Currently have Striker, Red9, Stingray and Bolt Thrower.
Keep moving. The worst thing he does is a close range attack where he eats you alive, so you gotta hustle. But while you're moving, do your best to keep the camera on him because you need to know what he's doing and learn to recognize each move he does. Those gross plops he leaves everywhere can be shot to stop them hurting you but it's more important to see if Salazar is about spit acid at you than to watch out for them. You can dodge his projectiles using the stairs and other terrain, so when he does something like his big explode move, dodge behind a pillar and then unload on him while he's exposed for a little while afterwards.Any tips on beating Ramon? I'm stuck on him, first real trouble I've had. Never played the original so it's new to me.
Edit: Currently have Striker, Red9, Stingray and Bolt Thrower.
backtrack to the throne room for the golden egg. use it like a grenade on him for 75% damage in one hitAny tips on beating Ramon? I'm stuck on him, first real trouble I've had. Never played the original so it's new to me.
Edit: Currently have Striker, Red9, Stingray and Bolt Thrower.
hardcore S+ is way easier.AH FUCK. I'll admit it. I did buy the stupid tickets for my Hardcore S+ and Pro runs. Having an immediate infinite ammo Chicago Sweeper and Handcannon for 10$ was option. That I took cause why not?
I just slapped 6-7 mines on the spot where those hags with the chainsaws spawn in and they were dead right after the cutscene. You can do the same thing at most mini boss fights in the game making them trivial..hardcore S+ is way easier.
Pro S+ is manageable until you get to the cabin fight then the sisters fight and the mendez fight are just brutal due to lack of saves.
we can now pretend we all knew about this:
The problem with the mines strategy is that im way too cash starved on professional. Id have to upgrade the bolt gun and that takes away precious dollars from the handgun and shotty upgrades.I just slapped 6-7 mines on the spot where those hags with the chainsaws spawn in and they were dead right after the cutscene. You can do the same thing at most mini boss fights in the game making them trivial..
lol you poor man. I guess you didnt know about the heavy grenade trick.Wrecking ball sequence was rage inducing. I am not an aggressive man but at one point I was almost at the point to shatter my controller. How fuck… Only at the end I realized it is timed indeed.
Everyone doing this trash: Keep one of the enemies alive and wait until Ashley smashes the wall. Killing everyone makes it 10 times harder.
I don’t exploit the game’s fault. I mean, I don’t even use the autosave feature right you poor man. I guess you didnt know about the heavy grenade trick.
throw 2 at the wall and ashley takes it down in one hit.
on a handgun only run, it was hard as hell even on assisted.
it's not an exploit though. you use these shortcuts on several different occasions. it encourages and rewards out of the box thinking.I don’t exploit the game’s fault. I mean, I don’t even use the autosave feature right now.
Have to complete the game on Hardcore legit at least once, even if it makes me rage. Why?
I feel like I’m rushing, not collecting stuff and am still struggling with time. I’m at 4:45:00 and just got Ashly back. I might need to resort to the glitched door to bypass the wrecking ball.
we can now pretend we all knew about this: