Touch fuzZy. get BizZay
platinumed without noticing lolnobody has to pretend, everyone knew this
I just dark souls dat shit
platinumed without noticing lolnobody has to pretend, everyone knew this
It is doable, I did it in an hour, but I found it really hard. You gotta avoid fighting to save time where possible and run past dudes. Running through a group, getting grabbed and shaking a bad guy off is better than wasting precious minutes killing the group when you are strapped for time. Since rocket launchers are so expensive I would just get a rocket launcher for saddler, you shouldn't be rich enough to buy them for both, which means Krauser will need about 18-22 mins of your time in chapter 14. You can make that chapter shorter by using the gate glitch, if not you need to craft lots of heavy and flash grenades, you will only need about 1 heavy grenade with the gate glitch, as you use heavys to shorten the wrecking ball area which will be completely skipped if you do the gate glitch. You want as many flash grenades as possible though, the more you have the faster/easier you can do it.I’m in a Professional S+ run and I just got to the island. My clock says 4:30:39
Is it doable? I purchased a rocket launcher to beat the little bro. Can I buy more for the last two boss fights?
Nahh, I think getting S+ on a first run would be awful, because you should be taking your time and enjoying the game and learning its mechanics. I got B on my first run too. You only get S+ by knowing the game already and deliberately going through it at top speed without taking time to stop and smell the roses.Finally finished my first on Standard. Felt proud of my ‘B’ rank until I saw post after post of S+ ranks… guess I lost track of time in the shooting range.
Such a fantastic remake. Already looking forward to another run on Hardcore, and probably gonna do a little achievement hunting next.
Nahh, I think getting S+ on a first run would be awful, because you should be taking your time and enjoying the game and learning its mechanics. I got B on my first run too. You only get S+ by knowing the game already and deliberately going through it at top speed without taking time to stop and smell the roses.
we can now pretend we all knew about this:
Surprised no one mentioned this. Crowbcat's RE4 video:
Real shit take imo, I think most agree.
It has it's own thread. I think most agree that the title itself is a shit take. Even people who agree with some of the comparisons made in the video think "Soulless" is bullshit. my bad, I swear I looked and didn't see it.
In fact can you point me in the direction? couldn't find it searching for crowbcat or resident.
which is why I never noticed it beating the game 5 times. It's literally a visual indicator of the whole parry window, sounds rather useful when getting ganked on professional.What a pointless clickbait
I mean, is there anyone here who haven't played Sekiro and can't parry enemy/boss attacks like a motherfucker in any games since without on screen prompts? If someone haven't learn how to do it yet, Sekiro will teach you how to do it the hard way and will imprint it into your brain forever.
I’m nervous as fuck right now. I’m at 5:20:29 and have 1:35 on the timer until the island explodes. My last save was right before Mike gets killed.
I’ve done it like 10 times. But never at these stakes, lol. I’ve already gotten the trophy for not taking any damage on the jet ski in the past. Just my nerves, and tired, and sick.The jetski is easy, you got it!
1: 30 is plenty of time, you don't need to keep the accelerator pressed down, slow down for the obstacles and rocks. You're golden!
I’ve done it like 10 times. But never at these stakes, lol.
Nevermind that the dude lowered the volume on the remakes clips to make it seem muted.It has it's own thread. I think most agree that the title itself is a shit take. Even people who agree with some of the comparisons made in the video think "Soulless" is bullshit.
Done. Zero damage too. Professional S+ is done!Since you mentioned last save before Mike, I'm assuming this is for the Professional S+ run ?
I'm sure you'll be fine.
Don't open this spoiler until you beat the game.
I died at the jet ski in my Pro runs ending and had to redo the last chapter again lol
Yeah, but... why would you look at the parry indicator which is at the low right corner of the screen, when you need to look at the enemy and parry at the right time? I mean, it's not that hard and actually very easy to parry in this game no matter which difficulty level you're playing on and you don't need any indicators to help you.It's literally a visual indicator of the whole parry window
Shit, I'm relieved for you. When I saw the posts getting closer and got to the jetski one I was anxious to find out even though I knew you'd be fineDone. Zero damage too. Professional S+ is done!
Capcom is still a very Japanese company. They tend to exaggerate sounds from humans. Listen to Leon when he aims a pistol. You’d think he’s lifting 75 lbs.I just finished Chapter 6. I was really enjoying it until this chapter. Ashley's breathing is so loud and non-stop. It's incredibly annoying.
I also really, really hate having her follow me around. I didn't like it in the original and I like it even less here.
Hopefully I can just get used to it and go back to enjoying the game.
Oh, trust me, I've definitely noticed that too. But at least it's intermittent. Her breathing is incessant.Capcom is still a very Japanese company. They tend to exaggerate sounds from humans. Listen to Leon when he aims a pistol. You’d think he’s lifting 75 lbs.
You can but Matilda is a massive ammo suck, it might be good to use a different pistol normally and use matilda on bossesI’m just glad that I can now clean up the smaller challenges with infinite ammo.
For pistol/knife run, can I use the Matilda+Stock?
Also, what areas are they talking about that you can use something else? Are they talking about cannons and turrets?
I got infinite ammo, thanks to the cat ears.You can but Matilda is a massive ammo suck, it might be good to use a different pistol normally and use matilda on bosses
Also good to shoot guys who are running in the foot so they fall down and then u can knife them in the head for a one bullet kill since pistol ammo can become scarce when it's all you have
you can't use eggs or grenades, but shooting explosive barrels, using cannons, harpoons and turrets are all fine
then it will be a very smooth trophy runI got infinite ammo, thanks to the cat ears.
I got infinite ammo, thanks to the cat ears.
100%'d on Steam, completed all challenges, unlocked all bonus shop content--even the Rhinoceros Beetle model, which was the very last thing to unlock for me.
Great game. Most fun I've had playing in a looooong time.
I ended up just running back to the merchant before walking into the boss fight and sold one of my weapons to buy RPG. Literally, the one shot with the RPG at the very start kills him straight away. I've killed Krauser already and on chapter 15 now. Have not had time to play much last few days.Keep moving. The worst thing he does is a close range attack where he eats you alive, so you gotta hustle. But while you're moving, do your best to keep the camera on him because you need to know what he's doing and learn to recognize each move he does. Those gross plops he leaves everywhere can be shot to stop them hurting you but it's more important to see if Salazar is about spit acid at you than to watch out for them. You can dodge his projectiles using the stairs and other terrain, so when he does something like his big explode move, dodge behind a pillar and then unload on him while he's exposed for a little while afterwards.
As people are saying, the golden egg makes this fight easy and if you are getting frustrated, it's worth going back to an earlier save file to get it. If you really don't have access to it and you're struggling, based on the loadout you described I'd say try to unload some really good stingray blasts at his exposed weakpoint at the very start of the fight to get ahead. By starting strong like that you should be able to fudge your way to victory as long as you don't stand still and get eaten. If you don't get off good shots you can load the auto-save from just before the fight until you do. You can throw grenades in his mouth as well and get a trophy for it.
Ada, Wesker and the fourth map The Docks for Mercenaries are already in the data. So I don't think it will be a long wait, really.Finished Hardcore playthrough and haven't even sold a single treasure to the merchant and without buying rocket launchers (which are essentially a cheat). Ended up with 1,2 mil in cash at the end (could've been more, but upgrading TMP to the max was a must to beat mutated Krauser at the arena before he even jumped in the air for AOE attack). I think 2 playthroughs is enough for now, will wait for Ada's campaign (next year?).![]()
Well, they've said that Ada's campaign will be bigger this time - original was 3-4 hours long, so it can take more time to develop. I'll be glad to buy and play Separate Ways this year though, but tbh I had enough of RE4 for this yearAda, Wesker and the fourth map The Docks for Mercenaries are already in the data. So I don't think it will be a long wait, really.
I have purchased this game for these platforms
-Oculus Quest 2
I can't bring myself to pay near full price for it again. I do understand it's a remake but still I can't do it. Once the game hits around $30 I will buy it.
You definitely did not purchase this game for those platforms.I have purchased this game for these platforms
So far it’s been a cake walk.then it will be a very smooth trophy run
I think a good improvement for me would be RE3R/Village style point progression. Like challenges that lets you accumulate points for new game plus goodies.
The original is nice and all but most of it is just accumulating money or finishing side stories like Separate Ways. I dislike that the Handcannon is locked by 5 starring everyone in mercenaries as well. I love mercenaries but I don‘t particularly like main campaign stuff being locked behind a bonus mode. Keep them exclusive with each other.
I would love more costumes but please lock the mafia/knight costume from new game. Professional mode is like 50% easier when you use that combo costume in a new game. Make it only usable in new game plus. Also please allow us to go straight to professional mode without beating normal mode which unlocks the aforementioned costumes.
Some stuff I wish would return or just allude to them retconning or making the sequels canon is the OG RE3 style epilogue bits just to make replaying more worth it. Like maybe even add epilogue stuff for Hunnigan, Ada, Ashley, Wesker, and maybe even HUNK since he’s there at mercenaries mode.
Other small stuff like rebalancing the mine thrower since I think it’s pretty useless. The best thing you can do with it is buy it so you can sell its expensive ammo and never use it. Matilda as well since for a new game plus unlock, it honestly has worse bullet economy and you can’t even make it have infinite bullets for such a resource hog.
Not sure if it’s good or bad but I like having the armored vest upgrade. It isn’t available in Professional difficulty because it makes it easier but maybe allow us to keep the look. I think it looks great visually so I’m bummed out I can’t use it on higher difficulty. Maybe allow it to be an unlockable costume instead?
Some other minor stuff that’s more like nitpicks for me is the camera I guess. Sometimes it’s too close and sometimes it’s so far back. It honestly depends on the enemy type in that area like it pulls back out if you’re like fighting an El Gigante and closer for just ganados or something but I would love a more consistent camera distance.
Those are the stuff at the top of my head.
Fucking furries everywhere...I got infinite ammo, thanks to the cat ears.
Yes. Everything carries over even the items in your inventory and their placements, tickets, spinels and peseta. The only thing that doesn't carry over are key items.Inquiry
Do your pesetas and treasures carry over in NG+ I've been pretty thorough but I'm missing lots of emeralds and shit =/
Yes. Everything carries over even the items in your inventory and their placements, tickets, spinels and peseta. The only thing that doesn't carry over are key items.